Page 45 of Crossing Every Line

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He braceleted her wrists together with one of his hands and slid under the thermal. She squealed at the first touch near her ribs. He laughed at her as she twisted, trying to get away from him. “Liar.”

“Shane! No, wait!” She hiccuped and giggled and brought her legs up to protect herself. She kicked and bucked, and he still wouldn’t let her up. She scissored her legs around his hips and pushed with all her strength, but she was no match for two hundred plus pounds of muscle.

“Give up?”


He let her go and flopped onto his back. “If that’s your version of an alarm clock, it sucks.”

She pushed her hair out of her eyes, dragging her rubber band off her wrist to tie it up in a messy bun. “I distinctly heard laughter in there.”


She straddled him. “Yep.”

He folded his arms behind his head. “You’re hearing things.” But happiness was definitely shining in his eyes.

She leaned down and rubbed his nose with hers. “I heard it.”

He reached up and tugged her hair free until it curtained around them. “I hate when you bind your hair.”

“You’d put it up too if it was always in your mouth.”

He toyed with a lock. “I suppose.”

She lightly scraped her nails through his buzz cut. “Uh-huh.”

He wrapped a hank of it around his palm, then let it slip away. “We should pack up.”

She brushed her lips against his. She knew they needed to get back on the road, but she hated to lose the little moment of happiness. There wasn’t any tension between them. Well, beyond wanting to get naked.

He cupped the back of her head. The kiss was unexpectedly sweet. Not his usual power play of dominance. Sometimes she wondered if he even knew just how control-focused he was when it came to touching her. The featherlight touch along her lower lip invited her to open instead of demanded. She breathed him in, let him in, and wished for a moment there was nothing ahead of them but time.

Shane smoothed his thumb over her cheek, then dropped his hand to her hip. He held her there against him, sliding his hand down the outside of her thigh to her calf and finally to her foot. He flicked his nail along the sole of her foot, and she laughed into his mouth.

“Time to go.”

She nodded and swung her leg over him and reached for her jeans. When he didn’t move, she looked over her shoulder. “What?”

“You’ve got one hell of an ass, Sunshine.”

She let her hair fall forward so he couldn’t see her smile. “Pilates and hiking.”

“Pilates? Is that where you can hold a pose for a really long time?”

She wiggled into her jeans. “That would be yoga.”


She winced and rolled onto her back to cinch her jeans. Her thigh and inner muscles twinged. She’d had more action in a few days than she’d had in way too long. “I’m too impatient for yoga.”

He held up her shirt in front of him. “I don’t think I can wear yours.”

She looked down. She didn’t want to give his up. It felt good and smelled like him. “Sorry, you gave it to me.”

“So now it’s yours?”

She stood and stepped into her Chucks. “Yep. Sorry.”
