Page 62 of The Nanny

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“We have to wait until it gets dark so we can see the stars, silly. But we can start figuring out what we might need while we’re up there. Blankets, flashlights, pillows, stuff for s’mores…”

“S’mores? What’s a s’more?”

Now it’s my turn to be surprised. “What’s a s’more? Only the best, yummiest thing ever invented. It’s graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallow ooey gooey deliciousness. We’ll make them over the fire pit up there.”

She squeals and claps her hands together. “That sounds so good! This is going to be fun!”

Keir’s deep voice from the doorway startles a gasp from both of us. “What’s going to be fun? Are you two planning a party in here?”

“Sort of,” I shrug, smiling as Isla runs over to her dad. “We’re going to do some stargazing up on the roof when it gets dark.”

“And Ella said we can make s’mores!”

“With s’mores,” I add.

Keir grins as he picks his daughter up and spins her around, eliciting another round of shrieks and giggles as he sets her back on her feet. “That does sound like fun. You know, I’ve never had s’mores before?”

“What?” Isla and I ask at the same time.

“Nope,” he shrugs. “It’s one of those American things I’ve always heard about on TV and in movies, but I never knew people actually made them in real life.”

“Oh my gosh,” I shake my head. “Of course we make them in real life. If you want to join us up on the roof later, you’ll be able to try them for yourself.”

This is the closest we’ve come to a friendly conversation since our big argument, and I’m shocked that he actually seems to be considering hanging out with me—well, probably more with Isla than me, if I’m being honest—tonight.

“Yeah, okay,” he nods, his gaze lingering on mine for a few more seconds before he continues. “I’d like that. I’ll come looking for the two of you when the sun goes down.”

“We’ll be here.”

And just like that, I guess we’re done fighting. I sigh, going back to my notes as Isla follows her dad out of the room, chirping about s’mores and stargazing and everything else that’s on her adorable little mind.

The two of them are so alike in so many ways. I can’t imagine leaving and cutting both of them out of my life, but I also can’t imagine staying unless something changes between Keir and me.

That’s up to him, though. I’m willing to compromise on a lot of things, but he’ll have to meet me halfway. I can’t make him do it, though. I can’t make him want a relationship with me.

And as much as I might try to convince Isla otherwise, it’s not always easy to stop thinking about the things that we can’t control.



I turn off the overhead lights in my bedroom, unbuttoning the top button of my expensive silk blend shirt. A thought crosses my mind to turn on the bedside lamp. But I lie down on my bed, sinking into the cool comforter, and that thought slides away. After a day of nonstop movement, it feels good to just lay here for a minute.

I let my eyes drift closed and think of nothing. In fact, I start the slow fade into sleep, still fully dressed as I am.


My eyes snap open at the sounds of Ella’s soft voice. I clear my throat and push my upper body way from the mattress, turning to look at the doorway.

Ella is shyly hanging just outside the door, clinging to the frame. I can only see a little of her face in the dim light, but I beckon her closer.

“Yeah. Come in.” I roll onto my back, sitting up.

She enters the room slowly, her every move cautious.

“I’m not waking you, am I? Or keeping you awake?”

I flash a sleepy smirk at her. “It wouldn't be the first time I had lost some sleep thinking about you, darling. Now come sit down and talk to me.”
