Page 19 of Fangs with Benefits

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"Of course." She smiles politely under the effects of the glamour.

I steer her to the other side of the bookshelf and away from the view of any onlookers, and since I'm once againstarving, I seize the opportunity and feed from her. I don't take much blood, just enough to ease my hunger and refuel my strength. When I'm finished, I sit her gently on the floor up against the wall so she can rest and sleep off the glamour. When she wakes up, she won't remember anything, so no harm done.

But when I leave the bookstore, guilt sets in. That was an uncharacteristic thing for me to do. I normally drink donated blood or blood from one of the few willing humans who knows of our existence. I don't feed by glamouring innocent people like that. And I don't usually act on sudden like that in public places where someone could easily walk up on me. Now I know something is definitely wrong with me. I feeloff.

I don't really know who to talk to or ask about it because I don't want to raise any alarms. If I talk to one of the vampires, they'll suspect something, and our plan is working too perfectly for me to jeopardize it. If I talk to one of the other faction leaders, it will only raise alarms and make them think I'm somehow dangerous. And if I talk to Blair, she'll just worry about me.

I haven't been paying attention to the clock until now, but since it's almost time for the party, I put matter out of my head and race back to the den to get ready. I'm excited for the party, and I'm especially excited to see Blair.

When I survey my outfit in the mirror, I try not to be distracted by my glowing eyes. They are starting to dim now, and hopefully the glowing light will fade completely before the party. I don't feel like explaining to an entire gala full of supernaturals why my eyes are suddenly glowing like the sun. I suppose, if need be, I can wear sunglasses and really play into the moody vampire aesthetic.

I pull on a pair of distressed jeans that hug my body comfortably and then push my sleeves through a black, button-down dress shirt. The party is a formal event, but I like to be different. While everyone else will be in fine dresses and suits, my appearance will have a touch of attitude, which is just the way I like it. Besides, since I'm the current clan leader, I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard to impress everyone. I do, however, want to impress Blair, which is why I choose something understatedly sexy.

I shake my head and laugh at myself for putting so much thought into my outfit. I don't even know if Blair has any interest in me. And even if she does, vampires and witches aren't exactly a well-received match. In fact, I can't think of a single vampire and witch pair I've ever met in my many immortal years.

When I arrive, the wine goblets are full and the long table at the side of the room is laid out with a spread of delicious, beautiful food. The decorations are incredible; the witches have outdone themselves with magical lighting and the illusion of flowers and trees that seem to be growing inside the room and along the walls. Even the ceiling has been enchanted to look like the star-filled night sky. It's truly spectacular.

As I requested, Arman's black leather, studded armchair that doubled as a "throne" has been brought to the head of the room so I can sit and watch my guests as they feast, drink, and dance. I can also spot Blair as soon as she arrives. She isn't here yet, but a couple of the other witches are. I nod my head at them across the room to express my gratitude for the décor, and one of them eyes me like she still isn't quite sure she can trust me. In time, I will win them all over and show them I am no threat. Thankfully my eyes stopped glowing on my walk here, so at least I don't have to deal with that tonight.

As the guests start filtering in, I watch the door eagerly for any sign of Blair. And when she walks into the room, every eye in the room turns to gaze upon her. She steps into the great hall in a flowing green velvet gown that hugs her torso tightly and pushes the top of her ivory breasts into tempting view. Her crimson hair cascades down around her bare shoulders like a rush of lava, or the first fall of autumn leaves in a billowing wind. I can't take my eyes off her. She is glittering—literally—like there is some form of enchantment in her hair and eyes. She looks soft, supple, and mouthwatering.

I wait for her eyes to find me, to search through the sea of guests and see me sitting here, and I wait for her to walk toward me so I can tell her how stunningly lovely she looks. I've always thought she was beautiful, but tonight, she's radiant.

When the other witches walk over to greet her, Blair smiles and her face radiates joy in a way that makes me want to look at it forever.

Finally, after what feels likecenturies, she sees me. As soon as our eyes meet, Blair smiles again, and I stand up to walk toward her.

For a moment, I second guess my outfit, since my jeans will show every bit of my swollen need, but I don't dwell on it because all I can think about is closing the space between us. I've never felt like this before—so swept up and out of control. I want her so badly that I can't breathe.



It's unnerving to walk in a room and have several sets of eyes fall on you at once. I look for Treyton, but the sea of people enjoying the party blocks my view. Several vampires and even a few werewolves are eyeing me like I'm a slab of fresh meat or a blood bag to drain. I'm relieved when Sybil, Elspeth, and Isla walk over to say hello. Sybil and Elspeth were here all afternoon working on the decorations, which turned out splendidly. And Isla must have just gotten here a few minutes before I did.

"Everything looks wonderful and very magical," I say.

"Youlook lovely too," Sybil says with a discerning look on her face. "I don't think I've ever seen you this fancied up before. Is there someone here you're trying to impress?"

"No," I say quickly as I scan the room for Treyton.

"Did you enchant your hair?"

I hear Isla's question but don't answer it because my eyes finally land on Treyton across the room. He's sitting in Arman's old chair. As soon as our eyes meet, he stands and walks toward me.

"Sorry, one second," I say dismissively as I leave Isla's side. I don't mean to be rude, and I don't mean to make my feelings so obvious, but I can't help myself. I never can where Treyton is concerned.

Everyone looks lovely tonight. My coven sisters are dressed beautifully, and all the other supernaturals are wearing their finest. I knew that would be the case, which is why I wanted to do something special to my appearance. I've never actually tried to look pretty before, but for some reason, tonight felt worth the effort. Itmatters.

Isla was right, I did enchant my hair. I used magic to make it look like I haveactualstars scattered through it. Whichever way I turn, it glimmers, the stars shining even brighter against the silvery threads of moonlight shot through the strands. I created that spell myself by playing with celestial magic, and even though I know people would pay a pretty penny for it on the beauty market, I'm going to keep the spell to myself. I also enchanted my eyes to look like they have stars in them. I was inspired by the compliment Treyton gave me back when we were only meeting for "business" purposes.

Between my hair and my eyes, I'm full of the light and energy of an entire galaxy.

I chose the gown purposefully too, picking a deep, rich, moss green color that looked like a wet forest floor. I wanted to honor the words of my tattoo—as above so below—and look like the embodiment of both the heavens and the earth. By the look on Treyton's face, I achieved my goal of drawing his attention.

As we close the space between us, my heart starts to race. But before I can reach him, I'm pulled away by a swarm of people all begging to dance with me—some vampires, some Fae, and even a werewolf. Before I know what's happening, I am being spun around the dance floor in the dizzying and giddy thrall of music and movement.

I keep trying to find Treyton again, but I can't see him. I hope that he didn't get mad and leave, although it would seem awkward for him to leave hisownparty. It isn't my fault that I was pulled away, and since everyone seems to be getting along so well now, I don't want to protest and start an argument. I resign myself to dancing with the supernaturals around me, who want to know how I was able to change my hair and eyes.
