Page 37 of Midnight Trials

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Scott clears his throat to get my attention before speaking quietly. “Your father and the rest of your pack are coming over. Are you okay?”

I know what he’s really saying—pull yourself together before the others arrive. No one can know what Syn told me about the trials, because if it gets back to the council that we know what the next challenge is, it will have dire consequences.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, I force a smile onto my face and turn to greet my father, falling straight into his arms. His embrace feels tighter than usual tonight, and I find it difficult to pull away from him. He immediately notices something is wrong, but when he opens his mouth to ask, I shake my head ever so slightly. Something shifts in his eyes, but he understands and drops it.

Music starts from somewhere inside the hall, but this celebration is a lot more informal than the last, and I recognise a couple of dance tracks. Drinks are flowing and laughter and conversation fill the air, only it doesn’t quite hide the anxious undertone. I can’t help but notice that none of the champions are eating or drinking anything, a safe bet after last time.

My pack surrounds me, and Joel’s pack joins us not long after. I see several of the single wolves from our pack dancing with them. At least the socialisation between the packs is a positive outcome of these trials. I dance with my father, Joel, Scott, and even the alpha of my pack, and attempt to make the most of the occasion, but I feel a malevolent stare on me most of the night. Whenever I look around to see who it could be, I always end with the same people—either one of the masked councilmen, Alpha Bates, or the huge unknown male. Each time I glance their way, they seem to be watching me, and my sense of dread just continues to grow.

I’ve not seen Syn all night, despite being able to feel him somewhere nearby. He’s probably blending in with the shadow and listening into the conversations of other packs, spying for the council.

I’m involved in a lively conversation between Selena and one of the pack mothers from Joel’s pack about the best way to train pups not to urinate indoors when my mate approaches me, clearing his throat to catch my attention. I glance up with an amused smile on my face, but it shifts into a questioning look at the expression Joel currently wears. He looks very much like he’s trying not to frown and maintain a professional mask, but I also don’t get the feeling that he suspects we’re in any danger.

“Mate, Alpha George would like a word with you.”

I’m unable to keep my surprise from my face as I glance at the male standing behind Joel. I hadn’t paid him much attention before now, my focus on my mate, but that quickly changes. Why would he want to speak to me? I’ve never met the male before, and he’s not one of the competitors. Joel wouldn’t have let him anywhere near me if he suspected I was at risk from the other alpha.

At my nod, Joel steps to the side to allow the male through. The rest of my pack and the others gathered with us quieten and instinctively step closer so they are there should I need them.

The male is short in stature, but bulky in a way that might make you misjudge him, assuming that his bulk makes him slow. However, I can see his muscles bulging where his white shirt sleeves are rolled up. His hair was once dark but is now more grey than brown, and his face is weathered with age. Again, this might fool some, but I don’t miss his sharp blue eyes that catch everything. This one has been an alpha for some time, and there’s a reason behind that. I certainly won’t be misjudging him. Behind him are two males who look suspiciously like bodyguards, their suits neat and uniform. Neither of them look at me, obviously not gauging me as a threat.

“Laelia,” the alpha greets me warmly, holding out his hand for me to shake. I stare at it for a second before taking it, his hand warm and grip firm. “I’m Alpha George, from Black River Pack. We just wanted you to know that we fully support you.”

My brows shoot up, and I’m more surprised than ever, but I’m not about to interrupt him. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve his support, however, I’m not going to turn it down. We’re going to need all the help we can get to get us all out of this alive.

“We’ve been watching the actions of the council for a while but never had the guts to challenge them,” he continues. “Seeing you doing just that has given us courage.”

Sudden, horrified realisation hits me. They think I’m challenging the council?No, no, no, no.Where on earth did they get this idea from? If they think this, then it’s likely that others do too. If the council got wind of this, they’d dispatch me before I could even blink.

“Challenge the council?” My voice is tight and high with barely restrained panic, my eyes flicking around to see who might be listening. “Oh, no, I’m just trying to survive the trials.”

Even Scott looks concerned at this turn of events, which tells me just how dangerous this could be.

Alpha George gives me a conspiratorial smile and pats me on the shoulder. “We understand that’s what you’re telling everyone, but know that if things change, we have your back.”

The alpha exchanges a nod of respect with Joel and my father before turning away, his bodyguards following closely behind him.

I’m stunned. Slowly, I look up at the guys gathered around me who seem just as surprised as I am.

“Did I imagine that? What just happened?” I ask aloud, not really expecting anyone to answer.

Syn, however, who always likes to make an entrance, seems to materialise from the darkness of the corner of the hall, stalking towards me with a dangerous smile.

“That, my dear,” he purrs, stepping close and lifting my chin so our eyes meet, ignoring the warning growls of my friends and pack, “is called a rebellion, and it’s going to get you killed.”


His words ring in my ears, blocking out all other sound as I stare at him in a mixture of shock and rapture.A rebellion. Shit, is that what’s happening? My conversation with Alpha George replays in my mind, and his words about standing with me and challenging the council feel all the more serious. Sure, I knew what he was saying was dangerous before, but this gives it a whole new perspective. I don’t want to be at the head of a rebellion. Everything I’ve done since I got here was to survive challenges that I wanted nothing to do with.

Besides my shock, the other reason I don’t pull away is because I can’t seem to make myself move. He looks… different now. I can’t put my finger on it, but I’m assuming it’s because we discovered we’re mates. Physically, he’s the same, and I don’t know if it’s just something I see in his eyes or if it’s that little part of my soul that calls to his, but something’s changed. Even though our bond is muted, now that I know, I don’t know how I ever missed it before.

A body suddenly appears at my side, and I realise distantly that it’s Scott.

“Get the hell away from her,” he snarls menacingly. From the corner of my eye, I see his gaze is locked on where Syn is touching me, bristling that the other male would even dare to touch another’s mate.

However, I’m nothismate, so I’m a little surprised about how violently he’s reacting to this. He’s never acted so possessive over me in front of others before. The back and forth is starting to give me whiplash, especially given how he acted when things got intense in our training session earlier. Of course, Scott doesn’t know Synismy mate, or at least one of them. I couldn’t tell him while we were here, not when there were so many people around, but I do feel a twinge of guilt for keeping him in the dark.

All of a sudden, I become aware of everyone watching and assessing my reactions—or lack thereof.Shit. I curse myself for letting my bonds get the best of me. I’m supposed to be acting like Syn’s my enemy, or at least be wary around him given who he works for, yet here I am staring into his eyes like a love-struck fool. Thankfully, I think everyone reads my wide-eyed stare as fear rather than what it really is.
