Page 65 of Deal With The Devil

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I straighten and close the distance between us, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close until the softness of her body is pressed against mine. I hear her breath catch, and she looks up at me with these wide, brilliant blue eyes.

I thread my hand into the hair at her nape and tug it back, so that she has no option but to look at me.

Bracing her back with my free hand, I slowly lean down to her lips, pressing my own against them. The taste of her lips is sweet, and the feel of her body is familiar. She offers no resistance to my embrace, so I lean her back and plunder her lips, using my tongue against her teeth until her mouth parts.

I kiss her harder, more deeply. Our tongues entwine, dancing like two figures dancing close together, undulating in a rhythm that is as old as time.

She smells good and has the sweet, light taste of mint. Her body is slight, and her weight is nothing against my own. Some animal instinct that I have is very excited by that, though I don’t fully understand it.

She kisses me back, her lips moving so tentatively against mine. But then she seems to remember herself and pushes against my chest. When I don’t give her space immediately, she protests.

“Burn!” She stops kissing me back and begins to struggle, her face scrunching up.

I growl at her, my lips leaving hers and my lips trailing down her neck, leaving little marks in my wake.

She grimaces, her face contorting. She drives her foot down hard on top of mine, causing a jolt of pain to radiate out from it. I freeze, uncertain how to deal with the pain. She takes advantage of my momentary lapse to wriggle out of my arms.

"I didn’t come here for that, Burn."

I look at her, her chest heaving, her face flushed. She has this wary look in her eyes, like I am a known murderer, and she is just trying to stay alive.

I don’t know why, but I like it when she looks at me that way.

Wiping at my mouth I smirk at her. "No? What did you come for then? Because if it is money, I have nothing left in my charity fund for you, little girl."

She looks at me and walks across the room and back, pacing, her hands shaping into fists. "You got me pregnant, Burn." She stops, pinning me in place with a hard gaze. "That’s why I am here. I wanted you to know."

Letting my head rock back, I stare at her, trying to ascertain whether or not she is telling the truth. A grandfather clock in the corner begins to chime the hour as the silence stretches between us. I don’t say anything. Or maybe it’s that I can’t. I am too busy thinking of what this might mean.

This changes everything. I tilt my head to one side and try to gauge whether she is serious. But it seems like she is.

"Is this a shakedown?" Sure, Talia seems too honest and too proud to do something like lie about being pregnant. But I don’t really know her. Not well enough to guess.

She starts pacing again, wrapping her arms around herself. She shakes her head vehemently. "I wish it was. When I first found out that I was pregnant, I wasn’t sure that I was going to keep it. But now, I think…" She trails off, turning away from me and walking slowly toward the other end of the room. "Now I think that I will keep it."

I run my tongue over my teeth. "How do you know? Have you been to see a doctor?"

She shakes her head. "No. But I have taken three different brands of pregnancy tests."

I stroke my chin, pondering. "And how do you know that it is mine?"

The question makes Talia turn around, her eyes crackling and snapping. She seems to be on the brink of screaming. "I think you know it’s yours."

I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe. Maybe not. That isn’t really the point."

Her face reddens. "My baby can only be yours. Do you understand what I’m saying? I’ve only ever slept with one person, once. And all roads lead to your door."

I snort. "You can’t be serious. Are you telling me that you expect me to believe that you are a virgin?"

Talia crosses her arms, stalks up to me, and points a finger right in the center of my chest. “Was. I was a virgin. Now I’m carrying your child."

Her words ring out in the quiet of the library. I take a deep breath and look at her serious face. I’m going to have to come clean with her about my identity sooner or later. I might as well do it now.

I hold my hands up in a placating gesture. "All right, so let’s say that you are pregnant and that it is Burn’s child.”

I see a note of puzzlement on her face before it is soon replaced with a look of understanding. "Are you fucking serious? You were lying about who you are again?"

"Lying is an awfully accusatory word."
