Page 57 of Midnight Trials

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Star growls on the other side of the creature, its body separating us. Leaping forward, she sinks her teeth into the snake’s side, eliciting a roar from it. I’m given a reprieve as it jerks around to fight off my wolf. Making the most of the opening, I raise my dagger and used both hands to slam it down into its side. The muscle is thick and tough, and it takes all my strength to slice down.

It doesn’t do nearly the damage that I hoped it would though, the snake’s thick scales and tough muscle protecting it. My action only seems to have annoyed it, and when it rounds on me, its fangs gleaming in the light, I see anger in its eyes. Returning to ignoring my wolf, the snake locks its gaze on me, renewing its assault on me with vigour. Surging forward, it strikes again and again, causing me to stumble backward, and I lose my footing on the uneven ground.

With a cry that’s echoed by my father and the watching crowd, I fall to the ground with a thump, my eyes round with horror as the snake lunges down at me. I raise my arm to protect myself, my dagger glinting as I prepare for the pain. Only, it doesn’t come.

The snake’s fangs collide with the dagger and although my bones scream from the force of the blow, I just manage to hold it off. The creature’s rancid breath makes me want to retch, but I hold strong, my breath coming in exhausted pants. The snake pulls back with fury in its eyes as it readies to strike again. Something slithers around me, and I realise that while I wasn’t looking, its tail had been moving towards me, squeezing around me and fixing me in place. I gasp, seeing my death in its eyes. Star howls and attacks the creature, but it doesn’t care, not now that it has me.

Closing my eyes, I send a prayer to the goddess, thanking her for her support and asking her to protect my family. I know I’m about to die, because my magic reserves are empty and my strength is gone. My bond flares in my chest as my mates try to fight their way towards me. I mourn the time that we didn’t get together and the mates that I’ve not yet met who will never get to know me.

I hope that it’s over quickly. I’d hate for my father to have to watch a long, drawn-out death. However, the pain doesn’t come.

Opening my eyes, I see the creature is frozen. It’s not just hesitating, but literally frozen in place. Magic surrounds it, although it’s notmymagic. Who the hell is using magic? Syn might have some ability to hide in shadow, but nothing like this.

A black, shifting ball of shadows appears beside me, constantly moving and twisting. Three people step out of those shadows. I can tell straight away that they are not werewolves. Their scents are almost metallic, and magic practically seeps from their pores. My eyes widen as I realise what they are—witches. Everyone else seems to have realised the same thing, and shouts and cries fill the arena.

My eyes are locked on the figures—two males and one female. I don’t look beyond the male at the front though. It’s easy to tell he’s in charge of the three of them. As I take in his face, tattooed arms, and lilac eyes, I realise there’s something familiar about him. I know I’ve never seen him before, but somehow, I feel like Iknowhim.

He tilts his head to one side with a contemplative expression, examining me in much the same way I’m studying him. His eyes flick up to the snake, which I now realise they have frozen in place, and when he looks back at me, he flashes me a cocky grin.

“Hello, little sister.” He strides forward and kneels beside me, placing his hand on my shoulder. “We’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

Before I have the chance to even process his words, magic tingles over my body and I become sleepy. I’m unable to fight the sensation, and my eyes slide shut without my permission as I fall into a magically induced sleep.

The last thing I hear is my father shouting my name.

The End
