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“Look, I am not like you fellas. I have never had luck with the ladies. I mean look at me.”

“We are looking at you Geeb and you are the only one making yourself out to be something other than a respectable member of society. Maybe you should give her a chance to prove you wrong before you lump her in with other women.” Who the hell is listening to Lloyd anyway.

I leave shortly after they get done making me the scum of the earth. I walk into the house, and it is empty. I grab myself a glass of water and walk up the stairs. Stopping at her room, I listen in through the door and thankfully it is quiet. For some reason I put my hand on the door and my forehead. “Goodnight, angel,” I whisper to the wood before going into my room. Nothing is ever going to be the same.



I hear birds chirping as my eyes fly open. Looking over at the clock, I see that it’s ten in the morning. I don’t normally sleep so late. I get out of bed and find my bag on the floor outside my door. My husband must have thought of me this morning. I pull it into the room and find some leggings and my slippers. I realize there’s no shirts in this bag and go off in search of a t-shirt of Geeb’s to wear. I leave my room, which still irks me to no end, and walk into his open bedroom door. I can smell his cologne lingering. His room is a mess. I walk to the tall dresser and open the top drawer, finding only boxers.

I can feel myself blushing, so I quickly close that drawer and open the second one. Inside are neatly folded t-shirts. Jackpot. I pick up the first one in the pile. Looking down, I see it says University of Pennsylvania Quaker Football on the front and Hearst 58 on the back. I pull it on. It’s a bit too big for me, but I love it. I close the drawer and get to work. I pick up all the dirty laundry on the floor and strip his bed. Off the hallway near the kitchen, I find the laundry room. I start a load; thankful the fancy machine is the exact same one Jasper has. I find cleaning to be so much more satisfactory with electricity.

I start up the vacuum and starting in his room, I vacuum the whole house, even the hardwood floors. I’ve worked up quite a thirst and I make my way downstairs into the kitchen and pull a bottle of water out of the fridge and gulp most of it down. I turn to set the half-empty bottle on the counter when I see a folded piece of paper propped up against the empty bowl on the counter. My name is on it, so I pick it up and read it.


I had to go into the office. I’ll be home later. In the meantime, please use the credit card on the counter and get whatever you need for the house. Food, furniture, kitchen gadgets. Really, whatever you want or need, it’s yours. Have a good day.

Your husband,


I look down at the counter and spot a shiny black card called American Express with his name on it. I don’t exactly know what a credit card does but I gather that I don’t need cash right now to make purchases. I leave it where it is on the counter and make my way back to Geeb’s bedroom, stopping at the linen closet on the way. I grab fresh sheets and a clean comforter and make his bed. His walls have a built-in music system, so I hit the pop song station. I’ve always loved music and I pick up on it easily. Since we’ve been in Hollow’s Hollow, I’ve loved listening to music the most. Music and reading.

Once the bed is made, I can’t help lying down in it. I want my husband so much; I just don’t know how to make it happen. The more I think about him, the more worked up I get. There is something about being in his bed that drives me crazy. I quickly put my hand down my pants and under my panties and rub myself until I feel the familiar feeling of release. I’ve been doing this for years, but for the first time I actually have a man to think about that makes my heart race and my blood catch fire. If I could just get him to notice me. One thing at a time. I get up from his bed and straighten the comforter before walking back into the kitchen to make a list of what I want to get at the store. I come into the kitchen and see a woman standing at the sink, unloading the dishwasher.

“Uh… excuse me? Who are you?” I ask, causing her to turn around. Correction, a very beautiful woman is standing in my kitchen.

“I’m Diana. Mr. Hearst’s housekeeper. Who are you?”

“I’m Ada Hearst. His wife.”

“Ah, I didn't know he was married. He never said.” I try not to deflate at the thought of him with the woman. Naked. Sweaty. Writhing around on the bed I just made.

“Well, he is. Your services are no longer needed. I’m here now. You’re fired.”

“You can’t fire me.”

“I can. This is my house. Get out.” The more I look at her the more I hate her. I know I’m being rude, but I can’t get the image of them together out of mind. The jealous rage I feel right now is so unlike me. Is she why he won’t sleep with me?

Diana leaves in a huff, slamming doors as she goes. As soon as she’s gone, tears fall. I have got to stop crying. I wish I could be as strong as Lavinia in this moment. I finish cleaning up the kitchen. As soon as I start the dishwasher, the front door opens again and seconds later Geeb comes into the kitchen.

“You fired the housekeeper? What were you thinking? I had to give that poor woman a severance package. Do you know you made her cry?” he asks.

“Are you upset that I fired your little girlfriend?” I ask, feeling petty. I hate that he had to give her extra money though. God is so ashamed of me right now, but he drives me crazy. I can’t help it.

“My what?” he asks. I can tell he’s exasperated.

“She seemed awfully at home here.”

“Because I paid her to clean it, Ada. Nothing was going on between us. I don’t even know what her name was. That’s about as much attention I paid her.”

“Good. Is now a good time to talk about our expectations?” I ask, feeling more relieved than I have any right to.


“The expectations we have for our marriage. The mayor never gave me your response to my ad, so I don’t know what you wanted.”
