Page 85 of Saviour

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Rori has a fistful of Casper’s hair in a solid grip and Casper’s fingers fall from Theo’s neck. Theo reaches for a gun and aims it at the forehead placed in front of her by Rori, and she wastes no seconds, firing a bullet through his brain.

Rori lets Casper’s head go and just before he falls on top of Theo, she kicks him so hard, his lifeless body flops to the side.

Me and King run to them, cutting the ropes that were keeping Theo attached to the heavy chair as Theo gasps for breath.

“You okay?” Rori says awkwardly, knowing she’s far from okay, but reaching out a hand to help her stand.

The room is small and dark. Edison Ramon lies unconscious on the ground at the door whilst Casper and Kennedy, Theo’s dad, lie in a pool of blood. I have no idea what the fuck has happened and I’ll need King to catch me up, but they’re both all right and so is my girl.

And it's at this moment that I realise Rori was right, like she always is. The district leaders have changed, and it’s about damn time everyone knew that.

The dress hugs my figure perfectly and I look at myself in the mirror, admiring my appearance. The bodice is a thin blush material, bringing subtle colour to the dress, whilst beautiful white lace detailing drapes the whole skirt and train, pooling at my feet.

The top half is layers of lace that weave in and out of each other like leaves and vines, tight against my chest. I brush my fingers over the detailing and turn to look as the vines travel lower behind, leaving it backless.

My makeup is done to perfection, and I’ve never seen my face look so radiant. I’ve never been a big makeup girl, but I love how beautiful it makes me feel. My hair is plaited into a thick plait down my back, silver flowers dotted in the waves of silver hair.

I never thought getting married would be something I’d experience. Maxwell never left hope for a life outside of him, but since I found Dax, each day has given me new hope.

And here I stand, in front of a mirror in the most beautiful dress, feeling the most beautiful I ever have in my life, and it’s because I’m finally going to marry him.

After we found King and Theo in that basement a few months ago, we didn’t want to waste a single second. Dax refused to go any longer without giving me his last name. He told me to give him three months to plan the most beautiful wedding and then I’d be his, forever.

Theo has been a rock to me. I’ve been helping her through her trauma and she’s even helped me with mine. I thought I was over what happened to me all those years ago, but some days they still come back to haunt me. And it’s been nice to have female company with it.

There’s still no sign of a ring on Theo’s finger. I think King is dealing with his guilt and regret over what happened, even though none of it was his fault. It turns out Kennedy Harlow was going to sell his daughter to Casper. It also turns out Casper was King’s biological father, not that bastard Carlo.

It’s all very fucked-up and I don’t know how four people with so many issues managed to find each other, but we’ve been working through it. Edison woke up from his hit to the head not long after we’d returned to the mansion. Theo and King decided the best thing for him was to throw him in the District prison.

A knock at the door stirs me from my thoughts and I look up to see Theo standing in the doorway in a gorgeous deep green dress. It flows elegantly to the floor and ties over one shoulder. Her dark hair is pulled up into a side bun, curled frays dancing around it, giving it a messy but beautiful look.

“You look mesmerising,” she says, tears brimming on her lashes, and I roll my eyes because if I get emotional with her, I’ll end up crying too.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me.” She laughs and it cuts the emotional barrier that was thickening. “You ready?”

I nod at her in the reflection of the mirror and taking a deep breath, turn to follow her out the door.

The car stops just outside of the forest clearing and I know instantly what he’s done, and my body refuses to correspond with my brain in letting me out of the car. Theo knows instantly and her smile is encouraging, holding her hand out to help me out of the car.

She links her arm through mine, leading me into the forest as “I Was Made For Loving You” by Madilyn Bailey plays. A white carpet now plasters the ground, making it stable, and I walk slowly in my white heels, praying I don’t fall. We turn the corner and the carpet leads onto the lake, where a wooden platform sits peacefully in the middle of the lake. A beautiful green-and-white arch bows in the middle and my man stands handsomely underneath it.

He’s wearing a black suit, with a crisp white shirt and a deep green tie, matching the colour of Theo’s dress. His blond hair is a mess of waves on top of his head and I can tell he’s been brushing his fingers through it in nerves.

As I emerge from behind a tree, Dax’s eyes lock onto mine and it’s like the world stops. His eyes fill with emotion and I can’t help but let the first tear slip past my lashes.

I cling onto Theo, walking through the trees, beautiful lanterns and fairy lights hanging between them, making the whole thing seem like something out of a fairy tale.

King stands on the bank of the lake, looking handsome in a suit and matching green tie, and I watch him greedily ogle Theo next to me. Emerson stands quietly near the back of the aisle and I smile a little at him and he nods, then throws Theo a grin.

Emerson was Theo’s bodyguard back when she was living with her father in the Second District. He taught her to train and he was pretty much her only friend. I also heard from Dax that he took her virginity, but I’ll be damned if I tell King that, otherwise he might murder him.

King never knew how Dax got that letter to him in the prison until after everything happened with King and Theo, and Dax told him about Emerson. Since then, he’s been around the house a lot more and has joined our security team. Even though we were both very sceptical of each other in the beginning, I’ve become quite fond of him.

Maria stands on the other side, her smile beaming brightly at the both of us.

I’m sad I never got to meet Puck and it hurts every day knowing that Dax, King, and even Theo, and Maria, have to live with the burden that he’s gone and not coming back. But it brings everyone peace knowing he’s with his Bonnie and their baby.

But what makes my heart burst are the two beautiful swans and nine tiny cygnets, swimming peacefully around the platform Dax adorns. Recently when I came to the lake, the swan that used to swim here alone, now has a family of her own.
