Page 40 of Bearly Taken

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The healer, an older gentleman, gave her a smile. "He's going to be okay. He's a strong fighter."

She knew he was, but seeing him in such a battered state scared her. She could have lost him so quickly. He could have died, and she would never know if he had heard her last words.

Tears built, and she forced them back. Noah was alive, and she had nothing to cry about. She needed to stay strong.

She exhaled slowly and tightened her grip on his hand. He was healing already and would wake up soon. She just had to be patient and wait. Her mind was a mess as the time slipped by. She wondered if he would still want her after all of this. She wondered if he'd want her to leave now that he was supposed to be the alpha.

She wanted to stay. Seeing him on the verge of death made her realize she never wanted to live without him again.

The sun had set, and the healer gave her a smile. "You will want to sleep when you can. He will wake when he is ready. I've done everything I can."

She thanked him for the tenth time before he slipped out, leaving them alone. Her body hung on its last thread. She rubbed at her eyes, tired herself. But she wasn't sleeping until she knew Noah was okay.

She looked outside the window from her chair beside the bed, taking in the full moon. A chill ran down her spine. Just then, Noah's hand squeezed back.

She looked at him, and he was staring at her. His eyes looked sleepy, but they were open. He gave her a lazy smile. "How long have I been out?" he asked with a sigh.

She blinked away tears, beaming with happiness. She leaned closer, wrapping both her hands around his. "Most of the day. You had me worried."

He nodded, inhaling. He winced slightly, but they both knew he would eventually heal completely. It would just take time.

"I love you," she said, licking her lips nervously. "And thank you for not dying. I don't know what I would have done with myself if you had died."

He started to laugh, holding onto his side. "You would have found another rugged, good-looking man."

She glared at him. "Not funny."

He smirked at her. "Dying was never part of the plan."

She knew that, but it was an end result that could have happened. A conclusion she prayed wouldn't come.

"I know, but still. Thank you."

His hand reached up and cupped her face. "No, sweetie, thank you. You were the reason I made it out of this. You were my lighthouse through the storm."

Her tears broke free. She'd tried keeping it together, but she couldn't. Her worry overflowed, and she started to sob. Noah pulled her close, kissing her head as she fell apart. He gave her a moment, just holding her in his arms. And she loved him even more for it.

After she collected herself, Noah and she settled into a more serious conversation.

He told her about his new duty as the alpha. They were both aware that moving forward, things were going to change for the better.

Noah would have to talk with the clan and settle everyone's nerves. He was a little concerned about how it would go. She knew he was going to be an amazing alpha. He handled things with care but knew when he needed to have a firm fist about a situation.

She tightened her hold on his hands, giving him a smile. "If anyone can do this, Noah, it's you." And she meant it.

All her heartbreak was gone, and she'd opened herself to him. She loved him with every fiber of her being and looked forward to their future.

He swallowed, his hand reaching up once more. He moved a strand of hair, pulling it behind her ear. "You have an out. I know this isn't something you signed up for. You don't have to stay."

"I'm not leaving," she said sternly. "I'm staying. I love you, and I don't care what title you hold."

This brought a smile to pull at his lips. He ran his hand over her cheek, his thumb stroking her lip. "I love you so much. I hope you know that."

He leaned forward and kissed her.

It was a gentle kiss before he groaned slightly in pain. She pulled back, giving him a motherly warning face. "Don't push it. You're still healing."

He reached his arm around her waist, pulling her back to him. "Worth it," he whispered, pulling her in for another kiss. This one was rougher than the first two.
