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“The B and B is quiet right now, but I’ll go over and help your mom with whatever she needs.”

“Thanks. I don’t want to be a bother.”

“Shut up, Kendall. What are best friends for?”


“Seriously. Shut up. It’s slow at the office, so I can take an hour here and there to go check on her.”

“I love you, Bells.”

“Oh, crap. Don’t get gushy on me. We don’t do smush.”

Kendall smiled into the shadows of the chair. “I’ll call when I can.”

“Okay. Chin up and kick ass. That’s what we do.”

“That’s what we do,” she agreed. “Bye.”

She fisted her hand around her phone and dragged in a steadying breath. Her shoulders prickled, and she looked up. Shane stood in the doorway. His shirt was open at the throat, and a thin line of beads showed at his neck. Another anomaly. He didn’t seem the jewelry type. She sat up and put her feet back into her shoes. “What happened to privacy?”

“It lasted thirty minutes.”

“I still haven’t called my mother.”

His full lips flattened into a frown. “What exactly were you doing in here, Miss Proctor?”

She stood. “Look, let’s get this Mister and Miss crap out of the way. I’m Kendall. We’re going to be in each other’s face all night.”

“Who were you on the phone with, Kendall?”

The way he said her name awakened the damn firefly. She pushed the odd feelings aside. “I called my friend. I needed to talk it out with her and figure out what to do with my mom.”

“I don’t want to waste any more time.”

“Nice to know that my mother is a waste of time. I’m sure your mother would love to hear the same thing.”

“My mother’s dead.”

Kendall slammed her molars together.Stupid, Ken.Of course his mother would have been at the will reading if she were still alive. “I’m sorry.”

“Happened a long time ago.”

She frowned. “How long ago?”

“And why is that your business?”

“I’m sorry to pry.” She didn’t even know what to tell her mother. And getting her mom off the phone when she was worried was nearly impossible. With quick fingers she tapped out a message to her mother that she was safe and that her flight had changed. “I’ll call my mother later. After we figure out the will.”

“We’re on West Coast time. It’s already well on its way to seven your time.”

“My mother’s settled in to watch television for the rest of the night. I’ve got a few good hours.” Her phone buzzed in her hand. She looked down and saw that her mom wasn’t worried and jammed her phone back into her purse. “Let’s get this done.”

“After you.”

She shrugged out of her jacket and went back into the conference room. A tray of coffee and fruit sat in the center, and the papers were lined up.

“I broke up the piles into a few different sections. This bigger pile covers all his assets. I want to look through this part and see what’s going on. Something feels hinky.”
