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"Is everything okay?" Elspeth asks when she notices my distracted gaze.

"Yes, everything is fine." I brush any thought of Tala away. "I'd like to show you around the werewolf territory here, if you'd be interested in coming with me and taking a walk?"

"Okay," she says hesitantly.

"Perfect." I lead her out of the den and back into the city.

It's a beautiful night, filled with stars in the sky and a clear, crisp air that makes the silence hang heavy. Which, unfortunately, makes it the perfect time to tell Elspeth the truth.

"Elspeth, there is something I need to tell you," I say. But before I can get the words out, Elspeth turns to look at the row houses of Back Bay.

"These arestunning," she says as she points to the overhanging trees filled with sparkling lights. "I can't believe I've never been back here before."

Looking at the excitement on her face completely makes me wish I could stall and just enjoy me this beautiful evening. So, I do, letting myself enjoy the evening for a few more moments before I ruin it.

We walk down the cobblestone streets and broken stone sidewalks as we look at the brownstones and tiny front gardens surrounded by black, iron gates. There are two levels of brownstone apartments lining the streets. For some you ascend the small staircase, and for others you descend below the street level. Walking here at night is a delight for the senses—savory smells, soft light, and waves of quiet chatter drift through the open windows of the buildings.

The more we walk, the closer we become, until our arms are brushing. We explore the area for hours, and by the end, I am even more enamored with Elspeth than I was before. And Ineedto tell her the truth.

We stop to sit on a small bench in the Boston Common. I suck in a deep breath and brace myself for her reaction.

"Elspeth, I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

I look into her innocent face and blurt out the truth.

"I lied about the threat against the witch coven."


"I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you therealreason why I've been coming to your garden and loitering outside your bedroom window. So I came up with a lie on the spot and it happened to be a bad one—one that has now started a war with the vampires."

"But why would you do that?" she asks in shock. "Why wouldn't you just tell me the truth? Whatisthe real reason you've been visiting me?"

I pause before answering, knowing I need to honest about this as well, no matter how uncomfortable it makes me. But before I can say anything, Elspeth speaks and says something unexpected.

"This is at least partially my fault as well," she says. "I told the coven about the threat, and while Blair was trying to confirm it, Mickael heard about the lie and declared war."

"It's not your fault. If I hadn't lied to begin with—"

"Maybe we should both go together, just the two of us, to speak with Mickael and try to smooth things over," Elspeth interrupts. "If he realizes it was all nothing more than a misunderstanding—"

Now it ismyturn to interrupt. I can't let Elspeth be there when I talk to Mickael; she can't know how I feel about her yet.

"No," I say sternly. I quickly think of an excuse for why she can't come. "Mickael is a terrible man, and an even worse leader. He's dangerous, and you shouldn't be near him."

She laughs lightly, but it sounds more like a scoff, and I can tell she is trying to sound less frightened than she actually is.

"I can't stay away from him ," she says with conviction. "It's the coven's job to mitigate conflict, and my coven sisters aren't acting fast enough, so I'm going to take the peacekeeping into my own hands."

"I don't need you there." It was the wrong thing to say; that is clear when I see Elspeth's eyes begin to water.

"Do you think I'm weaker than the other coven witches?" she asks. "Is that why you don't want me to come with you when you speak to him? Are you afraid I can't protect myself?"

For a moment, I am stunned into silence because I don't know how to answer her without insulting her. I don't want to hurt Elspeth. But how do I tell her that? How do I say that I feel so strongly about a woman, awitch, who I know mostly from staring at her while she sleeps? I can't think of a way to make it sound anything other than creepy.

"Please, no need to bite your tongue now," she pushes. "If you have something to say, then say it. Tell me why you are so afraid that I will mess up and ruin your meeting with Mickael."
