Page 50 of Crossing Every Line

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“We’re partners now, Kendall. Eventually we’re going to have to figure out if we want to stay partners or sell the Heron.”

“Oh, I know. Can’t forget about the master plan.” She reached around into the backseat and drew her charger out of the pocket behind her seat. She plugged in her phone and folded her feet under herself. The light clicks of her typing were pretty clear.

Subject closed.

He focused on the signs for the highway. The endgame was a very real aspect of their relationship. He forgot that last night. It was far too easy to do when Kendall was in his space. Reminding her had been a dick move, but it was as much for her as it was for him.

The next two hours were a lesson in silence. The radio was useless in the middle of the desert. “If you’re not going to talk to me, could you at least reach in the back and get my CDs?”

She looked up. “Hmm?”

“What are you doing on that phone?”


“On that little thing?”

She shrugged. “The first hour of flat desert was all I needed to see.”

Since the dotted lines were blurring for him, he had to agree. “If you don’t want us to go off-roading, then put some tunes on.”

She unclipped her belt and reached over the seat. “Where is it?”

He swallowed a groan. Her denim-clad ass was far too tempting. What kind of freaking aphrodisiac did she have in her perfume? Fucking apples. “Should be right on the floor.”

“You do realize I’m five-two, right?”

“Can’t reach?”

“Hold my leg.”

“Christ,” he muttered. “We’ll just pull over at the next rest stop.”

“Really? You’ve got forty-five miles in you with static?”

No. He did not. “I thought you were reading.”

“I was paying attention. I like to know where I am.”

He slid his hand between her legs and gripped her behind her knee. “Okay.”

Her hip hugged up against his shoulder. “Almost got it. Just…there.” She flipped up and tossed her head back. Her hat fell off, and all that hair exploded. His hand was lodged between her thighs.


He tried to pull his hand away, but she didn’t budge. In fact, she tightened her muscles.

“How about we make a little pact?” She slid his CD case across his chest, her fingers splayed over the leather.

Wary, he met her gaze. “What kind of pact?”

She ran her cheek along his jaw and into his neck. “The Heron is waiting for us. That’s a fact of our situation. But let’s just enjoy these next few days. We’re just two people on a road trip.” She grasped the edge of his shirt and pulled it up, letting her nails run over his belly. “I like how you make me feel. How you make my body feel. Can we worry about that?”

His cock swelled behind his zipper. “Do you know what you’re doing?”

“Nope. This is kind of new for me. I’ve never had a fling. Winchester Falls isn’t exactly the type of place that you have no-holds-barred, no-strings, no-second-guessing sex in. Most of the men have known me since grade school.” She traced the skin between his belly and chest and found his rosary. “Been there, done that. At least with the ones who interested me.”

He groaned. Her fresh innocence warred with her words. Of course, so did the wild excitement in her eyes when he tied her hands behind her back. What would she do if he used an actual tie and not her sweatshirt? Would she let him?
