Page 38 of Blade's Boo

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“What does Blade think?”

“He insists on getting up and following me there. Since I’m there alone in the middle of the night, he stays until someone else comes in. I told him he doesn’t need to do that. It makes his day longer for no reason, but he won’t stop doing it.”

“I don’t blame him. If you were my old lady, I wouldn’t want you there either. There are too many creeps and weirdos in the world. Better safe than sorry. I’ll let him know, if he ever can’t go with you, I can.”

“Lance, that’s so sweet of you, but I wouldn’t want to do that to you.”

“It’s not a problem. The only thing that might prevent me is if they need me to do something else. Well, I’d better get back to work. Holler if you need anything.” He stood up and headed for the door. I rushed over to let him out and I thanked him again. He waved off my thanks and thundered down the steps rather than ride the elevator.

Closing the door, I looked around. They had furnished the place with all the necessities. The walls were a tad bare, but since it wasn’t anyone’s permanent space, I could understand it. I looked at the couch and chairs. The set up felt off to me. I thought the couch should be where the chairs were and the chairs where the couch was. I almost laughed at my silliness. I wasn’t living here forever. It would be fine.

Going to the kitchen, I checked out what I had to work with for dinner and future meals. Opening drawers, I soon found one with a pad of paper and a pen in it. I took them out and got started making my list. I took time to look in the fridge, the freezer and the pantry. Once I got those done, I went to check if there were any bathroom or personal care items needed. I added more of my soap, shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste. When I was done, I recalled him saying the master pantry was down by the main kitchen. I decided to go check it out.

Lance wasn’t at the bar. I didn’t have to wander far to find it. The thing was huge and a cook or baker's dream. I took time to look at what they had. There was a system to it and I saw the place where you wrote what you needed or took. You put the item name, amount, date and your name. If you wanted it picked up, you filled all that in but checked it was for personal pickup.

What was wild was they had these baskets, like you have at the store sitting there, so you could carry the stuff. I guess if you took a lot, you’d have to make more than one trip, but it was still a wonderful system. I wondered who came up with the idea. Harlow? She’d been the first old lady.

It didn’t take me long to fill my basket. It was mainly baking supplies. It reminded me, the next time I was at my place, if I planned to stay here longer, I should grab what I had and not let it go to waste. I filled out the paper then walked out to go back to the apartment. I needed to think about what to make for dinner. I almost ran into Lala.

I wasn’t pleased to see her. What was she doing here in the middle of the day? I didn’t think any of the guys were here. I could be wrong, but if I wasn’t, why would she be lurking around the clubhouse? Was this normal? I needed to find out. I tried to step to the side so I could pass her, but she shifted in front of me again. I stopped and waited for her to speak. I could tell she was dying to say something. She stood there with her hands on her hips and her eyes narrowed on me. I gave her an innocent look. We faced off for maybe a minute before she huffed.

“What do you think you’re doing, going through the pantry? That’s for the club’s use, not yours. If you want to go grocery shopping, go to the store. Did you think you could come here in the middle of the day and steal stuff for your house? Wait until I tell the guys.”

“I could ask you what you’re doing here in the middle of the day. Your particular skills are usually done at night, aren’t they? When the guys are actually here for you to crawl all over. What are you looking to steal? And I’ll have you know, I have every right to take this. Lance told me to help myself. It’s common practice for old ladies and the members to get stuff out of here. I need to supply the apartment Blade and I are living in.”

I admit, I was a little catty in my tone, but since it was her, I didn’t care. She rubbed me the wrong way. I know it was because of how she acted toward Blade. One look at her showed me that we were nothing alike in looks or body type. She was taller than me, thinner and had fake boobs, if I ever saw them. She wore too much makeup and her hair was not my style, but she was attractive. She got an outraged look on her face.

“You’re a liar! No way Blade moved you in here let alone moved in with you. If he’s settling down, you’re the last woman he’ll do that with. Look at you. You’re plain and boring. There’s no way you can give him what he needs and wants. Not like I can. I know everything there is to know about a man’s cravings and desires,” she said, with a smirk. I wanted to wipe it off with my hand. The bitch was making me feel unsure and I didn’t like that. I was about to tell her to get the hell out of my way when we were interrupted.

Blade: Chapter 13

Since my last job of the day canceled on me, I cut out of work early. I wanted to get home and be there to help Cassia settle into the apartment. I was praying that she’d like it and decide to move there with me.

I was moving through the common room on my way to the apartment. I knew she had to be there, since her car was in the parking lot. A raised voice caught my attention. I recognized it immediately. It was Lala. Her words told me she had to be speaking to Cassia. She was trying to undermine all my efforts to get her to move here and believe that this relationship would go the distance. Fury rushed through me. I stormed over to the pantry. That’s where it sounded like she was at.

I saw Cassia standing there with a basket of stuff. Lala was half blocking her from leaving. Although she tried to hide it, I could tell Lala’s spiteful and lying words had scored a hit with Cassia. There was this look of worry and uncertainty on her face. I grabbed Lala’s arm and swung her around. Even as mad as I was, I made sure not to squeeze her arm too tightly. She gasped when she saw me and her face went pale.

“What the hell are you doing here, Lala? You shouldn’t be here and you sure as hell shouldn’t be in here, getting in my woman’s face telling her a bunch of lies and bullshit. I most surely did move her in here and as soon as she gives me the green light, we’ll be building our house. There’s not a damn thing boring or plain about her. She satisfies my cravings and desires as you call them, better than anyone in my life. With her, I have the whole package and I’m not going to lose her. Take your spiteful ass out of here. I’ll be talking to the club. Hanging out here when we’re not here isn’t allowed.”

“Blade, you don’t understand. I love you and I know I can be the woman you need. Why go to someone like her? She doesn’t know this life. She’s not strong enough for this kind of life or a man like you. And I know I can give you anything and everything you need. Give me a chance,” she pleaded.

Where in the hell she got the idea I’d want her as my old lady, I had no clue. Her attempts to get with me had been pathetic. How did she know what my cravings and desires were? We had never hooked up. She always gave me this strange vibe.

“Lala, I don’t know what the hell you’re thinking. You and I have never hooked up. Cassia is more than strong enough for this life. She’s survived worse. What she doesn’t know about living the MC life, I’ll teach her. You don’t love me. You don’t know me. I sure as hell don’t love you. I love Cassia. She’s going to be not only my old lady, but my wife and the mother of my children. You need to let your fantasy about us go. It’s never going to happen in this lifetime or the next,” I growled.

She burst into tears. She whipped around to glare at Cassia, who’d been quiet this whole time. It was making me nervous. I wanted to know what she was thinking. “This is all your fault! If you’d stayed away and hadn’t trapped him, he would’ve fallen in love with me. He was almost there. Don’t celebrate yet. He’ll figure you out and come for me. I know he will.”

Before I could shoot down that idea, she ran out of the room. I let her go. She wasn’t my worry, Cassia was. I slowly approached her. I reached out and took the basket.

“Baby, what did I miss? I’m so damn sorry she did that. The woman is nuts. I swear, nothing she said is true. I don’t want her. She didn’t touch you or anything, did she?”

I asked her that, because in the past, a few bunnies had gotten out of control and tried to physically hurt some of the old ladies. She shook her head no, which was a relief. “No, she didn’t touch me, just spewed her hateful words. Why are you off work so early?”

I hugged her to my side and began to lead her out of the pantry and down the hall toward the elevator. I’d have that word with Terror and the guys later. Right now, I needed to be sure she was alright. All the progress we’d made in the last few days had better not be ruined by Lala. If it was, I’d be hard pressed not to hunt her down and make her life hell.

Upstairs, I sat the basket on the counter then led her to the couch. I sat down and pulled her down on my lap. I wanted her close for this talk. I started out by giving her the kiss I intended to give her when I first arrived, before I found her with Lala. Happily, she responded to it with equal passion. This gave me hope that we hadn’t backslid. I took my time before breaking it off. She ran her fingers through my hair then my beard. I rubbed her bottom lip with my thumb. I loved how pouty and full that lip was. It made me want to bite it.

“My last appointment was canceled, so I decided to come home. I wanted to be with you as you got settled. I’m glad you started and found the pantry.”

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