Page 35 of Crossing Every Line

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Kain crossed his arms. “It’s a shitty time to make any decisions. Just take things a day at a time.”

Kain had always been the voice of reason when he and his father butted heads. Why would now be any different? “I’ll be in touch.”

“You better. Looks like I better sign up for frequent flier miles.”

“Marcus wouldn’t mind the change of pace.”

Kain laughed. “I’m sure my pilot already has a honey stationed in New York.”

“A few.”

“No doubt.” Kain’s face sobered. “Things won’t be the same without you.”

Shane held out his hand. “You’ll be taking over the world, just like usual.”

They clasped forearms. “I prefer to do it with you by my side.”

“I need to do this on my own.” He needed to find out if he could do this on his own now more than ever.

“I know.” Kain tightened his grip, then stood back.

Kain understood that more than anyone in his life. Shane opened his door and climbed into the cab of his truck. It smelled of her. Crisp apples and shampoo. It would always be Kendall.

She was true to her word. The GPS was hooked up and coordinates set.

“So where are we going, copilot?”

She tucked her chin on her shoulder and grinned at him. “I guess you’ll find out in four hours.”

He smiled. It was getting easier to do. He waved to his friend, and thepopof his gravel drive led to pavement and finally the open road.

* * *

“Did you know the Yosemite Falls is twenty-four hundred and twenty-three feet high?”


She simply eyed him. She’d been spouting off facts for the last two hours. But it saved him from trying to come up with conversation, so he didn’t mind. She sat cross-legged with her seat belt on and a bottle of water between her legs. Evidently she didn’t get car sick, because she’d had her nose in the California guide since they’d left.

“It’s the largest falls in North America.”

“I did know that.”

“You did?”

“I did. I’ve lived here all my life. I’ve gone a time or two.”

“Oh.” She sounded disappointed. “I’m boring you, huh? Sorry. I’ve just never had the chance to go anywhere. Mom and I didn’t have a lot of money, and the Heron doesn’t allow much in the way of vacation time.”

His stomach flipped. His father had left her and her mother to fend for themselves. Oddly enough, she didn’t seem bitter about it. More like resigned. He was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that his father had a daughter he’d never spoken of.

“How old are you?”

She quirked an eyebrow. “You and manners don’t get along too well, do they?”

He rolled his eyes. “Just answer the question.”

