Page 27 of Crossing Every Line

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She choked out a sob of frustration. He filled her, ramped up the need, but the pace was killing her. He leaned back, pulling out of her until just the tip of his cock teased her entrance. Before she could move, he hooked his arm under her other knee, turning her onto her side. She clutched the pillow-top mattress edge as he folded her knees together and pushed them up.

She turned her mouth into the bunched sheets and screamed. The angle made him feel even bigger. He slammed into her again and again. Her body shattered around his, accepted the invasion of this man who had the power to change her whole world inside this room and out of it.

Spots danced behind closed lids, and sweat dripped from every inch of her skin. She spasmed and cried as her body shook with aftershocks she couldn’t control. He smoothed his hand from hip to thigh as his strokes slowed, and her limbs collapsed under her. She pressed her cheek into the mattress and sucked in gasping breaths. He pulled away and stood. She brought her knees up the rest of the way to her chest.

Surely she was going to fly apart.

In the conference room, she understood the sex there. That was anger and frustration needing an outlet. This—no, this didn’t make sense. She rolled until she was sitting upright. Her entire body felt like an open wound. Her thighs shook as she stood to gather her clothes.

The room was silent save for the high tide roaring outside. The thought of the stretchy fabric on her skin right now was too much to take. She set her bundle of clothes on the desk and leaned on the sturdy chair. The glass was still there. Maybe alcohol would settle her jangling nerves. The smooth burn chased the lump down her throat as she unhooked his dress shirt from the back of the chair and slipped it on, buttoning it enough to stay closed.

She turned, and her heart slammed. He stood in the bathroom doorway wearing only his boxer briefs.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

His coarse voice and words were like a slow stroke down her back. Again nothing seemed to make sense when it came to this confusing man. Closed off one moment, stretching her open and demanding everything the next, and now this. She tucked her hands into the overlong sleeves of his shirt.

Thank youdidn’t seem to fit. Instead, she followed instinct and went to him. It was the only thing she could trust right now. Silvery moonlight highlighted his cheekbone and kiss-swollen mouth, leaving the rest of his face in shadow. His shoulders and torso were a fascinating terrain of dips and valleys that made the pads of her fingers buzz. She brushed her knuckles over his belly. The muscles of his abs bunched and tightened under her touch. Some of her nerves settled. Maybe he was just as affected as she was.

She cupped the cross of his rosary in her palm. The back of her hand tingled at the soft brush of his chest hair. “Are you religious?”

“My mother was. She always had it with her.”

She traced the Madonna medal in the center. He pushed away a lock of her hair that had fallen forward, but then stepped back. The smooth beads slid from her hand.

“I think you should stay here with Kain while I get some things settled.”

Suddenly cold, she curled her fingers around the gap in his dress shirt. “What?”

“There’s nothing here for me in Monterey. I need to take care of a few things.”

She frowned. “I thought we were going to do this together.”

“I have to talk to Jonas and sell whatever I can. Most of my money was wrapped up in Justice Construction, so that’s gone now. I have to figure out a way to get us back to New York.”

“I…” She took a step back. She what? She was dependent on this man, and he was going to go off and do God knew what alone. Had the orgasms short-circuited her brain? Kendall painstakingly made sure not to rely on anyone, and she was completely at his mercy. She’d allowed herself to be. God dammit, how fucking stupid was she?

One of a half dozen mistakes she’d made since getting off the plane.

Damn her mother for blazing through their emergency money with this blasted trip. For what? To come in person and see for herself that her entire world was going to change thanks to an amendment in Lawrence Justice’s will? At least in Winchester Falls she was on her own turf. She could rely on the one person who always got things done.


She turned away and grabbed the yoga pants off the desk and stepped into them. She could feel him behind her but couldn’t look at him. With shaking fingers she unbuttoned his shirt and let it drop. She dragged on her tank top and went to the door.


She stopped with her hand on the doorknob. “You’re right. We have a lot of things to take care of. I’ll need you to take me back with you in the morning so I can get my rental car.”

“I’ll return it.”

She shook her head. “I’m not going to be reliant on Kain to drive me around.” She couldn’t afford more than another day’s rental on the little coupe. Not if she had to find her way back across the country.

“Kain has a fleet of cars in his garage.”

Incredulous, she let her hand slide limply to her side. “I’m sure Kain would appreciate you dumping me on him.”

“I’m fairly sure that Kain would love it.”
