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“Dad, pleeeeease.” She points at the work surrounding her. “I’m slaving away here!”

“Yes, I see that.” He snorts, as he gets up leaving us alone again.

She follows her dad with her eyes out of the room and peeks over the couch to make sure he’s not within earshot. “You’re only back in town because of me.” Her tone isn’t hopeful or judgmental, it’s even and I can’t tell what she wants to hear.

Enough of the games already.“Yes, Whitney. I’m back in town because I heard you were getting fucking married and I…”

“Waffles are ready!” I hear Michelle call from the kitchen and I let out a sigh of exasperation over being interrupted again.

“This is why I wanted to talk about this in private, where there was no chance of interruptions.” I lower my voice as I stand up. I reach my hand out for her and pull her to her feet, rubbing my thumb instinctively over her ring finger again. “I hate this here.”

“Well, I hate that you left me, so we’re even.” She snatches her hand out of my hand. “You didn’t ask me to wait for you, Jacob and I’m tired of you insinuating that I should have. You told me to move on, so that’s what I did.”

So, you know that “the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference” thing? Yeah, that’s been shot to hell,I think to myself as I all but stomp through the kitchen. I told myself I wouldn’t get worked up. I told myself that I could handle being around JP but clearly, I was wrong because his presence coupled with what had to have been a strong as fuck mimosa to already be feeling the effects of it, has me on edge. He’s baiting me and I’m over it. Like he wasn’t the one who ended things. And now suddenly I’m in the wrong for not waiting around pining for him for years?

He’s not saying you’re in the wrong, Whitney. He’s saying he understands but get rid of Parker.

Okay, so because now he’s ready and wants to be with me, I have to oblige? “How high?” That’s what he wants to hear?

No, he loves you and doesn’t want you making a mistake because you obviously still love him.

Obviously!? No, I don’t.

Ummm yes, do you see how good he looks? You know you want to sit on his face. Or his dick. Or both. Don’t you remember what comingduringsex feels like? You know it’s been a while.

Love and sex are two different things.

Okay, so you still love himANDyou still want to fuck him. Better?

“Honey, are you okay?” My mother breaks me of my thoughts thankfully because the back and forth going on in my head right now makes me want to scream.

“Yes. Yep. Great.” My voice sounds about three octaves higher than I usually sound and I feel like my heart is about to beat out of my chest. I let out a deep breath and my fingers go to my engagement ring and begin sliding it around.

“Are you sure?” She comes around the island and puts her hand on my cheek. “You’re flushed, how many drinks did you have?”

“One! I just… I’m stressed about my paper.” I swallow and she frowns before wrapping me in her arms.

“Well honey, don’t get yourself worked up. I am so proud of how well you’ve been doing.” She presses a kiss to my forehead before pointing at the breakfast she’d made. “But come eat some food, you can’t work on an empty stomach. I’m going to go take a shower,” she says before she heads out of the room. I know he’s staring at me and probably can tell I’m on the verge of a breakdown so I hope he can also feel the ‘don’t fucking talk to me’ vibes I’m shooting his way. I grab two of the fluffy waffles my mother made and put them on a plate. I’m still in the process of cutting them up when the container of syrup is slid in front of me. I look up and see the sadness all over his face.

“I’m sorry,” he says and I snap my head around the room to see if my dad is still around and notice that we’re alone, making me wonder just how long I was in my own world cutting my food.


“Making you mad… again. What can I do to make you less angry with me, Whitney? Do you want me to leave? Will that make it better? Please just tell me.” I look up at him and the sincerity radiates from his blue eyes. He gives me a sad smile making the skin wrinkle next to his eyes. Before I realize what I’m doing, I’ve wrapped my arms around him, pressing my face into his hard chest and breathing in his scent. He must seem shocked at first because he doesn’t hug me back right away, but after a second his arms wrap around me and I feel his cheek resting on the top of my head just like he always did.

“No. I don’t want you to leave.” I pull out of his grasp before I get too comfortable and one of my parents walk in and begin asking questions. “I want this to be… easier.” His hands are still on me but now he’s slowly dragging them down my arms before gripping my wrists. He squeezes them gently before dragging his thumb over them and letting them go and just that innocent touch has me affected.

I want him.My mind finally speaks what my body has been saying since I saw him yesterday.But I can’t have him.

“Whitney.” His voice is low and has a direct line of communication to the space between my legs. Memories of him calling me agood girlin that same voice while I rode him comes flooding back and I suddenly feel an overwhelmingneedto come.Like now.

Fuck. He STILL has that power?

I remember him telling me that he was going to condition me to need an orgasm with just the sound of his voice. It didn’t matter what he said, but the tone he used. A sexy low almost growl that apparentlystillspeaks to the most primal urges in me.

I back away slowly and grab my plate wanting to run from him and this space that’s suddenly way too small for the both of us to inhabit.Just avoid being alone with him. Stay with your parents. Nothing will happen if I stay around them.

Or better yet, why am I not going home?My subconscious snaps snarkily. I ignore it, because I’m not ready to answer that question.

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