Page 37 of Bearly Taken

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Becca had no clue what was going to come out of her mouth before she said it. All she knew was that she needed to say it, and they both responded innately, their bodies jostling in sexy quietness as their separate orgasms cascaded.

“Fuck,” Noah grunted, his teeth sinking into her shoulder.

“Yes!” Becca was able to whisper before her eyes rolled back.

She was lost again, up in the ether, seeing bright stars in front of her eyes as they swayed together, relishing in the bliss of their physical forms. Becca pressed her face into the pillow to keep from crying out his name, the climax too robust to contain.

Eventually, they slowed, turning into a messy pile of limbs and panting breaths. The brush of the cool air against their nude, damp bodies was positively angelic.

“Damn, Becca. You are amazing. Really. I can’t believe I ever left you. What a tool I am.”

Becca was caught off guard by the abuse in his voice and rolled over to face him. She could see the outline of his face in the dark as she leaned on her elbow, still breathing heavily from the abrupt and enchanting physical act.

“Baby, you have to forgive yourself,” she puffed out between breaths. “Because I forgive you. It’s gone now. All we have left is the future.”

Becca could have sworn she saw sparks fly in Noah’s eyes. He shuffled closer to her on the small twin bed and gripped her ass to pull her in even more.

“You really forgive me?” he breathed.

He was vulnerable and delicate, just like the sexpot she assumed he envisioned her as. She smiled at him and brushed the hair out of his eyes.

“I thought that was implied,” she jested, kissing his nose. “I’m in this for the long haul, Noah. I love you, and I trust you.”

The words were tattooed on her soul, and they would be until the end of time.



The bed that Noah and Becca were sharing was small, but it didn’t matter. He loved feeling her naked form curl into him. She was warm and sleek, as sweet as a lamb from their spontaneous lovemaking, and dozed off immediately after climaxing.

Noah was surprised to find that he, too, fell off into a slumber rather quickly and was only woken up by the comforting clink of pans and dishes coming from the kitchen. For a brief moment, all was well and peaceful. The chime of Becca’s giggle as she helped with breakfast was the salve to any and every wound that Noah could ever be inflicted with.

He rolled onto his back and stretched his tight limbs, letting out a small growl. His legs hung off the end of the bed like long branches, a comical image that tickled the kid in him.

But then reality set in like an old, broken bone, sitting heavy and numb at the center of his chest. Noah stared at the ceiling of his childhood bedroom, listening to the music of life whispering through the halls like a symphony. It was everything he had ever wanted. He was brimming with gratitude that made his throat thicken and his eyes blur with joyous tears.

It was all far too precious to him to lose any of it. Noah rolled into a seated position on the side of the bed, letting his head hang like an exhausted marionette.

He felt in his bones that the fight would happen this very day. If everything his clan members had said about Dustin was true, then the alpha would be on his doorstep just after morning light. Psychopaths could be trusted to behave in one way and one way only … that psychotic way.

Noah rose from the bed and retrieved the clothes he had peeled off the night before. He had felt sullied in them, nearly tearing them to pieces the second he’d crept in to find Becca had disrobed as well. She must have smelled him in the air, knowing that her skin against his was the sanctuary he required.

Once he dressed, he put on a brave face for Becca and his parents, along with the rest of Lev’s clan. The other clan needed an alpha who was courageous and dedicated, not a crestfallen, lovelorn poet. But the second he cracked the door open to greet his family with the mask of assurance he had briefly summoned, Becca wrapped her arms around him.

“It’s today, isn’t it?” she whispered.

Noah’s heart sank. Who was he kidding? There was no way he could keep anything from Becca. They were mates and were eternally tied together with one long, glowing string of empathic emotion and intuition.

He stroked her hair tenderly, settling his chin on her lovely head.

“Yes. You can feel it, too, can’t you?”

Becca nodded to him. They stood in the dingy hallway for a moment, feeling each other’s hopes and fears in an infinite loop. Neither wanted to alarm his parents. But they knew the rules of the game as well as he did.


A sonically incomprehensible shriek was heard just outside the house, accompanied by a crazed cackle. Noah and Becca froze for a moment, then Noah tried to pull himself from the comfort of Becca’s arms.
