Page 63 of Blade's Boo

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“If it had just been me that had been hurt, then I’d say good riddance and slice their necks. However, they hurt Cassia, my mom and my siblings, even if they refuse to acknowledge it. My vote is to leave them here and let them suffer. We can regroup in a couple days and decide if we end it or not.”

I gave him a chin lift to let him know I agreed. Walking back to the two pathetic assholes hanging there, I grinned.

“It’s your lucky day. We’re going to let you stew and think about what you’ve done. Don’t worry, we’ll come see you every day and refresh your memories. Only when we think you’ve had enough, will we end it. Hope you enjoy yourselves. Bye.”

Their screams and pleas followed us outside. A quick conference with my club and we set up the first guard. Even if they were chained, they wouldn’t be given a chance to escape. Heath volunteered to take the first shift. We made it clear that they could be lightly tortured, but nothing too crazy. We didn’t want them to accidentally die before we were ready to send them to their maker. With this decided, I almost raced my bike back to the clubhouse to see Cassia. I needed her in my arms.

Cassia: Epilogue- Ten Weeks Later

I couldn’t believe it. My life was finally everything I wanted it to be. After messing with my dad and Reuben for close to a week, Blade and the others, including my brother, ended their miserable existences. I hadn’t shed a single tear for them. The club was keeping tabs on their families and making sure they were doing okay.

As far as we could tell, they hadn’t told anyone where they were going or why. As far as the world knew, they took a road trip and never came back. No one knew if they were dead or had skipped town and started over. The latter was suspected, since I heard the guys talking about a false money trail Smoke and Everly had planted, making it look like they’d left the country.

While I was sad that my other siblings were still living that life, I was thrilled to have Ben back in mine. He was finishing his last few weeks of service then he would be moving and starting a job. He and Heath had been so interested in what the Dark Patriots did, that after they met, they stayed in contact with Mark. Eventually, he’d talked them into joining them. Heath had already started since he was out already. I was hopeful that Ben would like this. I was also praying he’d find a woman and settle down. I wanted him to find the same happiness I had with Blade.

Our house was well on its way to being done in a couple more months. We were still in the apartment at the compound. I’d let my apartment go in town. It had been a waste of money to keep it. The bakery had been sold to the Warriors, and I had been put in charge of it, much to my shock. I still baked, but another person had been hired full time in addition to me and Babs. Jan had been shown to the door. That had been a great day for all of us there. She’d been so toxic to work with. Our customer base kept growing. I loved it.

Since a Warrior was almost always put in charge of their businesses, it had been decided that Storm would help me with the business end of things. Why Storm? Because he volunteered. Bryony teased him saying he just liked to eat the baked goods. He would grin and not deny it. So far, he let me run it the way I saw fit. I did the hiring and firing plus decided on the menu and such. It was only when it came to things like major purchases or expansion that he was the final one to say. I had no problem with that.

In addition to the club buying the bakery from Ian, he’d also sold them the house they’d used to lure my dad and Reuben here. They had enclosed it in a fence and set it up for the first few people needing it. They planned to expand it soon, so they could house more. I loved the idea. If one of those had existed years ago, I could’ve gotten help there.

A month after getting rid of my nightmares, Blade and I got married. We didn’t do it with a big wedding. We decided to save our money and put it toward our house and other things. Instead, we had a small civil ceremony. Ben gave me away and was a witness for us. Voodoo stood up as his best man and I had Neriah be my maid of honor.

Afterward, we’d had a big celebration with everyone back at the compound, which I was told was the norm for most Warrior couples. I got to meet all the other clubs and the Dark Patriots I hadn’t met yet. That night had been crazy and so much fun. Afterward, we went away for our honeymoon for a week. We went to Florida and stayed on the beach. It had been heaven. I wasn’t showing, so I could still wear a bathing suit.

Now, we were settling into our lives. I had gotten off work early today without telling Blade. I surprised him with one of his favorite meals and now I was going to surprise him more. We’d just finished making love. I knew it wouldn’t be the last time we did that tonight. This pregnancy made me insatiable when it came to him. I’d called him a few times in the middle of the day to come over to the bakery. We’d go into the office and he’d lay me out on my desk or over a chair. It was hard not to scream and let everyone know for sure what we were doing, but I managed. Of course, our faces when we came out probably gave us away, but I didn’t care.

I was lying with my head on his shoulder tracing his tattoos. He was rubbing my back. Deciding it was time, I sat up and reached over to open the drawer on my nightstand. He gave me a quizzical look. I took out a small, wrapped box and handed it to him. He sat up.

“What’s this? It isn’t my birthday and I know it’s not our anniversary or a holiday. What did I miss?”

“You didn’t miss anything.” I laughed. “It’s something I wanted to give you. Open it and find out,” I urged him.

He made a production of opening it slowly, making me threaten him. “If you keep that up, I’m going to take it back.”

He started to tear at it frantically like a little kid. That made me laugh harder. Finally, he ended my torture and opened it. Slowly he lifted his hand and the item inside was in his hand. It was a pink glittery kid’s tiara. Across it were the wordsDaddy’s Lil Princess. His eyes widened and he looked at me.

“Is this for real? We’re having a girl?”

I nodded. “Yes, this is for real. We’re having a baby girl, Adam. What do you think?”

“Seriously, what do I think? I think it’s wonderful, scary as hell and I’ll need to buy more weapons and ammo like my brothers with daughters have. How did you find out? I thought we had to wait another six weeks or so until an ultrasound would show it.”

“We would if we used that method, but there’s now a blood test used to look for genetic abnormalities. The doctor told me about it and I insisted on having it done. I didn’t tell you since I wanted to surprise you. I’ve been dying to tell you since Tuesday.”

He launched himself on top of me, taking me down on the mattress and he kissed the hell out of me. By the time he let me up for air, I was panting, horny as hell, and ready to have him inside of me again. I spread my legs. I was wet. As he stared into my eyes and whispered, “I love you, Cassia Becker. More and more every fucking day. I can’t wait to hold this baby and all the others you give me.” He slid inside me in one hard thrust. I moaned and wrapped my legs around him to let him sink even deeper.

He pounded away and I couldn’t be happier. It didn’t take him long to wring an orgasm out of me and then push me back up toward another. As I peaked with that one, he groaned and came with me. I shouted out, “I love you, Adam Becker, and I’ll happily give you as many babies as you want. Just never stop loving me.”

As we floated back to earth and regained our breath, he kissed me then pulled out. I hated to lose him. He grinned, knowing what I was thinking. “Give me a few minutes then we’re going for round three. You’d better be prepared, that ass is mine.”

I moaned. Since he’d introduced me to full on anal sex, I loved when he decided to go there. Just like he loved it when I got him off by stroking his prostate. I’d sleep like a baby tonight. Marathon sex always did that to me.

The End
