Page 32 of Bearly Taken

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“Yes," Noah agreed. "But maybe we'll come back or figure something out once this is all over with."

"That'd be nice," said Becca.

After making the bed with clean sheets, she pulled her luggage from the closet and hastily filled it. Thoughts of Dustin and his clan crossed her mind causing her fingers to work faster. What if his clan found them before they evacuated the cabin?

Becca's blood ran cold. Icy tendrils froze every nerve in her body, and she dropped the shirt in her hands. If Dustin so much as caught sight of her and Noah out here, secluded, there's no telling what might happen. They might …

Her heartbeat pounded inside her chest, and her senses returned. Becca gasped as each thought dawned, and she realized their danger. Her body shook even as she willed the fear to submission.

She swallowed hard, disregarding neatly packed clothes, and, instead, she raced to cram them into every crevice the luggage would afford, sparing only a small space for what remained of her toiletries.

Safety, or at least the temporary illusion of it, came once they were back on the road, moving fast with locked doors.

"So," Becca said, "what do we do about Dustin?"

Not taking his eyes off the road, Noah responded. "I need to meet with Lev to discuss things, but I must challenge him, Becca. I don't see any way around it."

Becca swallowed. "But what if he … what if …"

Noah reached over and covered her hand with his. "It'll be okay. I've been through this with him before, and I know what he's capable of."

"So, what do you want me to do?" she asked.

"I think it'd be best for you to stay with my family while I meet with Lev and take care of things," Noah replied. "They can protect you."

Becca nodded. "Do they know I'm coming?" Becca asked, concern in her tone with each word that tumbled from her lips.

Noah smiled. "Of course. I called them after I spoke with Lev. It’s been arranged."

They pulled into a dirt driveway dividing two tree lines, and followed it back. A log home nestled in the corner came into view. His parents sat on the porch and waved them in.

A few minutes later, they were saying their goodbyes. Noah wrapped his arms around her, cinching at her waist.

"Come back to me," she pleaded.

Noah smiled and traced a finger down her cheek. "I love you, Becca. I’ll return as soon as I can."

Becca nodded, afraid to say anything more. Afraid the lump in her throat might choke off her words again. Afraid the tears that threatened her burning eyes might spill.

She wished it didn't have to be this way, wished Dustin and his clan would move on or, better yet, cease to exist. But all the wishing in the world would not make it so. She knew that too. So, Dustin must be dealt with, and Noah must be the one to do it, or they'd never have peace.

One more kiss … perhaps their last … and Noah was on his way. She watched until his truck disappeared from view.



Leaving Becca felt a lot like having to tear off a piece of his flesh. His bear had been clawing at him the entire time since he left. Not only had their romantic getaway been cut short, but a looming threat had been placed over their heads. The same one that had broken Becca’s heart and trust in the first place.

He had to approach the problem differently. Despite the urge to flee with his mate the way he had with his brother all those years ago, he kept his head on and pursued the more rational, practical road, with Lev and his clan’s encouragement, of course.

After dropping Becca off with his parents, Noah and Lev made a plan to seek out Dustin and try to unfurl the motivations behind his irrevocable desire for vengeance. Noah had beaten him fair and square in the eyes of the shifter community when the tragedy of the accident struck. Dustin hadn’t accepted the consequences and had put too much time and energy into fantasizing about his and Becca’s death.

It was an eye-for-an-eye kind of revenge he was seeking. Noah had met many bloodthirsty shifters in his time, but even they were able to accept rulings of an official fight and let go once time plodded on.

Yet, Dustin’s vendetta hadn’t shrunk in the slightest. It had grown, swollen like a festering wound.

He tried to let go of his worry about Becca as he, Lev, Chris, and another enforcer named Simon traveled to the next town over to visit a known shifter bar. Shifters could be a lot like female humans at a salon when it came to gossip; their disapproval would pour out as steadily as the booze they guzzled down disproportionately. Noah hoped that they were making the right decision and not placing themselves in the line of fire too early.

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