Page 17 of A Knotty Bargain

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“I wanted to help a friend. It wouldn’t be much help if I demanded repayment.”

I lifted one shoulder and let it drop. It was a struggle to make it appear like this was a casual conversation when I wanted to launch myself over the desk and feel her beneath me again. If she’d already had her first heat and was able to be claimed, I wouldn’t deny I’d have bitten her before she left my bed, and delt with the fallout once I was sure she was mine. That might still end up being what happened, but I had to convince her to stick around until she cycled.

Her disbelief was clear, and I couldn’t help the huff of laughter that left me. I admitted it likely didn’t sound believable, but what other excuse could I have used? That my instincts wouldn’t allow me to let her keep suffering? She wouldn’t have believed that either, and it would have sent her running as far as she could get from me.

Cadence’s brows rose, but I saw the hint of a smile on her lips as she shook her head.

“Arewe friends, Leo?”

I hummed, leaning forward in my chair to rest my elbows on the desk between us. It was time to get serious, but I had to move carefully. My blossom was easy to spook.

“I’d like to be. I’d like the chance to be more than your friend, Cadence.”

I watched the pink flush rise up her cheeks as her gaze dropped to her hands. Her chest rose, tight nipples poking through the thin fabric distracting me for a moment.

“I don’t think we can be, Leo. I’m… not like you. It’s too dangerous.”

I shoved back the disappointment rising inside me. I’d known she was going to resist. Any smart person wouldn’t want to be associated with me unless they were involved in the same things as my family. Then they’d be trying to use me for everything they could.

“I promised to keep you safe. I paid off the house to be sure you had a place to live. Paid the medical debt so your mother can receive the treatment she needs and you don’t have to worry about being denied. I fixed your car, so you have a safe way to get around. It’s not healthy to work and worry as much as you do. Plus, it leaves no time for me to convince you I’m not some monster and woo you into accepting me for who I am.”

She looked up at me through her lashes, fighting the smile that spread across her face even as the blush deepened. I saw the tears shimmering in her eyes when she finally lifted her head, but her brow was raised, and she showed me the fire that first caught my attention.

“Woo me? Is that what this is? I thought you only wanted to buy me for another night.”

Unable to resist closing the space between us, I stood and moved around the desk, keeping my eyes locked on hers. Those chocolate depths widened as I came to rest against the edge of the wood, close enough to reach out and touch, but resisting for the moment. Breathing in her sweet scent was good enough.

For now.

I smirked when her gaze dropped to my zipper before jerking back up to my face. My erection was obvious, and it twitched as I couldn’t help thinking about the last time her face had been level with it.

Stroking her cheek, I slid my fingers into her hair to cup the back of her head as I leaned down, but I stopped before my lips reached hers.

“A night would never be enough. I want you to bemine.”

I growled the last word. Cadence’s face clouded, but I didn’t let her respond before I crushed my lips to hers. Plunging my tongue into her mouth, I claimed every inch of it, tasting her, breathing her in, before letting her come up for air.

Gasping, she clung to my neck. Her eyes remained closed as she tipped her head forward and rested her forehead against my collarbone.

“You already owned me, Leo. I can’t say I’m not willing for there to be more, but my family…”

“Need you. I know. And I won’t get in the way of that. Family is important.”

“And what you do—”

“You won’t be part of,” I cut in again.

She raised her head to gaze up at me. It was so easy to get lost in those dark pools, but I needed to be honest with her.

“It would be impossible to keep people from finding out about us because I’d want you here with me, but I will do my best to keep it quiet as long as possible. I don’t want you associated with my father’s business dealings any more than you do. You and your family would be protected, just like the families of all our men are.”

“You’d let my brother live his life? Not pull him into your… business?”

I snorted, lips twisting at the thought of her skinny beta brother trying to fit in with our men. He’d be eaten alive.

“He’s a dumb kid who made a stupid choice, and has hopefully learned from it. He has better options than getting tangled up with us. I wouldn’t let him in even if he begged.”

Cadence fell quiet, and I turned the chair she sat in so I could kneel in front of her. Cupping her cheek, I pulled her closer, drowning in the need to take care of her.
