Page 29 of Blade's Boo

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She waved her hand dismissively. “I have the Punishers, the Marauders, both Pagan Souls and the Horsemen to choose from. If they all run out, you’ll have to make more friends.”

Blade laughed then turned to me. “Forgive me, baby. I was rude. This is Ms. Marie. I was just telling you about her, and this is her man, Waylon. Ms. Marie, Waylon, this is my lady Cassia. I brought her to meet everyone, so be nice and don’t scare her off.”

“I doubt she scares that easily and if she does, then she’s not the one for you. But something tells me, she’s got more backbone than that. Hello, dear. It’s so nice to meet you, even though you are stealing Blade from me.” She surprised me with a hug. Waylon took my hand and gave it a kiss, which I thought was so sweet.

“Don’t mind her. She likes to pretend all the single ones are part of her harem. When one settles, she likes to tease them about how much they hurt her. She doesn’t need a harem. I give her everything she needs—in and out of the bedroom,” Waylon said, as he winked then patted her on the ass. My mouth fell open. She laughed then gave him a kiss.

I wasn’t used to people being open like this about their feelings, especially older people. My amazement was interrupted by a younger man and woman coming up to us. The man was scowling, and he was scary as hell. The woman was grinning.

“What the hell did I say about you saying shit like that and patting her ass? I’m going to go blind and have to kill you, Waylon,” he growled.

Waylon shrugged and didn’t look scared or remorseful. Ms. Marie rolled her eyes. The young woman patted the younger guy’s chest soothingly. “Babe, you’re never going to change them, so stop trying.”

“But she’s our children’s great-grandmother. I have to try. Savannah came home the other day talking about GiGi and PawPaw kissing, and GiGi was sitting on the kitchen table,” he whined. It was hilarious to see such an intimidating man whine.

Blade was laughing. He interrupted the man’s pouting. “Cassia, let me introduce you to Menace and Alannah. I told you she’s Ms. Marie’s granddaughter. Savannah is their daughter. Alannah, the next time Savannah does that, record him. I’ll play it in church for the guys. We could all use a good laugh.”

Alannah smiled and held out her hand. I shook it. “It’s so good to meet you, Cassia. Forgive my old man. My grandmother loves to tweak him.”

“It’s nice to meet you too,” I replied.

Menace took my hand next. “It is really good to meet you, Cassia. As for you, brother, I can bury you in the same hole as Waylon. Just remember that.”

So began my introduction to the Archangel’s Warriors. In some ways, they were what I was expecting from knowing Blade. The men were tall, fit, dangerous looking, handsome, and covered in tattoos. The women were less expected. Not necessarily the kinds of women I expected to be with bikers, but then again, I wasn’t either. Everyone was friendly. I laughed a lot. Blade had been right. My head did whirl with all the names, especially when kids were added. I saw eight babies a year-old or less.

Another surprise was how the men were with their women and kids. They were loving and protective like Blade was toward me. The men paid as much attention to the kids, even the babies, as the women did. It was obvious they were well loved and not just by their parents. It was clear that raising them was a community effort. If one ran, fell, and cried, they were picked up and comforted by the nearest adult, even if it wasn’t his or her parent.

It became very clear to me rather quickly that this compound wasn’t like the one I grew up on. In the Converts’ compound, the men had nothing to do with rearing the children. That was women’s work. When the boys got older, they’d start to teach them to be chauvinistic bastards like them. They taught them the manly things they thought they should do. I hated that. Always another generation of hateful men.

Also, it was plain as day that these men adored their women. They constantly were touching them, showing affection, and didn’t stay away from their sides for long. However, it didn’t come across as being controlling. If they wanted to go off and talk to the other women or do something, they didn’t prevent it.

The hours flew by. Later, I helped in the kitchen to get things set out and ready to serve. They’d done a lot of it in advance. Neriah explained that the men usually stayed out, not because they wouldn’t help, but because they got in the way and tried to sneak food before it was served. When it came to grilling, the men did that.

In between the talking and eating, Blade took me to see the guesthouse and the apartment. I was more than pleasantly surprised at how nice they were. They were nicer and bigger than my place. Also, I got to see his room, the pool, the playground, and the outdoor gathering place which had the grills, firepits with tables and chairs. Lastly, were the houses. All of them were lovely and different.

After it got dark, the kids were settled in the huge room that was set up for them at the clubhouse. They could watch television, play with toys or games, and even sleep in there. Various ones took turns keeping an eye on them.

Later, some of them started to leave for the night. They all told me goodnight before they did. I was feeling very comfortable and relaxed. It had been a wonderful day. Just what I needed. Blade got up. “Babe, I’ll be right back. I’m going to get your bag out of the car. Are you okay with the apartment tonight?”

I’d brought an overnight bag at his insistence. I nodded. “Yeah, the apartment is fine. Do you want me to come with you?”

“Nah, stay here. It’s cold outside. I’ll be right back.” He gave me a quick kiss before he left. I was finishing my drink when Neriah came over.

“Honey, I’m tired. I’m going home. Are you staying tonight?”

“I am. Blade went to get my overnight bag. We’re staying upstairs.”

“Oh good, then I’ll see you tomorrow. Be prepared for a few sore heads.” She laughed as she pointed to the guys at the pool table.

They were the ones who I knew were single. They’d been drinking more than the others. I didn’t envy them. I had a hangover once. I decided after running away, I wanted to know what the appeal was to drinking alcohol. It took one time for me to know it wasn’t for me. I didn’t mind a buzz, like I had now, but not a hangover. I grinned.

She waved at Blade as she left with her men. He saluted them. Coming over to me, he leaned down to whisper in my ear, “Are you ready for bed?”

The heat in his eyes made me nod. I’d been ready to be with him for hours. The need had grown and grown all day. My panties were damp. Giving me that sexy smirk of his, he held out his hand to me. I took it and let him lead me to our bed. He made a brief stop at his room to grab a bag he had packed.

Blade: Chapter 10

As I led my woman to our room for the night, I thought about the day. I thought it was a success. She’d gotten more comfortable as the day went by. Everyone welcomed her and treated her like one of the family. She got to see that we were nothing like what she grew up with in that fucked-up compound. At times, I saw the wonder and shock as she took in the place and people. I was hopeful that this would go a long way in convincing her we were fated for each other. Maybe I’d be able to tell Steel and Hammer to start on a house and we’d start on a baby sooner than I thought.
