Page 94 of Keep Her Safe

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“Walking around, I think? I just texted her but she didn’t answer, her location says she’s here though.”

“She was in the bathroom and then something happened and I can’t get her or Kent on the phone. Please…go find her. She has an Airtag moving away from the premiere and I don’t know what to follow.”

I frown as I see it’s going towards a private airport. One that we’ve used several times.


“What?” Veronica says and I can hear a dull roar in the background. I hope that means she’s moving through the crowd. “I’m in the bathroom and she’s not here.”

“Could there be more than one?”

“I—I think there’s one down the hall. Damian, what’s going on?” I can hear the panic in her voice and I don’t think I can be the one to ease her fears.

“I can’t explain. Call me if you find her.”

I’m pretty sure she’s moving with her Airtag, so I begin towards the airport. If she’s with her phone, I at least know she’s still at the premiere, but if she gets on a plane and that tag loses a signal or dies, it’ll be harder for me to find her. Thank fuck, the traffic isn’t bad as I move away from the congestion around the premiere, and I continue moving through the streets. I text the rest of my team other than Kent who I hope hasn’t been hurt, and tell them to meet me at the airport before calling the police. I’m fairly certain it’s the same person who ran me off the road and after warning me to stand down, I end the call.

Stand down? Fuck that. Whoever has my girl is going the fuck down.

The airport isn’t that far and I know a back way, allowing me to arrive before whoever has the Airtag. I’m out of my car instantly, ignoring the pain slicing through me with every step, praying that each of those steps is another closer to Shay. I move towards the entrance, scanning my badge that allows me access when I bring her here. I see a private jet on the tarmac ready and I’m up the stairs to the plane. The jet is massive and I know it has to belong to a celebrity which has me convinced that Jeremy or maybe Paxton has to be behind this.

I see a bucket of champagne, two glasses, chocolate-covered strawberries, and two boxes with the wordCartieron the top and one looks like a ring box. I open it and my stomach rolls at the large diamond inside and then I see lights on the tarmac and Jeremy gets out of the front seat. I don’t see Shay and I have a dark thought that maybe she’s in the trunk. My heart is pounding so loud I can hear it in my ears and in all the years I’ve been a security I’ve never been so fucking terrifiedor uncertain.

Where is she?

He moves towards the plane and I draw my gun, knowing that I’m probably going to have to shoot him. I move into the bedroom at the back of the plane, leaving the sliding door cracked so I can see what the fuck he’s doing. I see him board the plane, drop off two duffel bags and take in his surroundings. He pops the champagne and pours two glasses before moving out of the plane again. I peek my head out of the door and watch him go back to the car where he pulls out an unconscious Shay and hefts her up to carry her in a fireman hold.


I curse myself for not shooting him when I had the chance because now Shay is in his arms and I can’t risk hitting her.

“Finally,” he says as he gets back on board the plane. “We’re alone.” She’s still unconscious and he sets her in a seat. “I really thought you were going to wake up. It’s okay though, we can still have fun, can’t we?” he says and I cock my gun just as he presses a kiss to her forehead.

“Over my dead body,” I growl at him and his eyes widen when he sees me. He reaches for something, but I’m faster, and I shoot him in the leg and then the arm.

“FUCK!” he screams as blood pours from both wounds. He goes down, but I know he’s not dead and I’m on the move instantly as I pick him up, holding his arms behind him and moving him off the plane. He’s moving in and out of consciousness murmuring something about Shay and killing me. I want nothing more than to go be with her, but I want to make sure this asshole is arrested first. My team is pulling up just as I make it to the bottom step and I yell at them to bring cuffs or a rope or something to subdue him and one of them tosses me the cuffs.

“He stabbed Kent at the premiere,” one of them tells me as I put the handcuffs around his wrists. “He’s going to be okay though.”

“You’ll never be good enough for her,” Jeremy spits out.

“Yeah, well you’ll never fucking have her,” I grit out before kicking him in the side. “Watch him. He did something to Shay. She’s unconscious,” I tell them, so they’ll send help up here as soon as they arrive.

The adrenaline is wearing off now that Jeremy is restrained and I know Shay is about to be in my arms, but it still knocks the wind out of me when I find Shay still passed out.

“Fuck,” I growl as I drop to my knees in front of where he laid her on the seats. I feel around her body, looking for any rips in her dress and I breathe a sigh of relief when I don’t feel anything. Her dress is floor length but it’s flowy, and I want to be sick at the thought that he touched her while she was unconscious. I lift her dress and I’m grateful to see her underwear intact and I just have to pray that nothing happened.

I should have killed him.I think regretfully.

I drop her dress and when I look out the window, I see the police have arrived. I turn back to Shay, just as she starts to stir, and I rub her forehead gently before pressing a kiss to her lips. “Wake up for me, baby, let me see those pretty brown eyes.” Her eyes flutter open slowly and her pupils look hazy and unfocused. “Hi, gorgeous.”

I ignore the incessant pings of her phone as we head back to her house the next morning. She spent the night in the hospital for observation which was just enough time for hundreds of paparazzi to set up outside in preparation for her exit. An exit that featured me carrying her to the car and then following in behind her.

Now, she’s sitting in my lap, her head resting on my shoulder and her nose pressed against my neck as we make our way to her house. She hasn’t said much since last night. She spoke to the doctor and they did a brief, minimally invasive pelvic exam just in case Jeremy had done something to her while she was unconscious. She’d squeezed my hand the whole time and breathed the deepest sigh of relief when she came back with the all-clear. I’d slept with her in her hospital bed, her small body pressed against mine, and I woke to her practically climbing on top of me in her sleep to get closer to me and away from whatever was scaring her in her nightmare.

“Are you coming in?” she asks, breaking me from my thoughts as we approach her house.

I shoot her a look. “What do you think?”
