Page 24 of Blade's Boo

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“No, it’s not. I’ve never experienced this, Boo. This tells me we’re meant for each other. You don’t let something this good go,” I whispered, as I nibbled on her ear and neck.

She shivered. “Why do you call me Boo?”

“I don’t know. It just seems to fit you. That’s the name that came to mind after I met you. Don’t you like it? I can stop using it.”

“No! No, I like it. I was just wondering. That was wonderful, Adam. It makes me wonder when we can do it again. Will this become the night we do it every week?”

I popped up and stared at her in shock. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

She gave me a scared look. “I just meant, will you be coming to see me on a certain day? If weekly isn’t going to fit into your schedule, I understand.”

“There’s not going to be a fucking schedule for when I make love to you, Cassia! Jesus Christ, I’m not that bastard they gave you to. Is that what he did? You were assigned a day of the week when you were expected to allow him to rape you? What did he do, have his other wives service him on the other days? Why would you think I’d have a schedule?”

“I don’t know! Because that’s what I know. It’s hard to be with more than one woman without there being jealousy. Although, I never was. He was with me on Wednesdays. His other two wives were on Monday and Friday.”

“What did he do the other four days? Abstain.”

“No. There were women who lived in the compound who weren’t with anyone. They were with different men when they wanted sex. They weren’t wives, but if a baby was conceived, they were raised by the members. Sometimes, if they knew who the father was, his household would take in the baby and his wives would raise it.”

“That’s fucking warped! Let me make something crystal clear. There will be no other women. You’re it. Just like there will be no other men for you. You’re mine, Cassia, and any man who touches you, I’ll beat the hell out of him. If he does more than touch, I’ll kill him. You have my word.”

“You’ll give up other women?” She sounded astonished.

“Hell yeah. Did you hear Neriah or Bryony mentioning their men having other women? Fuck no. When you become an old lady, you’re it for life. God, I can’t believe how messed up that place was.”

“It was. I’m sorry if I upset you. I’m trying to learn what the real world is like when it comes to this.”

“I don’t know what the real world expects. All that matters is what the two of us expect and want. Shit, I can’t believe they raised babies like they were puppies or something. And to expect a man’s wife to be okay with raising his child with another woman, especially one who was still living there, that’s messed up. Tell me you and his other wives never had to do that.”

She closed her eyes, and I had my answer. Goddamn it. “He had a favorite among those women. She was with him most of the time when he wasn’t with his wives. She got pregnant and they were sure it was his. When he was born, he brought him home and told us we’d raise the baby.”

“What about the baby’s mother? What did she do or say?”

“Nothing. She went back to sleeping with him as soon as she recovered from childbirth. When I left, she was pregnant again.”

“God, I can’t believe this. I can’t ever tell you how sorry I am that you had to live like that. I’ll do my best to make up for that, baby.”

I wanted to kiss her, but before my lips got to hers, she gasped and shot up in bed. Her eyes were huge. “What’s wrong?” I asked quickly.

“A baby. Adam, I’m not taking those herbs and plants I told you about. The ones that prevent pregnancy. You didn’t use a condom. Lord, I need to find those and make up my tea. Until then, you’ll have to get condoms. I think we should be safe. It’s not the right time in my cycle to get pregnant.”

Disappointment ran through me. I hadn’t thought of using anything with her. Being reminded that I hadn’t didn’t scare me or make me want to run. The idea of a baby with her, I’d take in a second. However, it didn’t sound like she wanted that.

“Cassia, if you don’t want to have my baby, then we can talk to a doctor, so you can get on something. You won’t need to brew your tea. I’ll be honest. I don’t want to use condoms with you. If you ever change your mind and want a baby, let me know. I’d love to have one or more with you.”

She reached out to caress my beard. “Adam, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I wouldn’t welcome your baby. I just didn’t think that you’d want one right away, if at all. Not everyone wants kids.”

“Do you want children? I know you lost one. Did that turn you off on having more? Yeah. Some people don’t have kids. That hasn’t been my experience with my club. We’ve got kids everywhere. If you don’t want any, we’ll have plenty of nieces and nephews. I always imagined I’d be a dad, but it isn’t something I have to do. As long as I have you, I’ll be happy.”

She gave me a tender kiss. When she pulled away, she whispered to me, “Adam, I want to be a mother. I’ll welcome a baby any time God decides to bless us with one. I only suggested the tea or condoms because we’re brand new. Most people wait to have kids until after they know each other better. I’d hate to be a single mom. That’s something I don’t want.”

I hugged her. “You’ll never be a single mom. This is forever. No going back. If we have an issue, we’ll work it out together. You tell me what you want and we’ll do it. If you want to wait, we will. Just know, if we created a baby today, I'd be over the moon. I love you and I’ll love our baby.”

Tears erupted, and she buried her head in my chest as she bawled. I held her and let the storm pass.

Cassia: Chapter 9

I woke up yawning. After crying my eyes out discussing babies last night, Blade and I agreed that until I was ready to get pregnant, we’d use condoms. He wasn’t thrilled, but shots or pills would take days to be effective. Even my tea would take several doses. I just needed to settle into this whole new world with him first. I had the notion it wouldn’t be long. Besides, we didn’t see ourselves being able to resist each other for that long. In fact, we proved that when we made love two more times. Thankfully, he had condoms with him. Something I tried not to dwell on. I knew he had been with a lot of women before me. No one was that good at sex without lots of practice.

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