Page 21 of The Divines

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I couldn’t stay in the huge and empty dorm all alone with my thoughts, so I was currently traipsing the woods around the perimeter of the academy, trying to make some sense of what was happening. But all I could formulate was that this was bullshit. When I had been thrown into this world, I had been hesitant. I had spent my life on the run, refusing to stay in one place, pushing away anyone who got an inch closer than I was comfortable with. But after learning more about the Divines and my powers, I felt a sense of peace being here. I felt like I belonged. And I had people in my life now that I cared for, that I enjoyed seeing every day. But now? Now I had no clue what to do. Because I had spent my life running from one demon and now another was knocking on my door. Or possibly even the same one. I still wasn’t closer to figuring out what Mom was running from all these years even as I learned more about the truth of who I was.

Then there was Knox, spouting all that fuckery last night about howIwas supposed to be the vital weapon. That as the last Enchanter it was my duty to protect the Divines as my ancestors had before me. But what if I didn’t want to? I had just found a life I enjoyed living; I didn’t want to go charging into a war I wasn’t remotely prepared for. Hell, besides my one fluke of a shield against Madden, I didn’t know any protection enchantments. And what he said about healing? I wouldn’t even know where to start with that. It seemed like an advanced enchantment that would take me months to learn with a proper instructor, probably years with the situation we were in now. And yet all this pressure was going to be put on me. And even though I had found friendship in Eli, Kalani, and Maeve, was it enough to risk my life for? A life I had been protecting for the last ten years, a life Mom had died for? It was too much to think about and I tried to push the thoughts away as I wandered aimlessly through the woods. The trees helped some, reminding me of the forests in Washington and I let the calming nature of them seep into my soul. Tomorrow was sure to bring more questions I wouldn’t have answers to and a situation I wasn’t sure I wanted to put myself in, but for now, I would enjoy the place I had come to call home.

The feeling of someone watching me washed over and I hesitantly looked over my shoulder. I hadn’t really been thinking when I had come into the woods, but with Hunters attacking and getting through the shields, maybe it wasn’t the best idea. The prickling sensation grew, although the woods stayed quiet. I tried to think of the best course of action, when a conversation I had with Kalani crossed my mind. She had told me that as part of training, the Shifters that needed to run would come into the woods during the day for exercise. I reasoned that a human, no matter how well trained, would have made some sort of noise already stepping through the brush, and so it must be either a Shifter or an animal. After practicing relentlessly with Kalani over the past couple months, it was as easy as breathing to draw my power out and hear into the thoughts of the creatures in the forest. Most of what I heard was the thoughts of deer drinking at a stream nearby but there was one loud internal voice nearby. And even in Shifter form, I recognized it.

I should jump out and scare her. Get her worked up.

It was jarring to hear Madden’s thoughts in my head when I was only used to my own and Kalani’s on occasion, but I wasn’t surprised at his thoughts. It seemed the man got a kick out of riling me up, if our sessions were anything to go by. After hearing his thoughts, I could tell that he was directly behind me, hiding amongst the trees. Keeping my back to him, I let him prowl closer, not giving away the fact that I now knew he was there.

Here goes nothing. Three, two…

I had to hold in my chuckle at the fact he was counting down. But as he reached one, I drew on my power once again, trying to imitate the feeling from our last session, and turned towards him right as he lunged, throwing up a shield. His large body bounced off the shield, rolling through the grass, but instead of the wolf I had been expecting, a beautiful tiger stood in its place. Kalani had told me that Madden had four creatures, and it seemed I was being introduced to another one. As Madden climbed back onto his feet, I couldn’t help but take in the animal before me. Besides a trip to the zoo Mom had taken me to when I was seven, I had never seen a tiger before, let alone this close. His head reached just below my shoulders and muscles bunched beneath the sleek striped fur. It was truly a beautiful creature.

What the fuck was that?

Madden’s outraged thoughts drew me out of my gaze, and I couldn’t help but smirk. It felt good to one up him and it felt even better to know that I was closer to mastering another enchantment. Deciding to play with Madden a little bit more, I pushed my own thoughts out.

Cat got your tongue Madden?

If a tiger could look surprised, I was sure that was the only way I could describe the way Madden’s eyes widened.

How the fuck are you talking to me right now?

I chuckled before responding, out loud this time. As much as I enjoyed using my gifts to speak to Kalani in her wolf form, I had also learned that continuous use of my powers weakened me like excessive exercise. If I didn’t have to use the powers, there was no point in tiring myself out.

“Neat little trick, isn’t it? It was the first enchantment I learned actually. No thanks to any of you four who are supposed to be training me.” I rolled my eyes at the thought of my four tutors. Besides Eli’s willingness to help and Knox’s information on using my emotions to fuel my power, I would say the other two were close to useless.

Before I could wait for Madden’s answer, he suddenly shifted in front of me, leaving me and a naked Madden together yet again. I tried to keep my eyes away, but I couldn’t help a quick glance at his naked form. What can I say, the man had an amazing body, and I was a hot-blooded female who enjoyed men. And can I just add, Madden’s large size didn’t only transfer to his animals, if you get what I’m saying.

Madden stalked towards me with a cocky stride, clearly comfortable with his nakedness, and stopped a foot away.

“It is a neat little trick. But I must admit, I don’t love the idea that you can get into my head whenever you want.”

Smiling cheekily, I responded, “Unfortunately not whenever I want. I haven’t quite learned how to get into human’s heads. But animals? You may want to watch what you’re thinking about when you shift from now on. Never know who’s listening.”

Madden’s eyes darkened at my statement, and I realized that he enjoyed this side of me. Whenever I spoke back to him or got riled up as he put it, he would always get this look in his eyes that he wanted to do depraved things to my body. And as I felt my heartbeat kick up and blood rush to parts of my body that were long overdue for use, I realized I didn’t hate the idea of the things he could do. As if Madden was the one who could listen to my thoughts, his gaze tracked my body from the top of my head to my toes, lingering on my chest. Deciding to play with fire, I snapped in his face.

“Eyes up here Madden.”

“I was just thinking about how unfair this is. Here I am, naked, and you’re fully clothed. It’s giving me a complex.”

I couldn’t hold in my snort of laughter. I knew for a fact that Shifters had no qualms about being naked and modesty was a foreign concept to them. I had seen Kalani’s naked body enough to know this for a fact. But if this was the game we were playing, why not participate? Even as my head told me this was a bad idea; my body took over and decided this was definitely a game we wanted to play. I had said I wanted to shut my thoughts off for a few hours.

“Can’t have you feeling out of place, can we?” I whispered as I tugged my t-shirt over my head, baring my bra clad chest to him. I mentally high fived myself for wearing my one nice bra. The lacy edges curved perfectly over my breasts, lifting them. With Madden’s sharp intake of breath, I would say he enjoyed it.

Taking a step closer, Madden’s large hands gripped at my jean clad thighs. “Hmm, close. But it seems there are still quite a few more layers on you than me.”

With a glance at me, I could see the question in Madden’s eyes, and nodded, throwing all intelligent thoughts to the side as I decided to lean into this feeling a little bit more. If we were about to get thrown into a war, I wasn’t entirely sure I would survive, what did it hurt to have a little bit of fun before then?

Madden grinned seductively, before moving to the button of my jeans and slowly, oh so slowly, unbuttoning them and lowering them to the ground. His body followed the same path and as I looked down, my breath hitched at the sight of such a large man on his knees before me. It was a heady feeling I could sure as hell get used to.

Slipping my pants off my legs, I stood before him in just my bra and panties, breathing heavily. It had been too long since I had been with a man and my body was pressing for it. Thankfully, Madden didn’t need any instruction, and slowly slid his hands from my calves, up and to my thighs, grasping on to the back of them. His mouth lowered to my inner thigh, a whisper of his lips brushing against me, but hell did it feel good. He trailed light kisses up each thigh, much gentler than I anticipated from him, to my hip bones, only to return to where he started, completely skipping my throbbing center. Frustration began to build in tandem with the heat in my core. I would not have taken Madden for a tease but here we were. Moving my hands to his messy brown hair, I tugged slightly, trying to hint that I wanted, no needed, more. Madden’s throaty chuckle vibrated against my skin, and I couldn’t help but clench my thighs together, craving some sort of friction. Thankfully, it seemed Madden understood my inaudible demand and gripped my thighs tighter, finally putting his mouth to good use. The first caress of his tongue against my inner thigh had me jumping, but he just held me tighter.

“Be a good girl and stay still,” he rasped in his deliciously deep voice, and I followed his command, impatiently waiting for his next move.

His fingers pushed away the scrap of fabric I called underwear and his tongue licked the length of my slit, sending pleasure coursing through me. Reminder to self, never go so long without a man’s attention again. His tongue continued to explore me as his other hand ran up and down the length of my thigh, causing my skin to pebble. As his tongue found my clit, he thrust two fingers inside of me, curling them and sending a pulsing through my core. With his tongue and fingers working together, a tightness started building in my core, climbing closer and closer to release. My head tilted back as my legs began to shake and without the strong grip of Madden, I surely wouldn’t be standing up right now. Working faster against me, I groaned his name, gripping the strands of his hair in my hands, pulling hard, which only seemed to heighten his excitement. With one final suck against my clit, I felt myself spiral into oblivion, tightly closing my eyes as my whole body shook. Madden continued to move his fingers inside of me, pulling out every last second of my orgasm. When my body finally stopped moving and I came to, I blinked open my eyes to stare at the man before me. And fuck me, what a sight. His eyes were filled with lust as he smirked at me, his lips wet with my arousal. And as I gazed lower, I saw exactly how hard he was from pleasuring me. And as I stared at his large cock, all I wanted was more. Madden stood up from his knees and my body was all too aware of the hard naked body in front of it. As if moving with a mind of their own, my hands reached forward, tracing the hard lines of his chest and stomach, moving lower and lower until I was stroking his dick. This time, it was Madden’s breath that hitched. He sultrily gazed at me as I continued to feel him. His dick was hard and smooth and much, much bigger than I had ever been with before. But considering how large of a man Madden was, I couldn’t say I was surprised.

Switching positions, I dropped to my knees before him, continuing my stroke. His eyes hooded as he gazed down at me and keeping eye contact, I slowly lowered my mouth, licking up his shaft. Madden let out a groan as my mouth covered the head, slowly sucking. Gripping his cock in my hand, I moved my mouth up and down, switching between sucks and licks, listening to the sounds he made to know which movements he liked. His groans turned deeper every time I took him as far into my throat as I could, so I continued the motion, being careful to not gag myself, which was a feat considering the size of him. His hands twined into my hair, pulling hard and moving me at the speed he craved. I have no issue letting him take control, sucking as he created the motion of my mouth over his cock.
