Page 128 of Crossing Every Line

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“It makes the dock look good.”

“I’ll be sure to think that when I sit with a cup of coffee later.”

He stood up straight and walked to her. He swiped the pad of his thumb along her lower lip. “Merry Christmas, Kendall.”

“I…I didn’t get you anything.”

“I don’t need anything.”

“Will you be coming over for dinner tonight?”

“I’m not big for crowds. Looks like you’ve got your hands full at the house.”

Disappointed but not surprised, she looked up at him. “Mom’s doing the whole turkey deal. I’ll put a plate aside for you.”

He lifted the end of her braid and stroked the tail around his finger. “Appreciate it.”

She swallowed. He smelled like snow and sawdust, and she wanted to curl right into his chest. But she had a ton of things to do, and now wasn’t the time to look for a cuddle. “I better get back.”

He set her braid against her jacket. “See ya, Sunshine.”

Kendall turned and forced one foot in front of the other. Under two layers and a jacket, her nipples were so tight they were painful. The man was driving her nuts.

She threw herself into the Christmas Eve preparation but never did get back to her chair that day or that night. The Simmons family were laid-back and fun. The house was filled with conversation and the wreckage of a huge meal.

Micah and Abby kept wandering outside. Considering how many times they checked out the barn, she figured they’d caught sight of Shane. No matter how heavy his beard got, you couldn’t take away the slicing arch of his cheekbones and the flash of amazing eyes.

The man was walking sin, and if she were fifteen, she’d be swooning just like the girls. Hell, she was a moment away from a good sigh herself. Especially when she’d brought the plate over to him only to hear him pounding the holy hell out of his homemade bag.

She’d peeked around the back and glimpsed a sweat-soaked back and fist-sized dents in the old canvas army bag. Already too keyed up, she’d left before he’d seen her.

As tired as everyone was from their drive, they stayed up well past two a.m. talking and laughing by the fire. She didn’t have anything else in her but to check out for a few hours.

Christmas Day was filled with a quieter group. The girls went exploring on the trails, the sun shining and not a cloud in the sky. She caught a rather randy Jennifer and Mark in the hallway, both of them sneaking back into their room while everyone else was outside.

At least someone was getting laid.

She and her mother managed a quiet hour when the family went out to drive around the neighborhood. They exchanged small gifts and ate leftovers before putting in a quick cleanup.

By the time the family got back, they were filled with laughter and excitement. Lake George was close and always put on a good Christmas display. They’d also bought lift tickets for skiing close by.

Both her mother and Kendall were so busy with the family and another unscheduled visit that every room save one at the B and B was filled through the end of the month.

She didn’t know what magic Shane had put into the Web site, but every time she remembered to look at it, she was too tired to open her laptop.

New Year’s Eve came before she was ready for it, and the entire group had decided to throw an impromptu party. Her mother scrambled to cook, and Kendall enlisted Bells to help decorate.

Thirty minutes later Kendall opened the door to find Bells on the porch with two dress bags. “An excuse to wear a party dress in Winchester Falls? I’m there, sister.”

Kendall frowned. “I was just going to wear jeans.”

Bells pushed past her. “I’m definitely going to take away your right to call yourself a girl if you don’t make at least an effort to glam up tonight. You’ve been working like a dog for weeks now.”

Kendall flipped her braid over her shoulder and closed the door. “I’m just happy we have customers.”

“Me too, babe. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take a little time and gussy up. Especially when you have that hot piece of action in the barn that needs to grow a clue.”

“I knew I shouldn’t have called you.”
