Page 116 of Crossing Every Line

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“Three months.”

She roared out a laugh, and a few people looked at them. Bells just shrugged and waved. “I wouldn’t count that. Maybe a mild case of accidental orgasms. And only if I moved my hips just right.”

“You are so wrong.”

Bells smirked. “I don’t wanna be right.” She slid her hands across the table and covered Kendall’s. “Enough with the witty banter. What’s going on,chica?”

“I’m in love with Shane.”

“Well, duh. I got that much.”

“And he doesn’t love me back.”

“Are you sure? Because I was getting the gigundo I’m-so-messed-up vibes from him.”

“Just because he’s messed up doesn’t mean it’s over me. It might be the situation. It might be because he wants to start over in another town without me weighing him down.” She thought of Shane after they’d come together so furiously. Maybe it was just attraction, and he wanted to cut and run now that he saw what a future with her entailed. She couldn’t blame him.

“And it might be that you’re both too afraid to say the L word.”

“I… Well, maybe.”

Bells tucked her chin on her hand. “Honey, there’s a reason I’m still single too. It’s hard to say those words. It’s supposed to be hard to say them. If they were easy, they wouldn’t mean anything.”

“Did I actually call you here to be the voice of reason?”


“I must be stupid.”

Bells lifted her glass. “I’ll go with very, very smart.”

Kendall let her head drop onto her folded arms. “You know that self-fulfilling-prophecy thing? Yeah. That’s me.”

“Oh, my drama queen.”

Kendall flashed her a middle finger.

“Look, sweetie. You’ve been getting away scot-free with the male drama crap. You were bound to fall hard for someone sometime.”

“But him?”

“Of course it was going to be him. He’s a perfect match for you.”

She lifted her head. “You don’t even know him.”

“I know him through your eyes. I knew the first time you talked about him that he was going to be important to you in some way. It’s just how you work, Ken.”

“He and his mom are the reason Lawrence left me and Mom.”

“And how old was he when that happened?”

Kendall shrugged. “Eight.”

Bells rolled her eyes. “That’s not a valid reason for turning down the love of your life. You need to just say it.”

“And if he laughs in my face?”

The pizza—cheese and mushrooms well done—came to the table. They dug in without breaking stride. “Then you call me, and I’ll come beat his ass.”
