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I don’t say anything for the rest of the ride, letting her words sink in while also trying to rid those three words she said to Parker from my brain. I take the exit toward my house before turning down a busy street with a few restaurants.

“You want to get something to eat?” I ask her.

She nods. “Are you mad at me?”

I pull into a garage and put the car in park and rest my head against the headrest while letting out a sigh. “Of course not, Angel. But I’m not happy. I’m not happy about any of this. We’re right back where we were three years ago.”

“What do you mean?”

“Lying to everyone and sneaking around and I think that’s the problem I had with us all those years ago. And yes, much of that is my fault, for being too much of a pussy to tell your parents but now we’re older and we can’t move forward until we tell them.”

“I know.”

“And we can’t tell them because you want to tell Parker first and I get that. I do. I respect that. But telling him you love him is not preparing him for what’s coming. It’s not preparingyoufor what’s coming.” I turn to look at her and put my hand on her cheek and she presses her hand against it. “And no, it’s not particularly my favorite thing to hear you tell another man that you love him. It’s a bitter pill that he even exists at all.” I press my finger to her lips to stop her rebuttal. “And I know I didn’t ask you to wait for me. I know.”

She nods. “I love you, only you.” She pulls my hand away and leans across the console presenting her lips to me and I oblige, pressing my lips to hers. I kiss her with an intensity that makes me hard instantly. I kiss her the way my mouth makes love to her cunt, soft gentle strokes against her that leaves her panting when I pull away. Her brown eyes are bright when she pulls back and the tint in her cheeks leads me to believe that she’s wet all over again.

After dinner, I take her back to her house because she isn’t sure if Parker is monitoring the cameras and it would look odd if she didn’t go home at all. “This is why I suggested sex in the car,” she says as we pull up to her house. I’m not in the driveway, so hopefully out of sight of cameras.

“It doesn’t matter, you’ll be at my house within the hour.”

She nods just as her phone begins to ring again. This time her mother.

“Hey Mom,” she answers.

“You’re home?” I hear through the phone and I watch as Whitney winces slightly.

“Yeah, I just got here. How did you know?” She looks at me in question and I shake my head. She puts the phone on speakerphone for me to hear clearer.

“Your future mother-in-law called me.” She rolls her eyes just as annoyance washes over me. “Imagine my shock when she told me my daughter was on her way here and I had no idea that she was coming.”

“Uhh yeah, I really needed to go to class tomorrow.”

“I see. Honey, your father or I could have picked you up.”

“No need, I got an Uber.”

“Alright, well are you home now?”

She rubs her forehead and I can sense her irritation. “Ummm no.”

“Well, where are you? You said you got an Uber?”

I watch as she becomes panicked and I grab her hand, running my fingers over the skin in an attempt to calm her nerves. “I went home first. I went back out to get food.”

“I see. Well, I’m glad you’re back safely, sweetheart.” Almost thirty years of friendship with Whitney’s mother, allows me to hear all the things she didn’t say.Why didn’t you tell us you were coming home? You really couldn’t wait another day and fly back with Parker? How are you and Parker? Where exactly are you now? Is there anything you want to tell me?

She finishes the conversation and looks at me. “I hate lying to her. Lying to everyone about everything.” She shakes her head and lets out a deep sigh, twirling a lock of chestnut hair around her finger. “I’ve lied about so many things I don’t even know what the truth is anymore.” She looks up at me and I can see the defeat all over her. “The only thing I know for sure is that I love you.”

I brush my hand down her face, grazing her cheeks with my knuckles. “So maybe no doingthis,” I say, pointing between us, “while we sort everything out.”

Her eyes widen. “You mean…”

“Not breaking up, baby. I just mean so we don’t have to tell so many lies about our whereabouts and what we’re doing.”

She sighs and I can tell she’s not into the idea.That makes two of us, but I wasn’t about to sacrifice her inner peace for orgasms. Hers or mine.“You’re right. As much as it pains me to say it, maybe we shouldn’t.”

“After tonight,” I add and a smile finds her face.
