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“That was so hot.”

I let out a breath as I pull my pants up over my dick. I hadn’t pulled my shirt off in my haste to get inside of her so I’m fully dressed which is a stark contrast to her nakedness. “I can’t believe we did that.” My eyes zone in on the space between her legs which is glistening from our lovemaking and I want nothing more than to drag my tongue through her slit.

“You’re staring at my pussy.”

“Because I want a taste and I don’t want to run the risk of the scent lingering behind.” I bite my fist. “I’m going back downstairs. God knows how long I’ve been up here. Time seems to stop when I’m inside of you.” I cup her face and press a kiss to her lips. “I’ll be back with your pizza in a bit.”

I make my way into the hallway and I go into the guest room to see Chloe lying on the bed still watching television on her phone, swinging her feet behind her. Her eyes find mine and then drop to my hands. “You’re back with no pizza?” She whines.

“Just checking on you, that’s all.” I leave the door open so maybe they’ll assume I’ve been talking to Chloe or maybe both of them this whole time and not railing Whitney against the wall of my bedroom.

“I’m dying of hunger, Jacob!” I roll my eyes as I make my way out of the guest room and head downstairs. When I enter the living room, Trey is on his phone and Kevin is nowhere to be found.

Where have you been? he mouths and I wince and shake my head as if to saynot now.

No fucking way. With Kev here?He points toward the kitchen, and I scratch my beard before heading toward the kitchen. I’m almost to the kitchen when I see him in my office, looking at the cluster of pictures I have hanging on my wall. I have a brief moment of irrational panic that he’d somehow seen the pictures I have of Whitney on my computer, but not only is it in a very password protected folder, but my computer is also turned off.

“What are you doing in here?” I ask him as I push through the door.

“I remember this trip.” He points at the picture of me, him and Michelle in front of the Statue of Liberty.

“Do you?” I joke, because there are definitely pieces of this trip that are a blur. We’d gone to New York right after we graduated college and spent the week getting drunk and sightseeing. We’d met up with some friends from college but for the most part it was just the three of us. That’s how it was for so long.

“The Three Musketeers in New York.” He runs his hand over the frame. Kevin had proposed to Michelle our senior year and was planning to get married the following year. He’d already asked me to be their best man and I remember Michelle crying when she got drunk that it wasn’t fair that I couldn’t stand on her side too. “This trip was when Michelle and I decided to make you our first child’s godfather.”

Shit. He suspects something. Fuck.Fuck. Fuck.

“I can still remember her words clearly. ‘A baby is going to be the best part of you and me, and our friendship with Jacob is one of the best parts of us. He has to be our baby’s godfather.’”

“Kev—” I start and he turns his gaze to look at me.

“Is there something…” He puts a hand over his eyes. “Never mind. I’m fucking losing it. I’m going to head out.”

“You sure? I know you came over to hang out and then we didn’t even—”

“Yes, because my child is evidently in a crisis and ran to you.”He jokes but I can hear the hurt in his voice and maybe something else that he’s never used towards me.

“Kev, it’s not like that. She called me and I think she’s in shock.”

Tell him. Tell him. Tell him.

Words come out but they are different ones entirely. “But I was actually thinking I could come by tomorrow? Maybe in the afternoon?”

“You make plans to come to my house now? Usually, you just show up and let yourself in even if we’re not home.”Kevin stares at me incredulously.

“Sorry for asking?”

“You don’t usually ask.” This is the first time I don’t think I haven’t been able to get a read on Kevin. I can’t tell what he’s thinking. He’s quiet and it reminds me of a ticking time bomb. It’s faint and that quiet noise is the only warning you have that something’s about to explode.

Kisses down my neck and across my cheek rouse me out of a deep sleep and I’m pulled to a hard chest. I snuggle against it, as I’m straddling the faint line of sleep and awareness when I hear his words in my ear. “I love you so much.”

My head is fuzzy and I feel disoriented from the alcohol and I wonder how long I’ve been asleep after Chloe and I took back-to-back tequila shots in his guest room. I don’t know why I thought that was a good idea or why Chloe encouraged it. I had just broken up with my fiancé, I had made the somewhat reckless decision to come to my boyfriend’s house who also happened to be my parent’s best friend and then my father showed up. I felt like my life was spiraling out of control and although I had been the person who set all of these things in motion, I had no power to stop the course it was taking.


“Yes, baby?” He strokes my arm gently and I snuggle further into his arms.

