Page 87 of Seductive Sadist

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“He won’t fuck with you guys or Red Ladro if he knows he’s got something big like his empire to lose. But we need him in play for a little longer if we want to get close to Branko. He’s elusive as fuck and like a chameleon. You never know when he’s even close. We need Van Dyne and Stepanov to lead us to Branko, and with Tyson’s history, we didn’t need Skyla to put Van Dyne in a corner. He and Step will keep working with Branko, and we’re gonna find the bastard and end him once and for all.”

I keep my mouth shut about everything Val told me because there’s more behind Alek’s words that he doesn’t want to divulge. I’m not about to fuck over my sister by spewing a whole lot of accusations at him.

The smell of burning fabric stings my nose, a harsh reminder of what Alek is capable of if you ever speak out against him. My brother-in-law Konstantin can second that since Alek practically burned a hole in his hand when he mouthed off.

But fuck that. Now that we handled Van Dyne, there’s something else I need to say.

And do.

As if he just read my mind, Alek turns to me with a cool-eyed stare. “You could have really fucking blown this thing wide open, Zak. You had a job to do and you ignored it.”

“Yeah. I did. Because it was a fucking stupid plan.”

“Jesus Christ,” Nik mutters, pressing a hand to his forehead.

“You told me to use Skyla as bait. If I’d have done that, she’d have been hurt, or worse. You know what Tyson is capable of. He fucking stabbed her in four places before I got there. Dangling her in front of him would have fucked us all over. He’d have gotten what he wanted, and we’d have been left holding our dicks in our hands.”

“Giving her up would have made him vulnerable. We could have hit him and ended all of this.”

“She could have gotten hit in the process.” I clench my fists and stand toe-to-toe with Alek.

“Sometimes that happens. It doesn’t mean you stray from your objective.”

“My objective has changed.” I turn to look at my brothers. “I’m out. No more car restorations. No more gun running. I never wanted this. I fell into it because my football career got crushed. I want to keep my construction business and grow that. Legitimately. And I want to be with Skyla. I lost her once, and I’m not gonna let it happen again.”

“You think it’s that easy?” Danil rolls his eyes. “You think the target on your back will disappear because you decide to break away? Come on, Z. I know you’re not that dumb.”

“She thinks I chose you guys over her. She’s afraid I’ll do it again. I need to convince her that I won’t.” I wave my arm around the room. “And you guys have no legs to stand on with this. All your fucked-up relationships began the same way, and you all chose the girls. Now it’s my turn.”

“We chose them but didn’t give up ourselves in the process.” Nik takes a pen off the top of Luka’s desk and spins it around his fingers.

“Last time I was really myself was when I was running into the end zone with a football under my arm. I haven’t known who the hell I really am for years. I finally feel like I’m getting back to being that guy when I’m around Skyla. I’m putting her first. And I love you guys, but I won’t be your bitch anymore. I’m gonna be my own boss.”

Luka’s lips lift. “You’ve thought this through?”

“Yup. It’s what I want. A second chance. Not the way I thought I’d get it, but life never goes according to plan, right?” I shrug. “I need her to know she’s it for me.”

“Pussy whipped.” Taras shakes his head. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

“You know you can’t just walk away, right? That’s not how this works,” Danil says.

“I’d never turn my back on you guys. You’ve always had mine. I just want to call my own shots now. It’s time. I’ve earned it.”

“Okay,” Luka says. “Maybe we can come up with a plan to get you what you want so you can have your pussy and eat it, too.”

I snicker. “Maybe. I’m open to negotiations. But right now, there’s somewhere I’ve gotta be. I have a hot date with some chocolate chip pancakes.”



Isink onto the soft white comforter on my bed, my shoulders slumping in utter defeat. The past couple of weeks have mercilessly torn the scab off the wound that cut me so deep years ago.

I can’t fight.

I need to fight.

It’s the only way for me to survive. I know that from past experience.
