Page 61 of Blade's Boo

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“Cassia, I’m so sorry. I’ve never seen her like that,” Ian apologized.

“It’s not your place to apologize for her, Ian. She’s always been hateful toward me and I’m not the only one. She makes sure to be nothing but sweet when you’re around. That’s not the real Jan. It’s miserable working with her, honestly,” I said.

He looked at Babs and Erin, who both nodded their heads in agreement.

“Lord, I’m so sorry. I’ve been blind. I guess I thought since she’d worked there when my wife was alive, she was a good person. I’ll definitely be talking to Blade and his club about her employment.”

“So, does that mean you’ve made up your mind about our offer for the bakery?” Blade asked him with hope in his voice.

“It does. I’m ready to move to Florida and I can’t think of anyone I’d love more to buy the bakery. I know you’ll keep it going for many years and with Cassia there, it’ll be managed right. Let’s meet next week to go over the details. Today is for celebrating and having fun.”

This kicked off a round of drinks and me taking Erin and Babs around to meet the ladies. The day passed quickly and overall was a fun-filled day. I was happy to have gotten the chance to be there, but when nighttime came, I was more than ready to have some alone time with my man. Die-hards were still partying when we went upstairs to the apartment. We shut out the world and got down to our own private celebration.


The alert came through Tuesday, three days after the party. We’d put our plans into motion and they were starting to pan out. Our planning had led us to doing something a little different when it came to Reuben and Cassia’s dad. Instead of us going to Utah to find them, we were bringing them to us. It was much easier to dispose of them where we knew the territory. That had been Benedict’s idea.

We’d worked through Smoke to send both men an anonymous tip from a concerned person who said that Cassia had been sighted in Dublin Falls, Tennessee. The tipster said they were admirers of the Church of Converts’ ways and had heard about them from Hiram. They were saddened to hear he’d died and the church had disbanded. They were hoping that some of the more devoted members, like them, would be re-establishing it so the mystery writer could join.

We gave them a fake name, address, and email. It was all set up and being monitored by Smoke. I’d been skeptical that they’d fall for it, but they did. Benedict, or Ben I guess as he liked to be called now, had included enough information to make it plausible that Hiram had spoken to someone about the group and Cassia. There were things only those who lived there would know.

We sent the tip off last week and they responded today. Smoke said they were on their way, although their response to the tipster said they wouldn’t be able to come until next week. I guess they wanted to sneak in and out. They were given the information that she lived in a small place outside of town. In reality, the place was owned by Ian. He didn’t know what we needed it for, but he’d been happy to let us use it. We told him we wanted to have a few days alone without anyone around. All we had to do was tell him when.

When we found out they were coming, we asked him if we could have it starting tomorrow. He readily agreed and Babs was more than willing to cover for Cassia at the bakery. We couldn’t risk her working and someone getting hurt. We were going to lure them to this out of the way house and take them, hopefully, without a fight.

When I told Cassia the plan, she wanted to actually be at the house. I refused. Even with us there, I couldn’t risk her getting hurt. This is where our other contacts came in handy. The Dark Patriots were sending us Sloan. She was about Cassia’s height and with a wig, would pass for her from a distance. All we needed was for her to suck them into the trap. Of course, Undertaker, or I should say, Mark, was coming with her. No way he’d let her do this without him. We gladly said yes. Their almost four-month-old son, Caleb, would be taken care of at the club while they worked.

We texted them it was a go. They arrived ahead of our unwelcome guests. Sloan got set up in the house with me. Mark and several of my brothers set up outside where they wouldn’t be spotted. Ben and Heath were in the house with us, staying out of sight. Hopefully, they’d be taken in the yard, but if not, we had the manpower to take them in the house. They wouldn’t be a match for us.

We were there and waiting. Smoke kept us updated on their progress. They should be arriving anytime. Standing around doing nothing was the hard part. Sloan, Heath, and Ben were better at it than me. They had easily relaxed into playing a card game. I joined them, but played like shit, because I couldn’t concentrate. Sloan’s time in the military showed. Sometimes, I wish I’d served, but it was too late for that now. My phone chimed at the same time theirs did. Glancing at it, I saw the message we’d been waiting for.

Smoke: They’re coming up the road. ETA two minutes.

Me: Roger. We’re ready.

We all got to our places. Heath and Ben hid in the bedroom. Sloan went to the front door, opened it and stepped out onto the porch. She stood there like she was just doing something on the porch. I stayed just inside the door, pretending to be talking to her. The sound of an engine caught our attention. We turned as if to see who it was.

No one else lived on this dirt road. It was a private lane to the house. It had been Ian and his wife’s retreat. It was really beautiful. I wondered if he’d be selling it. This might be a place to start our haven. There was land and room to grow. I’d ask the guys what they thought after I asked Ian if he was willing to sell it too.

We watched as an SUV came to a stop and the doors opened. When the two men got out, Sloan gasped and hurried toward me. I took her into the house and shut the door. Through the front window, we watched them rush across the yard toward the door. They never made it. Before their feet touched the bottom step, my brothers came out of their hiding places and surrounded them. They held them at gunpoint. The shock and fear on their faces was comical. I whistled and Ben and Heath joined us. The four of us went outside.

As they watched, Sloan took off her wig and smiled at them. She walked right over to Mark and he gathered her in his arms. They looked back at me. That’s when they noticed Ben. I watched as the color drained out of Alaric Parrish’s face. Reuben’s held recognition and hate. Ben walked down the stairs to them. I was right beside him.

“Well, well, look what the cat dragged in, a couple of rats. Blade, you should make sure you set more traps. You don’t want an infestation happening. Good thing we don’t trap and release. When it comes to vermin, we trap and kill. Hello Alaric, Reuben, I’d like to say it’s good to see you, but I don’t believe in lying. So, you thought it was going to be that easy to take my sister. Wrong. You sure are stupid. Even if I wasn’t here, there’s no way her man, Blade, would ever allow that to happen. See Cassia finally has protectors. Something I regret I wasn’t able to do years ago.”

“Son, what are you doing here? What is the meaning of this? I order you to let us go and take us to your sister. These thugs have no right to her. Reuben is her husband, and she’s going back home with him.” Alaric huffed.

“Don’t call me son. I’m no son of yours. Blade, why don’t you explain things to them.”

“Gladly, Ben. I’m Blade. Cassia isn’t going anywhere. That man isn’t her husband. He has no right to her. Even if he did, it would be a cold day in hell before I let either of you take her. She suffered enough in your hands. You’re coming with us. We have some talking to do then we’ll decide how soon and which way to end your miserable lives. Take them away,” I ordered Jake and Lance.

The two men fought and yelled for us to stop, but we ignored them. A couple of my brothers helped to get them trussed up and to the crash truck, where they were roughly tossed in the back. I knew they’d have bruises from how hard they were thrown in there, not that I cared. I locked up the house then we got on the road. It didn’t take us long to reach the compound. We rode straight past the clubhouse without stopping. I’d sent a text to Cassia letting her know we had them and were on our way. After we dealt with them, I’d go to her. The next time I saw her, I wanted to be able to tell her the threat to her was over.

By the time I parked outside the Hole, they were wrestling Alaric and Reuben inside. I gave them a couple of minutes to get them situated. Ben came over to me. “That went way too smooth. Is it always that easy for you guys?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is the first time we’ve ever done anything like this. You know, if you or Heath talk, we’ll have to kill you and bury your bodies where they can’t be found,” I warned him.

He grinned. Heath had joined him and he was doing the same. Against my will, I was beginning to like them. Heath less than Ben because I knew he was attracted to my woman.
