Page 53 of Blade's Boo

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Slowly she removed her finger and then let go of my deflating cock. I watched through a haze as she licked my cum off her hand before she got up and went to the bathroom. A couple of minutes of water running and then she was back with a wet washcloth.

“Roll over,” she instructed me. I did it weakly. She gently cleansed my cock and stomach. Then she tapped my hip. “Lift up.”

I did, and she wiped my sore though satisfied asshole. The little bit of pain and burning that I’d experienced was more than overshadowed by the intense orgasm I’d just had. I had no idea which of my brothers were into this, but thank God the ladies had talked about it in front of Cassia. She’d lit up my world. When she tossed the washcloth on her nightstand, I tugged her to me, so I could kiss her. I made it as intense as I could. When I let her up to breathe, I smiled at her. “That’s going into our sex vault.”

“Sex vault?”

“Yeah, the place where we keep all our sexual ideas. This one is going to be visited again. Don’t ever be afraid to ask me to try something. God, I think my brain imploded. I came so damn hard.”

She giggled and snuggled into me. Our hands went back to caressing each other. It wasn’t long before I started to get aroused again. I knew she was. Rolling her onto her back. I pressed her legs apart and laid between them. It was time for me to feast on her honey. I growled as I licked her from ass to clit. She gasped, and I knew the night was far from over for us.

Cassia: Chapter 17

I couldn’t take my eyes off the ring on my left hand. Blade had slid it on two nights ago, after he said I’d given him the best orgasm of his life and he’d made me cry and beg for mercy as he made me come again and again. He whispered to me how much he loved me and wanted me to be his wife. I cried and said yes.

It was a gorgeous solitaire diamond. It wasn’t the traditional round cut, rather it was what they called a trillion cut he informed me. It was shaped like a triangle and off to the left side the same triangle was created with several small round diamonds with the center open. Those same round diamonds created a double row down the band. It caught the light constantly and I couldn’t help but stop and look at it.

The following night in the common room, the ladies had gone wild when they saw it. All I could do was beam with pleasure. It was after that Blade got me to decide once and for all which house plan I wanted. He said with a baby coming and us now engaged, he didn’t want us to waste time. I knew he was right, plus I knew he’d be pushing for a wedding as soon as possible. When he got an idea, he was full force ahead. The fact I wanted the same sealed the deal.

The plan we’d settled on was a country house that was split and half of it sat back and to the side of the front half. The back section had the three-car garage and storage, plus a master suite, small laundry, kitchen and breakfast combo area, a great room, an in-law suite with another bedroom and a full bath with a covered and screened porch.

The front half had a great room, smart suite, dining room, breakfast and kitchen combo area, large laundry, three more bedrooms and two full baths plus a screened and covered porch. I loved it but had fought not to pick it. It was huge, over thirty-four hundred square feet. Blade convinced me the area in the back could be used for office space and play areas and a guest suite in case anyone stayed with us. He teased me that we’d need those extra rooms for the six kids we would have. I had news for him, I wasn’t sure if I could do six. I grew up the youngest in a house of more than that and it had been insane.

Erin and Babs were so excited for me when I showed them my ring. I’d shown Babs when she came in yesterday to have a pastry and coffee. Jan had curled up her lip and didn’t say anything when she heard customers asking me about it. She was still pissed at me and I didn’t care.

Today, I was back working at the bakery. I was afraid to wear my ring, so I took it off and kept it in a safe place in my purse while I was baking. I made sure to put it back on when I was done. Blade had gotten upset when I tried to leave without this morning. I’d never had anything that valuable in my life.

It was right before lunch and I was helping in the front, since it was so busy and Jan was complaining about how she couldn’t keep up. I didn’t want the customers to wait, or I’d have told her to kiss my ass. She was working slowly on purpose, however, I wasn’t about to let her get me down.

I was ringing up a customer and wasn't paying attention to who was coming in the door and ringing that bell. I didn’t see who was in line to be served by me until later, when a customer stepped away with his purchases and the next one stepped up to the counter. I tried not to frown when I saw Heath. I hadn’t seen him for several days. I’d been hoping he had gotten a clue and wouldn’t come back. I guess not. I fought to be polite as I gave him a weak smile. One that, for those who knew me, was obviously fake.

“Hello, Heath. I haven’t seen you lately. What can I get you today? The selection is dwindling fast. Better pick something quick. I assume you want a black coffee with it?”

He leaned over the counter, closer to me. I didn’t move back. “Cassia, no sudden moves. I need you to come with me. I’ll explain why after we get out of here. If you don’t want anyone to get hurt, do as I say,” he said softly. I gasped and looked at him. He had a deadly serious look on his face. He had one hand in the pocket of his jacket. I couldn’t tell what he had in it, but there was something.

The warning note in his voice, his expression, and the way he was holding himself told me he wasn’t a man to mess with. I was suddenly terrified that he had a gun in that pocket and if I didn’t do as he said he’d shoot someone. I couldn’t live with myself if he shot someone because of me. Quickly scanning the shop, I noticed we were full of people and there were children present. There was no way to signal anyone and him not notice. I couldn’t run. Sighing then taking a deep breath, I nodded my head.

“Good. Keep listening to me and doing what I say and no one will get hurt. I want you to head through the kitchen and out the back door. My car is parked behind yours. We’ll get into mine. Don’t scream. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

I was feeling lightheaded as I told Jan I needed to go into the kitchen. She scowled at me. Her eyes widened as Heath came around the counter and followed me. Any hope she might say something or draw attention to him died as she turned her back on us.

He let me grab my purse off the shelf by the office. He pointed to it. “Hand me your cell phone.” I dug it out of my pocket and handed it to him.

“Okay, let’s go. Walk slow. When we get to my car, I want you to get in on the driver’s side and slide across the seat. Don’t try to run.”

He walked so close to me, I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck. Outside, behind my car was a dark-blue two-door car. I had no idea what kind it was. I wasn’t good at makes and models of cars and trucks. The chime of his car and the click of a button told me he’d unlocked it with a key fob. I went around to the driver’s side and opened the door. I got in like he told me. The urge to grab the handle and bail out the passenger side was huge, but I fought it. I was scared of a bullet in my back, even if it was unlikely I’d get out of this alive by cooperating. My creepy feelings around him had proven right. He was a stalker and everyone knew those kinds of people were unpredictable and highly dangerous. They often killed the object of their obsession.

He started the car and put it in gear. I watched him to see if he’d pull that gun out of his pocket. He backed out of the back alley then turned right to head down the main street. In this direction, it was a straight shot to the on-ramp to the highway just outside of town. His eyes were constantly scanning around us and his grip on the steering wheel was tight enough that his knuckles were white.

“Heath, why are you doing this? You know that you can’t get away with this. Blade and his club will find us. When they do, I hate to think what they’ll do to you for kidnapping an old lady.”

“I’m not afraid of Blade and his outlaw club. They’ll be chasing their tail trying to figure out where you went. I saw the guy they had outside the bakery. He’s been there for the past two days. Did Blade think keeping you under surveillance would prevent you from getting away from him?”

“What man? And Blade isn’t preventing me from doing anything. I don’t want to get away from him. I love him. I’m going to marry him.”

He snorted. “Don’t spew that shit he makes you say at me. I know the truth. He’s forcing you. Whatever he’s holding over you to get you to do this, tell me. I can make it go away and you’ll be safe.”

“I’m telling you, he’s not holding anything over me! I love him. Please, if you take me back and never come around me again, I won’t tell him what you did. This isn’t worth your life,” I pleaded.
