Page 71 of Crossing Every Line

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Shane laughed. “What am I going to do with you?”

“I have a few ideas.”

Shane’s eyes lit with that inner fire that left her buzzy.

Maude exploded from the back door. “William Doyle, as I live and breathe. What are you doing off that ranch? Lucinda usually keeps you boys watered and fed.”

The Sam Elliott look-alike sighed. “I had to get off the ranch before I killed all those idjits working on my stables.”

Kendall shifted to listen. Shane tapped her wrist. She turned her hand and caught his but didn’t stop listening. This she understood. Small towns were about gossip. And she was tired of thinking about her own problems.

“Those boys are hard workers.”

“No, they have ability but no drive. Goddamn lazy shits. Pardon, Maude.”

“Well, the kids these days don’t have the sense God gave a flea.”

“They work plenty hard when I stare at their—uh, when I’m present. But I have a whole ranch to run. I don’t have time to babysit,” Doyle said.

He nodded to the two men across from him. “Pat and Charlie have foals to deal with and new horses to buy for the expanded stables.”

Kendall turned around. “Isn’t that what you used to do?”

Shane shook his head tightly. “That’s not a quick day job, Sunshine.”

Kendall pulled out her phone and looked at the calendar. Eleven days until Thanksgiving. If they pushed it and traveled all day and night and Shane possibly allowed her to drive, they might be able to put in twelve hours a day and make it to New York within three days.

He covered her phone. “You’re scheming.”

She looked up. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’ve got that I’m-about-to-blow-up-Shane’s-world smile on your face.”

“No, I’ve got the I’m-about-to-save-our-asses smile on my face.” She stood up.


She ignored him and walked down to the table of men. “Hi. I couldn’t help but overhear what you gentlemen were talking about.”

The man had taken off his hat, and it sat on the chair beside him. Salt-and-pepper hair fell around his ears. Freaking Sam Elliott. It was uncanny. He arched a bushy brow. “Ma’am. Just what do you think you could do to help my predicament?”

“It sounds like you need a foreman. A good one who’s used to leading men and making sure they do what they’re supposed to.”

“And I suppose you know how to do that?”

She smiled wide, and Doyle smiled back. “I’ve been known to order a man around a time or two.”

“I just bet.”

She laughed. “But no, not me. My friend Shane Justice has a lot of experience.”

Doyle’s brows lowered over steel-blue eyes. “Justice?”

Kendall nodded. “Years of experience with construction and being a foreman. We’re traveling to New York to relocate—”

His eyes sharpened. “From where?”

She tipped her head. “California.”
