Page 97 of Crossing Every Line

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But all he had was this truck and an uncertain future in Winchester Falls to give her. It didn’t seem like much in the grand scheme of things.

“Where would you go first?”

He looked at her sharply. “Me?”

“Yes, you, Oscar. We’ve been talking about what I’d do, where I’d like to see, but not about you.”

“I’ve been a lot of places, Sunshine.”

“So there’s nowhere else you want to go?”

“I still haven’t been to England, Ireland, or Scotland.”

“How come?”

“Not much surfing to do there.”

She laughed and tucked herself into her comfortable corner. He’d see her in the corner of the cab of his truck forever because of this trip. “I’m trying to picture you in a wet suit.”

“Kain and I haven’t had much time to do the surfing trips we used to do, but when we were in college, we went everywhere. Australia and Hawaii had the best surf besides California.”

“I think I’ll have to add Hawaii to my notebook here.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been anywhere that was so lush and perfect at the same time.”

She pressed her notebook against her chest and folded her arms over it, her eyes bright and interested. “You went because of Kain?”

“His family’s from there, and he had to make the yearly trek home to see his mother. I tagged along a few times.”

“I can’t imagine just jumping on a plane and going to paradise.”

He’d been able to do a lot of things thanks to Larry. And yet Larry had left Kendall alone with her mother. He still couldn’t reconcile that man with the father who had been so generous with his time and love, not to mention his money. That part just never made sense.

“It sounds like you have your own paradise at the Heron.”

The wistful smile faded a little, and she sat straight in her seat again. “Oh, you know how that goes. When you’re surrounded by the same thing day in and day out, you want to see something different.”

“Tell me about the Heron.”

“I told you about it.”

“We’ve got hours to kill, and the moratorium on the subject is off.”

“Who says?”

He laughed. “I say.”

She unclipped her belt and slid across the seat, her hand sliding up his thigh. “I don’t see why you should be the one to get the final say.”

“What are you doing?”

Kendall brushed her chest against his arm, her breath a hot distraction along his neck just behind his ear. “Reality is boring.”

Everything inside him wanted to let her distract him, but he was finally starting to see that she really didn’t want to talk about home. And he needed to know why. “It’s our reality, Kendall. It will be anything but boring.”

She stopped, her dark eyes going wide. “What?”

“You keep talking about Winchester Falls like it’s the end of everything.”
