Page 38 of Saviour

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“Good morning, Miss Shaw.” She smiles and I give her an eye roll.

“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Rori?” I laugh and she chuckles, swatting me on the leg with a tea towel.

“How are you today?”

I smile at her as I grab a croissant from the middle of the kitchen island.

“Today I feel good,” I reply, ripping the pastry apart and popping a piece in my mouth.

I always choose to eat here in the kitchen instead of the dining room. I never want to chance eating with Carlo. I couldn’t think of anything worse.

“Good, hunny. You have a good day now,” she replies, tapping me on the shoulder before retreating for the door.

“Maria?” I say before she leaves the room.

She turns slowly, a sad expression on her face like she already knows what I’m going to say.

“How are you today?”

She gives me a sad smile and shrugs one shoulder.

“Each new day feels worse.”

She nods and then leaves, a tear escaping her eye before she can wipe it away. Dax told me that Maria is Puck’s mother and I cannot imagine the pain she’s going through not knowing where her son is and if she’s ever going to see him again.

I’m swimming in guilt knowing I am partly the reason Maria isn’t getting her son back. Who am I to take that away from her?

Losing my appetite, I bin the ripped apart croissant, cursing myself as I do because I know that only a month ago, I would’ve killed for a mouthful of pastry.

I decide to head outside to clear my head when I walk past Carlo’s open study door to find Dax inside rummaging around in drawers.

“What are you doing?” I question quietly, hoping no one is around.

He jumps and blows out a breath of relief when he sees it’s me, but I furrow my brows in confusion.

“Dax, seriously, what the fuck are you doing?”

“Give me two minutes and I’ll explain everything.”

I continue to watch him and my surroundings to make sure no one comes when he slams a drawer shut and curses. He grabs my hand and runs with me to his bedroom, shutting the door behind us, then leading us into his bathroom and turning on the shower.

I still haven’t been in Dax’s room yet, but I have no chance to look around before Dax is leaning into me, his mouth right up against my ear.

“I might have a lead on King and Puck,” he says quietly and I go to reply when he puts a hand over my mouth.

He lifts a finger to his lips, shushing me before leaning back in.

“Don’t talk loudly. That’s why the shower is running. I don’t want to risk anything.”

Well, that makes sense.

“I have a guy who has some information. He’s going to a prison that we’ve recently found out about and he’s going to see if they’re there.”

My first instinct is to shout at him not to do it, to drop the lead and ignore it, but I know that would be suspicious, so I go with something else instead.

“So, what were you doing in Carlo’s office?”

“I was just trying to see if there was anything else I could find that could help. But this is the first step in six months, Birdie. We might finally get them back. God, I can’t wait for you to meet King!”
