Page 87 of Crossing Every Line

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She swirled her tongue around his Adam’s apple before nuzzling her cheek against his jaw. “I like the scruff. It’s soft and a little prickly. When I see myself in the mirror after we make—after we have sex, I can see the whisker burn around my mouth, along my neck, and sometimes on the undersides of my breasts. I like that.”

Her hiccup over the words gave him the first strings of focus. He grasped for a few more, dragging himself off the sensual cliff she put him on. The dangerous glitter in her eyes hardened his dick.

Times like this he wanted to give her everything. She made him feel clumsy and rough, and yet she seemed to like that best. They had so few days left, and he wanted to offer everything he had.

He reached between them and brought her fingers up to his mouth. He scraped his teeth over her wrists, releasing one hand. “Undo my buckle.”

She grinned. “That’s exactly what I had in mind.”

He nuzzled along the fragile skin of her wrist and felt her pulse flutter. She pulled the end of his belt out of the loops of his jeans and tugged to release the pin. The chink of his buckle was the only sound besides her soft breathing. He hissed as her cool fingers slid into his jeans to undo the top snap.

“Unzip me.”

She dragged the tab down over the bulge of his dick and sac in their strangled position. “If you let me have my other hand, it would go faster.”

“I don’t want it to go faster. I want it to go so slow you’re screaming by the time I finish with you.”

Her huge eyes glittered in the moonlight as he flicked his tongue over the center of her palm. He trailed his thumb along the underside of her forearm to the bunched sleeve of her shirt and across to the tiny buttons. He dragged the backs of his knuckles over her breast.

“Pull my belt free, Sunshine.”

She looked up at him as she grasped the end of the buckle and slowly pulled. She held it in front of him, her teeth gnawing on her lower lip.

“I know what you want.” He took his belt and transferred it to his other hand, then removed her hand from his zipper and drew it behind her back. Her eyes went wide, and her nipples tightened under the moon-spun fabric. He’d never thought to make a woman immobile during sex until Kendall. He always liked the way a woman wiggled and squirmed under him or on top of him, but Kendall made him want to bind her so he could have his fill.

He wanted the time to taste, to feel her tremble under his touch. The bar was only a few hundred yards away, and people littered the front steps to smoke, but he and Kendall were in the shadows at the back of the parking lot. His truck was too big to fit in the regular spots, so he’d had to make his own.

He’d never been so glad for his monstrous, gas-guzzling truck.

He brought her other arm behind her. By touch, he cinched his belt around her wrists. “Lace your fingers.” She did so, and he wrapped the tail through the buckle, tucking the pin away so she wouldn’t bruise.

As always her eyes got huge, and her chest rose with each ragged breath. He rolled the little excuse of a skirt up until it pooled at her waist. He leaned her back against the dash. Two tiny buttons held the blouse together, leaving her breasts cupped in the bright pink.

She watched him intently as he snapped the top button open with his teeth. She jerked under him, arching closer. He tongued open the second and smiled at the front clasp of her bra. “I do love your choice in bras tonight.”

With a shallow breath she laughed. “The look on your face earlier said otherwise.”

“When it’s for me, I like it. When someone like Lon is drooling over you…” His mood darkened. “I don’t like the way he looks at you.”

“I don’t care how he looks at me. I only care about how you look at me.” She licked her lips. “Right now you look like you’re ready to eat me alive, and that’s what I want. I don’t want to think about anyone else.”

He released the catch of her bra, and her small breasts were freed because of the arch in her back. With an unsteady hand, he smoothed down her neck, tipping her head back so he could see the elegant lines as he felt them. He could feel her swallow under his fingertips as he slid between her breasts and down until he could grasp her hips in both hands.

He circled the undersides of her breasts with his chin and watched her nipples bead in the dim light. Her skin looked like porcelain under the heavy moon. Smooth and perfect with raspberry-tipped breasts pouting up for him. He covered one and sucked hard.

She bucked off his lap. He pushed her underwear aside and slid two fingers inside her. Silky wet, she coated his hand as he pulsed within the swollen tissues of her pussy. His cock strained against his underwear.

“Fuck, Kendall.”

“Yes,” she whispered.

He tried to slow down. His jaw ached from grinding his molars together to fight back the growls. She left him stripped bare. He might as well be the one bound. He wanted to climb inside and soak in that intrinsic slice of sunshine that lived within her skin.

He didn’t have a condom with him, so he’d have to be content with watching her fall apart around his hand. Restless hips undulated against him in sinuous circles. She was splayed across his dash, her forehead kissing the window as she writhed above him.

Fitting a third finger inside her pussy, he hissed and hammered into her. She clenched around him, and God, he wanted it to be his cock.

She ground down on his hand. “Harder. I need more.”
