Page 31 of Sin City

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The guys are talking about what happened at practice the other day. I’m laughing and nodding at the right parts of the conversation that I am not listening to because I’m focused on Mia, who is on the cusp of huge embarrassment. What choice do I have? If I tell her the truth, she’ll go with me and not attend her dream school. I simply can’t take that away from her.

I can’t.

I won’t.

She must follow her dreams, the dreams we made together. Last night in the treehouse, our special place, I took my time with her body, because I knew it was going to be the last time that I touched her curves, kissed her plump lips, and told her how much I love her. Now, I’m about to hurt her. I’m sick already. I feel my stomach flip with disgusting bile rising in my throat.

“Hey, babes,” Mia says, trying to give me a kiss. I pull away before she can make contact, and her face falls. Ignoring the pit in my stomach, I keep my expression flat.

“Hi,” I respond, my tone gruff.

“Where have you been all day?” she asks, concern lacing her voice.

I massage the back of my neck before I respond.

“Mia…uh…Yeah, this isn’t working for me anymore. It’s been great, but seeing as senior year is ending, I want to live my best life by being single and not tied down. You’re great, really, but I mean, did you think we would last past these four years?” I laugh. Hearing the words I’m saying is ripping my heart into pieces.

Mia is standing there with her mouth open shocked by my hurtful words. You can see the pain and confusion itch along her face. She is trying to hold back the tears by the way her jaw is clenching, her eyes are squeezing shut, but they fall anyway.

“I…I don’t understand, Damon. What do you mean?” she pauses, trying to reel in her emotions, “Did last night mean anything to you, or were you just trying to get a release?” she asks me softly.

I look at my buddies. “Mia, last night was great. Thanks for the great sex. It’s been a great ride, and I’m sure you’ll find another guy to screw around with.” I chuckle to really hit home my point.

What I am about to say is really going to be a dick move. “I’m not in love with you. I lied. The whole clingy act is just not my scene, babes.”

“I hate you, Damon King! Ihateyou!” she yells, releasing a sob, tears streaming down her now bright red cheeks. Her two best friends are at her side, trying to pull her away from me. Nina’s sneering at me, and I know for sure Penny’s plotting my death. If I had my way, I’d beat them to the punch. I never wanted to do this, but my father still pulls the puppet strings. This is the only way for me to make sure Mia follows her dreams. I will not be the cause of her not doing so.

My heart feels like it’s been ripped out of my chest and smashed with a hammer. I am the monster that is the cause of her tears and pain. It’s gut wrenching. No, my father’s the real monster.

As Penny and Nina pull her toward one of their cars, I hearthatvoice…Kennedy Parker. She’s had her sights set on me since sophomore year. I decided to use her to show Mia this is truly over, knowing how much it would hurt her. God, I’m a sick son of a bitch for doing this.

Her bleach blonde hair stands out among the crowd and her signature look. Low rise jeans that shows her flat stomach and a crop top. She does not hold a fucking candle when it comes to Mia’s beauty, her body or soul. “Damon,babes, there you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she breaths in her baby voice, and I fight back the urge to gag. Adding more fuel to the fire, I grab a handful of her ass, and she giggles. “Let’s go back to your house, baby. I miss those lips.”

Watching Mia run away with Penny and Nina…I feel a part of me leaving with her. I promised her forever and broke that promise within a matter of minutes. I can only hope one day I’m given the chance to make this right.

I will find Mia again.

I will get Mia back.

I will.

I have to get her back and I’ll explain my reasoning for what I did.

I just hope she’ll understand.
