Page 18 of Crossing Every Line

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“There was a lot more to this deal, and you know it.”

Kendall frowned. She was sick of being on the outside of this conversation. “You two need to clue me in before I get on a stool and clock you both with that crystal decanter.”

Kain grinned. “She’s spunky.”

Shane sighed. “You have no idea.”

She waded in between them and stabbed Shane’s chest. “You don’t know me well enough to make that comment.” She turned to Kain and tipped her head back. “You need to give us some answers—and straight ones—before I let him loose on you.” She pointed her thumb behind herself at Shane.

“Yep, spunky.” Kain looked over her head at Shane. “I like her.”

“Can we talk about me later?” she growled.

For the first time Shane’s mouth quirked up at the corner. “You heard the lady.”

“Shane, your dad knew about the furniture.”

Shane’s face closed off again. What the hell were they talking about now? Kendall took the glass away from Shane and drank down a little too much. She coughed before handing it back to him. “Will you two stop with the word games? Shane and I are now officially joined at the hip thanks to my father’s idiotic will. I deserve to be in on this discussion.”

Shane tossed back the rest of his glass. “Looks like we’re staying here tonight.” He grabbed the decanter and another glass and headed into the kitchen.

“Seriously. If he doesn’t stop walking away from me, I’m going to toss him through your glass window and see if he’d like an up close and personal taste of the ocean.”

Kain tipped his head back, and the booming laugh startled her.

“I’m glad you think this is funny.”

“`Ânela, you’ve no idea what you’re in for.”

She had enough liquor in her that the room was getting hot. She shrugged out of her jacket and shoved it at Kain and followed Shane into the kitchen. “Do you think I’m just going to stand around and get drunk with you tonight?”

“It’s the current plan,” Shane said wearily.

“I’m not getting drunk in a skirt and silk.”

Shane leaned on the counter with hooded eyes. She didn’t need to focus on what she could do in a skirt and silk. But instead of saying anything, he took another drink.

Kain came in and opened the fridge. He threw packages of deli meat, cheese, and condiments on the wide granite island, then pulled out bread and rolls from a cupboard. “Go to the top of the stairs and hang a left. My sister has some clothes in the closet. Might be a little big on you. You’re a tiny thing.”

“As long as it’s not your clothes, I’ll be fine.”

“You’re not wearing anything of Kain’s.”

Kendall put her hands on her hips. “Oh, really?”

Shane looked up. His gaze was steady, and everything about him seemed too still. “Yeah, really.”

Her skin tingled, and her nipples tightened. She turned and took the stairs two at a time, hoping to God that neither man noticed. What the hell was wrong with her today? First she’d hopped on a table and had…well, the best sex of her entire life. With a stranger, no less. Oh, and a stranger who was going to take half of her home.

* * *

“I’m assuming hands off?”

“Assume right.” Shane rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. After he’d walked off his mad, when he’d come in to see Kain and Kendall cozied up on the couch, all the mad had come back like a goddamned breaker off Big Sur. And that wasn’t going to work. He had too much at stake now to get messed up over a woman. Even if the woman felt so good he was already half-hard at the thought of her naked upstairs.

“Good to know. Christ, Shane. Larry’s daughter?”

“I didn’t even know she existed.” Shane stuffed roast beef and cheese into a roll and added mayo. Nothing made sense. Family was important to his father. How many times had his father given Shane shit about working too hard and not visiting him enough? And he had a daughter he’d left behind?
