Page 17 of Wings of a Devil

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“Cheesecake, tiramisu, chocolate cake, French apple cake, blackberry mousse tart, crème brûlée.” He uncovers another tray. “And an assortment of macaroons.”

“What if I told you I don’t care for any of those?”

He turns toward me, his gaze scanning my features. “Then I’d say you were a liar. And force feed you all of them.”

“You wouldn’t.” I smack him playfully with the pillow on my lap.

Savini latches onto it and tosses it aside, sitting incredibly close to me, his right hand resting on my bare knee, his left reaching for something from our massive dessert spread. A second later, he’s holding a forkful of the chocolate cake. “Open up.”

Without meaning to, I inch my knees apart, quickly pushing them back together and opening my mouth, the thing he intended for me to spread wide for him. Not my damn legs.

He slides the fork carefully into my mouth, his gaze trained on mine as he slowly pulls it out. “Do you like that?”

I nod, like the obedient little thing I am, which is so fucking unlike me. This man, the enemy, has me practically eating out of the palm of his hand and enjoying it.

“Your turn.” I lean forward, stealing the fork from his grasp and getting him a bite of the decadent cake. For a brief moment, I think he’s not going to comply, but he parts his lips and allows me to enter him with the dessert.

I don’t ignore his seductive gaze, the intimacy of us having the same utensil in our mouths, being this close to him with next to nothing on. I lick the rest of the cake off the fork, my eyes glued on him the whole time.

This is a dangerous game we’re playing.

“What’s next?” I ask him, fully prepared to go along with whatever he’s about to say.

But, like something snaps him out of his trance, he snags the fork from me. “Try this cheesecake.”

And with that, the tension is reeled in from his end, snuffing out my flame and reminding me why I’m here. To gather intel, not fuck the man who killed my brother. Because regardless of the reason, he’s still his murderer.

We make our way through the fine selection of treats—the chocolate cake definitely my favorite of them all. Maybe because I’m a sucker for something rich and sinful, maybe because of the brief intimacy we shared.

I cover my mouth as a yawn escapes me. “I’m beat.” My eyes close, my head leans into the cushy couch, and the next thing I’m aware of, Savini is carrying me.

“Shh, fawn.” He tucks me into the bed and it’s then that I notice he’s wearing a tee shirt and grey sweatpants.

I sit upright and rub my face. "There's only one bed, where are you going to sleep?"

Savini nods at the other pillow. “A gentleman would sleep on the couch, but I told you I wasn’t one.”

My heart races faster, a million thoughts running through my mind.

“I put your phone on the charger and your purse on the table.” He nods behind me, and when I turn, I spot both of them sitting there on my side of the bed. “Get some sleep, fawn.” He climbs in next to me while keeping his distance and pushes a button on a remote to turn the lights off.

The pitch-black darkness seems to soothe my nerves. I lie back onto my pillow and reach for my clutch, just to confirm it’s still there and didn’t disappear in the last five seconds.

I listen to the steady rhythm of his breaths, my own chest rising and falling in time with his. I stare into the depths of nothing, each blink waking me up more and more. I fell asleep easily on the couch, but now, next to him, in the same bed, rest will no doubt evade me.

I reposition myself, accidentally bumping into him in the process. “Sorry,” I mutter.

But instead of responding verbally, he skims his finger along the side of my arm.

A chill floats over me, and I revel in the momentary bliss of his touch. I swallow, contemplating how I should react. I lean into his caress. Is it a mistake? Probably, but my vagina doesn’t care.

He grips my forearm, and that signal is enough to send me climbing on top of him, only he doesn’t expect the knife I put to his throat, the one I latched onto when I was confirming my bag was still there.

With my body straddling his, and the blade at his throat, I can almost hear the smile on his face. “Are you trying to turn me on, fawn?”

I push the thing harder, no doubt drawing a bit of blood. “Were you telling me the truth? About what you do?” I have to get to the bottom of what happened to my brother.

“I hurt people, it’s what I do. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter.” He pauses and adds, “I kill people who deserve it.” Savini’s erection grows beneath me, pressing through his sweatpants onto my bare bottom.
