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“Hi. That smells good. I did something yesterday while you were on that overnight shift at work. And you better appreciate it because oh my God, it hurt.”

I cocked my head. Already this wasn’t going as planned, but when did it ever with Kitty? “Okay.”

Quickly, she shed her super sexy dress and revealed what shewasn’twearing underneath. No bra, just the tiniest pair of panties I’d ever seen.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, they were see-through.

I swallowed, and she pointed between her legs as if I somehow hadn’t noticed her new grooming job. “I screamed even more than I do with you. You can’t imagine the horror. So you better enjoy it now because we’re going back to the national forestry association as soon as it grows back in. Sorry.” She held up her hands palms out. “My love only goes so far.”

Caught between laughter and a groan, I framed her face in my hands and kissed her until we were both breathless. “I’m going to make the best goddamn husband you could ever imagine. Even better than Sven when he rubbed cocoa butter all over Rina’s pregnant belly. Which shouldn’t have been as hot as it was.”

Kitty cocked her head. “Are you developing a breeding kink?”

“I think it’s just a you kink in general. Your body is a wonderland.” One I couldn’t stop running my hands over. If I spent one hundred years devoted to the task, I wouldn’t be able to properly explore and kiss and worship all of her glorious curves.

I was ready to give it my best shot.

“Did you just quote John Mayer to me?” She tipped her head to mine with a laugh. “Also, what’s with this husband stuff?”

Before I got distracted with thoroughly ravaging her—that was a romance novel word that just wasn’t used enough in polite society—I dropped to one knee, realized my dick had nearly suffered a traumatic injury due to the sudden movement in tight jeans, and quickly switched to regular kneeling.

Then I fished out the ring box, held it up to her, and entirely forgot what I was supposed to say because holy shit, Kitty cast in just flickering candlelight literally took my breath away.

“Clint.” Her voice sounded thick. “We can just live in sin.”

That didn’t help my sudden inability to speak.

She dropped to her knees and wrapped her hand around mine holding the ring box open. “Never mind. Forget I said that. I want to marry you. I don’t want to settle for just some lettuce and sour cream when I can get the whole damn taco boat. Ask already, or I’ll just take the ring and put it on my damn self. Oh my gosh, it’s beautiful. Look at those swirls of green. Like your eyes.” She batted her lashes dramatically.

I laughed, the logjam in my chest breaking open. “I love you. Will you marry me? Please? So I can get up off my knees and get out of these damn jeans?”

“I love you too. Yes. Yes. Oh, and yes. Now put the ring on me.” She wiggled her fingers, then she lifted her fist to her mouth. “If it doesn’t fit…”

She barely had to flex her fingers for me to slip it on. I’d made sure to get it sized perfectly through nefarious means—like stealing one of her other rings.

I deepened my voice. “I’ll make it fit, baby, don’t you worry.”

She hit me with the back of her hand then turned her fingers over to admire the ring. “You’re not reading any more of my books. I don’t care how much you beg.”

“You like it when I beg.” I let my gaze travel down her body. “And trust me, I’m ready to beg tonight.”

As if she hadn’t even heard me, she studied the ring. “Is this…is this cat’s eye?”

“It is. Rare and in a vintage setting. I wanted you to have a stone that was significant to us. And diamonds to cushion it, of course. But this stone signifies protection. You’re the most precious thing in the world to me.” I lifted my head and glanced around the surprisingly calm apartment. With three fur babies, chaos was a permanent condition. “Hey, where are the cats?”

She laughed breathlessly and pressed her hand to my chest. “Safely locked away in the bedroom watching Cat TV. So did I mention how much pain and suffering this whole Brazilian thing caused me? Never mind the emotional trauma of letting a strange woman see parts of me I can’t even see without the aid of a lighted hand mirror.”

“I missed this chapter in Rina and Sven.”

She grinned and pulled me down with her onto the rug. “Time to write our own new chapter, hot vet.”

Not ready to let our peeps go just yet?

Kitty and Clint find out forever includes kitties, babies and…shamrocks?
