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“But this allows me to take care of you.”

“Would I be selfish if I said I want you to come here?” My eyebrows raise in shock because she was so against me coming before. “I know I said I didn’t want you to… but… it’s different now that I’m here. And you’re there going on a date.”

I look over my shoulder to make sure no one slipped outside without me noticing. “Baby, it’s not a date.”

“Stop saying that!”

“Fine, it is. A date that will lead to nothing. Not a kiss, not a second date, nothing. A date as a favor to your mother. But if you want me to fly out there after the said date, just say the word.”

She lets out a sigh. “They said they don’t feel comfortable releasing him and clearing him to fly for a few days.”

My hands flex and ball into a fist and I grit my teeth in frustration. “I hate the thought of you being gone that long.”

“I can’t leave.”

“When are you going to tell him?”

“Not while he’s still in the hospital.”

“Why? He’s stable, he’s okay. He’s going to make a full recovery. Why are you prolonging the inevitable?”

“Isn’t that kind of in poor taste?”

“There are a few things we are doing that’s in poor taste, Whitney. I think choosing to be honest with him is the least of those.”

“But while he’s in the hospital?” The door opens behind me and I see Kevin staring at me. One eyebrow raised as he holds a beer out for me. He points at the phone in question. “Trey, I gotta go,” I say without another word before ending the call.

“Your super-secret phone call was to Trey?” He rolls his eyes. “Give me a break. You seeing someone?”

“It was Trey. It was about Chloe,” I say, not wanting to answer his question about whether I’m seeing someone and hoping he won’t press the subject. He sits down on the swinging bench on the porch.

“I don’t believe you but whatever, I have bigger problems. I’m worried about Whitney,”he says after a moment of silence and I’m immediately on high alert.

“Why?” I try to remain calm and not like I’m about to get in my car and drive to the airport.

“I don’t know. Parental instincts, I guess. Something’s going on with her and I can’t quite put my finger on it.” His eyes narrow. Eyes that remind me so much of Whitney. Mason and Whitney both have so many of Kevin’s features, it became the running joke that they couldn’t be Michelle’s children.

“Have you talked to her since she got to New York?”

“Once. Michelle put her on speaker. She sounds like she’s… holding her breath. Like she’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. I don’t like her being so far away either with no one with her. I’m kind of surprised Chloe didn’t go with her but she doesn’t really like Parker.” He laughs and I frown because I didn’t know that piece of information.

“She doesn’t?”

“I mean she’s team Whitney, you know that. So even if Whitney was dating Satan himself, Chloe would try forher, but no he’s not high on her list of favorite people.”

“You and Miche aren’t fans either, right? I know you were being diplomatic for Whitney’s sake yesterday but what’s the problem?”

“It’s just what I said. He’s aloof and quiet and standoffish. A little judgmental. I just don’t think they’re a good match. Mason has told him off a few times but you know Mase’s temper. None of us are huge fans, but he seems to make her happy so we are trying, you know?

“Mmmhm,” I say as I crack my beer and take a long sip.

“Especially after what happened three years ago.”

My blood runs cold hearing him reference what I assume to be the aftermath of our breakup. “Three years ago?”

“Yeah, you don’t remember?” He frowns and scratches his head as if he’s trying to recall the timeline and where I fall into it. “Oh no, I think you had just left for Mexico,” he says and I pray he doesn’t make the connection having said those words out loud for maybe the first time.

Hindsight being 20/20 and all.
