Page 126 of Crossing Every Line

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“Just a bit.”

Kendall hopped up onto his metal desk, swinging her legs. “What are you going to do with it?”

“Haven’t figured it out yet. Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t a family heirloom or anything before I took it apart and fixed it.”

“Go forth and be carpentery.”

He rolled his eyes. “Do you want to ask your mom?”

“No, it was from an old bed when we moved into the house.”

“Wow, older than I thought.”

“Is that a carpenter hard-on I see in your eyes, Shane?”

He stood up and brushed off the dust and shavings before hanging the heavy apron on the hook by the door. “Not a carpenter hard-on.”


He angled in between her knees and brushed the tips of his fingers along her spine. “Nope.”

Enjoying the playful side of him, she leaned in and nipped his lower lip. Instead of the usual teasing torment, Shane caught her mouth in a sinfully full-on kiss. He ate at her lips, dissolving her brain as he opened her wide and took what he wanted.

They were both breathing heavy by the time he took a step back. She curled her fingers into the edge of the desk and moaned. “Can’t you break your rule?”

He shook his head and took another step, then turned toward the open door, and she could see him drinking in the cool night. She let her chin drop to her chest before she hopped down and crossed the room to slide her arms around him. She pressed her cheek against his hard, muscular back.

He brought her hand up and kissed her palm. “What time are the Simmons coming?”

“Crack of dark.”

He laughed. “So that means you’re actually going to go to bed now?”

She brushed the tip of her nose into the dip of his spine. She was exhausted enough to be able to do just that. But she didn’t want to lose any time with Shane.

“I’ve got hours of work yet, so it’s probably a good thing you’re tired.”

“Don’t you sleep?”

He laughed. “I really don’t need much. Four hours and I’m good.”

“I knew you were superhuman.”

He tugged her under his arm and around in front of him. He dropped a chaste kiss on her lips and turned her toward the night and popped her on the butt. Incredulous, she skipped forward on the momentum. “Good night, babe.”

She trudged across the snow and up the stairs. When she turned back, he stood in the door, but this time he waved before backing away to the golden light spilling around him.

With the dawn came two cars full of the Simmons clan. Her mother hadn’t stopped fussing over towels and linens. She even plumped pillows on the sofa at the sound of gravel popping under tires.

Kendall met them at the door. An older, salt-and-pepper-haired gentleman skipped up the steps, his hand outstretched. “You must be Kendall. I recognize you from your picture on the Web site.”

“Yes, I’m Kendall. Welcome to the Heron.” She stood aside. “This is my mother, Lily.”

“I’m Mark, and this is my wife, Jennifer.” He turned and pointed out the rest of the visitors who were piling onto deck. She hoped to God she’d keep the names straight before the end of the day.

Laurie and Todd, Susan and Scott, and their two teen girls, Micah and Abby, all spoke over each other. Happy laughter and the excited chatter of females oohing about the landscape and lake filled the air.

The teens were unimpressed until she showed them the back. The huge bench swing propelled them both into action.
