Page 24 of Keep Her Safe

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I swallow. “On?”

He shrugs. “What you want first.”

“First?” I whisper. “Touch me.” This whole time I’ve been here, through this entire erotic dance he hasn’t touched me once and I’m ready to jump out of my skin. “You never touch me.”

“There’s a reason for that.”

It’s as if his words click and suddenly, I’m wondering if Veronica’s theory isn’t totally off base. “Because you want to.”

His index finger starts at my wrist and drags up my arm to my shoulder leaving goosebumps in its wake. Then he takes another step closer so he’s right against me. My breasts are pressed against his torso and I angle my head to look up at him. His other hand finds my hip, tracing up before dragging his finger across my stomach, circling my navel lightly and I feel like I’d sell my soul to the devil in this moment to feel his hand drag over my pussy in the same way. His touch is so light, and yet, I’m hyper-aware of every place he’s touched in the past two minutes. “I can’t…touch you out there.” He motions towards the door and I nod in understanding.

“Can…I touch you?” He nods once and I run my hands up his torso and his chest, rubbing him with both hands. I drag my hands up his abs, feeling each one of the hard ridges. “I want to come…” My buzz is starting to wear off and my boldness leaves with it but the high of this space with Damian fuels me. I’m high on this and him and his scent and the way he’s looking at me and the fact that he’s still got his hand on my hip, gripping me tightly. “On your tongue.” And then I remember some men don’t do that and while Paxton did, it wasn’t that often.Certainly not as often as I did.I bite my lip but hold his gaze. “I mean…if you do that kind of thing.”

His eyes haven’t left mine as he raises his hand higher and rubs the skin just beneath my breast. “I do that kind of thing.”

Fuck. Me.

His hand drops from under my sweater and finds the waistband of my leggings. He pulls them gently before letting them snap against my skin and I whimper. “Damian, don’t tease me.”

“Oh? You mean the way you’ve been teasing me the past five years?”

A smile tugs at my lips at his playfulness. “I didn’t…think you noticed.”

His hands drag up the sides of my body, sliding up the slope of my neck and then his thumb drags across my bottom lip, dipping slightly into my mouth. “I fucking noticed, Shay.” His thumb falls from my lip and then his head is moving slowly towards mine. I reach up on my toes to meet him halfway and just before our lips touch, Damian’s phone beeps just as I hear the sound of a door slamming. It breaks the sensual haze we are in and we both snap our gazes towards the interruptions.

I hear the distant sound of Veronica yelling just as Damian pulls his phone from his pocket. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he growls, storming towards the door. I scurry behind him but he turns around to glare at me. “No.”

“What do you mean no?” I ask. “If something is wrong with Veronica…”

“You and I both know she and Derek just got into a drunken argument. So no, you do not need to go out there. You stay here,” he says and I can hear the implication.How would we explain this?

I watch from the window as Damian walks outside and Veronica looks at him, points at Derek, and makes a motion with her hands that is probably along the lines ofwe’re through.

For tonight,I automatically think and mentally curse my best friend and her fuck-buddy slash boyfriend for being on their usual bullshit and ruining everything Damian and I were working towards.Especially since they’ll be fine in two days, if not tomorrow.

Derek and Damian talk for a few moments before I see one of Derek’s security’s cars. He gets in and heads down my long driveway. I’m waiting for my phone to beep with a text from Veronica, and I suppose I should probably go back to the main house before she realizes I’m not there.

Damian comes back in and lets out a sigh. “Who knows what they’re even arguing about.” He waves me over. “Let’s go, I’ll walk you back.”


“No.” He pins me with a glare. “This…I let things get too far, and I’m sorry.” He clears his throat. “This is why I like to keep lines clear and I don’t drink and I certainly don’t need you here.” He points around the guesthouse.

“So that’s it? I understand that maybe with Veronica here it isn’t the best idea but…not…ever?”

He takes a deep breath and looks around the room avoiding my gaze. “No.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No, let’s go.” He stands at the open door waiting for me to leave.


“Shay,” he barks and I frown at the tone he’s taking with me. Especially after everything that’s transpired here. I feel humiliated and rejected, and his attitude towards me like this is all my fault is not helping. I move towards the door, my eyes narrowed at him because now I’m fucking pissed. He grabs my elbow, keeping me in place. “I’m sorry.” His tone is soft and they match his eyes that seem as sorrowful as his words.

I shut the door behind me and stand in front of it. “Don’t make me leave.”

He puts his hands over his eyes. “What are you going to do about Veronica?”

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