Page 48 of Deal With The Devil

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I shrug and point to a shoebox. Talia bends down to open it and finds a pair of silver high-heeled sandals. She puts her feet in them and fastens them without another word, but she glares at me, making her feelings known.

As if I had any question about that.

Giving her a careful smile, I reach for a shopping bag and unveil a long blonde wig. It’s styled to perfection, and it features a champagne colored, multi-tiered look.

Talia gives me a flat look. "I think that’s overkill, don’t you? After all, Burn might not even recognize me."

"Well, that's what I’m counting on. But all that lovely copper hair of yours makes you pretty easy to spot."

"Is that a compliment? Do you find me memorable?" She asks.

I level a gaze at her. "Come on. Put the wig on. Weren’t you the one that was just saying how much you want to just get this over with?”

She takes the wig from me, looking at me as she puts it on. After fussing with it for thirty seconds, she puts her hands on her hips and looks at me, presenting herself for final inspection.

"What do you think?" She asks. "Do I pass the test?"

I give her a small smile and nod. "You’ll do. Let’s go."

We step out of the coat closet, leaving the mess of her clothes behind. As we head down the hallway once more, Talia catches her reflection in a mirror and freezes. Her eyes are wide; her gaze is glued on her figure in the dress.

"What?" I ask, losing patience with her.

"I just…" She shakes her head. "I barely recognize myself. This dress is so different from what I would normally wear."

"That’s the point, don’t you think?"

"I… I guess."

I put my arm around her waist, pulling her away from the mirror. She totters for a few moments, struggling to walk in the high heels I gave her. But after a moment, she finds her balance.

I cast a gaze down her figure, thinking to myself that if I weren’t so laser focused on rubbing my brother’s misdeeds in Daisy’s face, I might be able to take the time to admit that Talia isn’t horrible looking. In fact, she is rather the opposite of horrible-looking.

With her borrowed clothes and long blonde wig, I find her extremely attractive.

Her ass looks like you could bounce a quarter off it in this dress and the perky mounds of her tits almost knock the breath out of me. I can see exactly why Burn picked her.

She’s hot, under all that dumpy junk that she usually wears.

She feels me looking at her and eyes me sternly. "Don’t get any ideas, you overgrown bully."

Arching my brow, I feign surprise. "Me? Get ideas? I would never."

She rolls her eyes. "Are you worried about Remy recognizing me? It’s only been a few days since I was in front of him in his office."

I give a snort. "No way. He has definitely forgotten about you by now. He has always been forgetful, especially of younger women. No offense, but he doesn’t really see you as being a full person."

Talia elbows me in the side, scowling. I raise my hand, gesturing.

"Hey, it’s not my point of view. It’s my grandfather’s. He’s never had a good memory for people, and now he has to be reminded who the wives of his nieces and nephews are."

She stops, pulling at the side of her dress. "Okay. Let’s just hurry this along. This dress is really itchy, not to mention the fact that I’m afraid that one of my boobs will fall out somehow."

"I have you for the full day. So just suck it up. It’s the last day that you will ever have to see the Morgan family."

We head into the living room after I adjust our poses so that Talia holds onto my arm.

"One more thing," I whisper. She looks at me, arching a brow.
