Page 22 of Bearly Taken

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It was a warm autumn day that grew warmer as they progressed further in their hike. They turned back to their silly bantering back and forth, with Becca finding herself giggling more than she had in ages. Her stomach had begun to ache in the most magical way while they ascended the final hill to the place where they found their own private oasis.

Becca heard the waterfall as they approached, which brought their light-hearted conversation to a halt. She was the first to come upon it, feeling the dampness floating in the air, and a flow of calmness moved through her entire being. Becca stopped and gasped at the sight.

“My goodness,” she muttered. “This is beautiful.”

Rushes of cascading water tumbled from twelve feet up into a flowing stream, which was nearly the same shade as the lake beyond. The chirping of birds and accompanying wildlife sounds seemed to disappear, replaced by the serene dance of nature’s most precious resource.

There didn't seem to be anyone else in sight. The lake house was far more remote than she had anticipated. It was like their own private island.

She had turned to make a teasing comment about the fact that they were alone so often and was shocked into silence by the sight of Noah already half-naked. His muscles rippled under the faint sunlight that filtered through the canopies above. Becca stiffened when he began to remove his shorts.

“Let’s have some fun before people start showing up,” he said, positively cheery.

Becca nodded enthusiastically, then placed her knapsack down along the squishy soil near the stream. This wasn’t the first time they'd done this.

“You ready?” Noah asked.

Noah shifted into his bear form, which only took a fraction of a second. He stretched his jaw and let out a booming roar, and she could tell his bear was grateful to finally be free from the bindings of its human form. For a shifter, changing into their animal was a lot like taking off your shoes after a long day of walking. A kind of euphoric relief.

Noah ran past her like a big, hulking child and trotted directly into the stream. He caused a massive splash as he belly-flopped into the water, making Becca laugh and encouraging her to join him in the festivities.

They thrashed, splashed, played, and indulged in each other’s company. Becca felt childlike as they rolled around with one another in the shallow water, engaging in behavior that was so natural to animals and kids but was so often left abandoned on a shelf once adulthood came knocking. She liked that he showed his natural side to her.

She could feel her entire body, heart, and soul coming back to life as they forged their connection again. It had been cut off when he left, but the phantom love remained. All that was needed was a transfusion of commitment to merge them as one again.

Becca knew it was time for her to completely give in. Something in the water had cleansed her spirit of doubt, and all that was left was an enduring, aching love that she desperately needed to express.

So Becca stopped their play suddenly at the center of the stream. Noah did as well, sensing a change due to their cosmic weaving. She stared at him, urging him to shift.

Taking a chance, she peeled away her clothes, and all that was left was the delicacy of human skin. She was chilly, the tips of her rosy nipples feeling like they were being pricked with knives, but her belly was burning like a boiler. She stood in the stream, exposed, naked, and calm, her skin silky with beads of water trailing down her body.

Her entire being throbbed with meaning. She knew she was quite a sight, soaked in the water, her bust soft and supple, the silhouette of her curves that crested down to her mound like a glowing jewel. That was how she felt, staring at him, the man who had torn her world apart but who was the only one who could build it all back together.

Noah shifted into his incredibly cut human form, the water sluicing off the bulge of his cock. Water scaled down his body, sliding like pearls Becca was supremely jealous of.

When he spoke, his voice was a mere whisper. Becca felt powerful within her vulnerability and stark honesty.

“God, Becca, you are so fucking beautiful.”

Becca knew precisely what she wanted, and she wanted it right there and then. There was no more rationalizing it away. They were meant to be one. She spun around and crossed the stream slowly, cutting through the water with her naked body and brushing her fingertips over the surface. Noah’s eyes on her were like hot irons, which made her breath quicken and her pussy begin to cream.

The waterfall thundered as she neared its raging gush. She turned back to see that Noah was following her, his stone-cut body shining like a sculpture in the sunlight. He stopped a mere foot away from Becca, the rushing water splashing on her back.

She felt like a goddess peering up at him, her chest open, breasts free, and an endless loop of desire flowing up and down her body like a lightning storm. She needed them to clash, and she needed it right then and there.

“Are you sure you want this?” Noah boomed over the waterfall.

“I have never wanted anything more,” Becca yelled back. “I have missed you terribly, Noah. I never stopped wanting you. Now, show me how much you wantme.”

Noah obliged quickly. He nearly charged her, taking Becca by the waist, and pushed her through the hammering flow of the waterfall. They emerged into a damp cave, where he continued to guide her against the stone wall, pushing her pelvis against his cock. The second her nub touched him, she was a shaky mess.

“Oh, Noah,” she said, moving her hips in fervent circles.

He tipped her chin roughly up to his mouth and finally crushed her with it.

Becca let out a resounding moan. She turned into water and flowed with him, just as the waterfall did, veiling them within their own heavenly expression of long-lost passion.

