Page 81 of The Nanny

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I went to bed angry.

I woke up angry.

I even had fitful, angry dreams in between.

Now it’s the middle of the morning and I’m sitting at my desk, still fucking angry.

What was Ella thinking? Did she really think she could keep her past a secret forever? And how could I have been so stupid?

All the red flags I ignored along the way are blindingly bright in hindsight. It was all about the money for her—but of course it was. I wanted to believe she was different than all the others, but she turned out to be just like them.

I pick up the phone on my desk and then hang it back up again. I should have her thrown out of my apartment. It would only take one phone call and she’d be gone by the time I got back up there.

I can’t seem to make myself do it, though. Not yet. Not until I can look into her eyes again and ask why she lied.

Her answer won’t change anything, even if she can convince me to believe her. Still, I need to hear the words—the lie—again. I need to hear it straight from her pretty lips.

The phone rings from under my hand, startling me as I fumble to answer.

Kinsley’s voice mocks me from across the line. “Good morning, Keiran. How have you been holding up?”

She’s literally the last person I want to hear from right now. Or ever again, for that matter. “Why are you calling me, Kinsley?”

“What? I can’t check up on my favorite ex-husband?”

I grip the edge of my desk with my free hand as a wave of anger and frustration threatens to overwhelm me. Jesus, I really can’t do this today.

I hate to give her even the slightest courtesy after what she’s put me and Isla through, but I’m willing to be polite if it’ll put an end to this damn call. “Please, Kinsley—I’m tired of fighting. Just tell me what you want.”

She sighs, no doubt disappointed her fun is over for now. “That whiny tone of yours almost makes me feel sorry for you, Keir. Almost.”

I don’t even bother replying. I’m not looking for her sympathy. I just want her out of my life.

“It seems like you might be having a bad day,” she continues. “I hate to break it to you, but it’s about to get worse.”

“For fuck’s sake, just tell me.” So much for keeping my mouth shut and waiting. But Jesus, I can only listen to her for so long before I start to lose my mind. “Whatever it is, just tell me. It can’t be money, since there’s no way in hell you snorted and drank your way through that seventy-five million already.”

“No, it isn’t your money I’m after today. It’s our daughter.”

Hearing her mention Isla sends my blood pressure skyrocketing. “What about our daughter? And just a heads-up—you should choose your words carefully.”

She has lost touch with reality if she thinks I’m going to let her spend five minutes with Isla, supervised or not.

“Thanks for that warning, darling, but it won’t be necessary. You see, this is just a courtesy call to let you know my lawyers will be requesting a new custody hearing.”


“I’ll be applying for full custody.”

“What? No. You can’t have full custody.” I’m almost yelling now, but I don’t care. “I don’t know what kind of shit you’re trying to pull, but you’ve already waived your rights. You’ll be lucky if I ever let you see Isla again after this.”

“Ah, but you see, that’s where you’re mistaken. I never signed anything to waive my parental rights. I even had my lawyers double-check the paperwork, just to be sure.”

I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut, but I’m not going down without a fight. I don’t know what Kinsley’s end goal is, but I know for sure she doesn’t want to be a mother.

“Why do you even want her?” I ask, getting straight to the point. “You and I both know this is a bunch of bullshit, so just go ahead and tell me why you’re really calling.”

“No bullshit, I’m afraid. But after seeing that little home movie you and your nanny made together, I simply can’t handle the thought of my daughter being exposed to that kind of filth. I’m going to ask the court for an emergency order, and I fully expect them to grant it.”
