Page 16 of The Nanny

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“As long as you also keep your eye on the ball and make the company money,” my father adds. “That’s what’s important.”

“You do realize that you both just gave me contradictory advice, right?”

My father gives me a long look; James just rolls his eyes.

“Maybe it’s because we all know that you’ll do whatever you want anyway,” James gripes.

I don’t have the time or the patience or the self-restraint to deal with either of the men before me today, but the sooner I can figure out the reason behind their visit, the sooner I can get them out the door.

I splay my hands out in a questioning gesture. “What do you two want? I’m busy. And I’m not running a dating service and it isn’t your God-given right to fuck everything with a pair of tits.”

James eyes me, a dark humor sparking in his eyes. “Speaking of tits, how’s that nanny working out? What’s she doing today?”

Jesus, why is he such an asshole? Is he really trying to get me to punch him?

“Why are you both here?” I stand up, looking at my watch. I haven’t even had my usual quad shot of espresso and my patience is wearing thin. “If I had to guess, I’d say you either need money or you want to lecture me about something I’ve done. Probably both.”

My father is the first one to speak this time. “You should have been more careful in Italy. You should have taken more security. I almost lost my granddaughter because of your stubbornness.”

Starting right in with the lecture, I guess. My prediction is spot-on so far. I rub my temple, where I can feel the very beginnings of a tension headache forming.

For once, though, I don’t have much of a defense. “You’re right. I should have taken more security on the trip.”

My admission seems to take both of them by surprise. What did they expect? That I’d try to make the argument that my daughter was completely safe the entire time? It clearly isn’t true.

I’m ashamed and angry with myself that I put her and Ella in harm’s way.

“I didn’t think you were capable of admitting fault,” James announces. “It’s good to know that even te mighty Keir can be humble after the fact. After all, what does it matter? Considering that your daughter and your little plaything were the ones that took all the risk, I mean.”

The back of my neck grows hot. I have no comeback for that. I clench my fists but work to keep my face blank. My brother has managed to be right again and it’s killing me.

“Well, I’m glad you can admit when you’re wrong,” Father grumbles, straightening his sport coat. “I hope you’ve learned a lesson from that ordeal.”

I take a deep breath and slowly exhale without saying another word. Admitting I was wrong the first time was hard enough. It isn’t going to happen a second time.

“Is that all?” I ask when the silence threatens to stretch on for a solid minute.

“No,” James answers this time. “My campaign is going to loan you five of my security guards until you can beef up your own detail.”

Now I’m the one who is caught by surprise. “You don’t have to do that. Won’t you still need them on the campaign trail?”

“Yes, and you don’t deserve it, but I don’t need the headache and distraction of seeing your name in the headlines the next time a member of your beloved staff tries to murder you and Isla.”

“So this is really about you,” I nod. “Got it. In that case, I don’t feel so bad about inconveniencing your campaign. I’ll have the security detail returned to you within two weeks.”

“I just want to know that my niece is being taken care of. Someone has to care,” he snaps, and that’s the final straw for me.

I’m moving from behind my desk and across the office to grab him by the collar before I can even think about stopping myself.

“Listen to me, you son of a bitch,” I pull him even closer as a spark of fear flashes in his eyes. Yeah, he needs to be afraid. “You can stand here and play your little games and talk about me all you want. But if you imply that I’m not taking care of my daughter ever again, I’ll knock your fucking teeth down your throat and you can explainthatto the press when someone has to carry you out of here.”

His eyes narrow and he shoves me away, nearly knocking himself off balance at the same time. “You think you’re going to hit me?” He barks out a crisp, hateful laugh. “Think again, golden boy. I’m the untouchable one now. I have the press eating out of the palm of my hand. Do you really want them to turn on you and your precious company more than they already have? Don’t you have enough scandals swirling around, or are you really stupid enough to add another one to the pile?”

My stomach clenches. I know he’s right and it makes me want to throw up. The headlines won’t just be about me punching my brother, they’ll have a field day at my expense for assaulting the man who will likely be the next Prime Minister. It’s not a great look for him but it would probably mean jail time for me—and that would open me up to all sorts of other liabilities in my divorce proceedings with Kinsley.

Basically, I’d be fucked.

“Go to hell,” I say, turning to walk back to my desk and sit down. “And get out of my office.” Even without looking up, I can feel both of them still glaring at me. “Now.”
