Page 15 of Crossing Every Line

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“Kain’s an architect.”

“You think?”

Of course he didn’t reply. The jackass just opened his car door and left her to follow. She was getting tired of playing puppy behind him. She caught his arm at the door. “If you don’t stop stalking around and tell me what the hell the plan is, I’m going to deck you myself.”

He was at least a foot taller than her, and his damn lips twitched again, but he didn’t say a word, just opened the door like he owned the place. “Kain,” he called out.

“In my office, bro.”

Kendall slid her gaze to Shane. “Bro?” But he was already heading up the stairs. Her molars clicked together as she followed—again. Halfway up the landing, she held on to the banister. The stairs were wide open, and the entire living room floated under her. She returned her focus to Shane’s backside and wasn’t sure which was more dangerous.

The upstairs was as impressive as the down. Kain’s office was the first thing she saw at the top of the stairs. It was a huge room that was wall-to-wall glass. A panoramic view of the ocean and dark skies stole her breath. Wispy fog blocked the stars and filtered the moon. More warm furniture and streamlined couches filled the room. A large desk took up the corner with the fantasy view as Kain’s backdrop, but it was the man who completed the holy-crap view.

He was huge. His shoulders were massive under a sleeveless shirt that hugged his broad chest. Long, dense black wavy hair hung at his shoulders with a few tiny braids peeking through. His eyes were a direct and uncompromising bottle green under slashing dark brows. His left eyebrow was bisected by a deep scar that emphasized the natural arch.

He stood and came around the desk. “I didn’t realize you were coming out. And bringing company.” He looked down at his long board shorts and bare feet. “I would have been a little more presentable.” He held his hand out. “I’m Kainoa N’ai.”

His voice was a deep bass any woman would react to. At least that was what she told herself when her heart rate kicked up. She tilted her chin back to keep eye contact. If she thought Shane was impressive, Kain had another few inches on him in brawn and height. “Kendall Proctor.” Her hand disappeared into his gentle grip. Shane vibrated with anger beside her, but she instantly felt at ease with this man.

Kain straightened his shoulders, and she was pretty sure his chest puffed as he faced Shane. Kendall took a step to her right. “What can I do for you,kaikua`ana?”

“Why’d you do it?”

Kain’s eyes lost their friendly warmth. “Do what?”

“Don’t put that fucking boardroom face on with me, asshole. What the fuck did you do?”

“Why don’t you tell me what you think I did?”

“I think you swooped in and took my father’s company when he was financially fragile.”

Kain arched his scarred brow. “Is that right?”

Shane paced the length of the room. “This isn’t one of your acquisitions that you can just come in and take over.”

Kain folded his arms over his massive chest. “Do tell, brother.”

“I know you’ve been trying to get a foothold here, but this is the lowest of the low.”

Kendall’s stomach clenched. Between the prowling tiger and the stoic linebacker who could be an extra onHawaii Five-0, she was a little worried. Surely they wouldn’t start a brawl. They circled each other, and she took another step back until her calf bumped into a couch. She sat down and curled her fingers into the edge of the cushion. The tension in the room was as thick and virile as the two men.

“My dad always got back on his feet. You know that. What did you have over him that he’d allow you to swipe up his client list? That list had been cultivated for decades.”

She frowned. The list seemed to be far more important than even the company. That was the third time Shane had reacted to it. What could be so important about names?

“Not this time, Shane.”

Kain’s quiet voice finally halted Shane’s pacing. He looked up, his golden eyes brittle with pain. Kendall wanted to get up and smooth a hand down his arm. Christ, what was wrong with her? None of this was any of her business. She had only the Heron to worry about. Not some name game in the middle of California’s finest-looking men.

“What are you talking about?”

“Look, your dad had no choice when he came to me. Believe me. I asked him to talk to you about this.”

“And you couldn’t come to me?”

Kain looked down, and she saw his arms flex with his fisted hands. “Don’t you think I wanted to? For fuck’s sake, Shane, you’re my best friend.”

“Yeah? Well, best friends would never betray each other like this.” Shane turned and headed down the stairs. Kendall rose and slung her purse over her shoulder.
