Page 21 of Cowboy Under Siege

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When he plopped the bag he held onto the seat, he froze.

She stared at him. “I heard that clinking noise. Tell me you did not just break my—”

He locked his arms around her and ripped her off her feet. He took off running with her bouncing in his arms. Pavement and cars streaked past her vision. Then he dropped to his knees and threw himself on top of her just as a deafening noise split the air.

Trinny couldn’t see what was going on, but people screamed and the concussion of an explosion echoed on and on and on.

“What was that?” she cried.

He huffed. “That was your truck.”

“It ex-exploded?”

His voice came out gritty next to her ear. “Yeah, it did.”

“Oh my god! No! I didn’t even get to try out my air freshener.”

* * * * *

Jaren groaned. “My Harley.”

Fuck. There was no way it survived the explosion when it was parked right beside her Hummer. Through the black smoke and flames boiling from the parking spots, he couldn’t make out the twisted mass of their vehicles but he knew from the force of the blast that his bike—his baby—was a goner.

At least Trinny’s safe.

He lay on top of her, squashing her to the pavement.

“Get…off…me!” she wheezed.

Right before he threw his body on top of hers, he laid hands on his weapon. The steel bit into his palm, he was gripping it so tightly, but he didn’t let up as he swept his gaze over the parking lot.

People were running away from the blast, and in the distance he heard the low whine of the fire siren.

Seeing that Trinny was safe for the moment, he rolled to the side, allowing her room to breathe. When he looked down at her face, hair trailed across it. She spit out a few strands and shoved a hand against his chest to make him move.

He gave her space, and she pushed herself into a sitting position. Head twisting, she gaped at the scene in horror.

“You blew up my truck?” she rasped.

She wasn’t thinking straight. He took her by the shoulders and forced her eyes to his. “No. I came here to warn you that you’re in danger, but I’m guessing you figured that out.”

“Picked right up on that, thanks!”

He jumped to his feet and reached down for her hand. She allowed him to pull her up but seemed too wobbly to stand without some support. Hooking an arm around her waist, he tugged her against his body.

Shivers rippled through her, and his muscles absorbed them.

With one more scan of the area to make sure there were no immediate threats, he slipped his weapon back into the waist of his jeans and pulled out his phone instead.

Sirens were screaming louder now as fire units, paramedics and police rushed to the scene.

Staring down at Trinny, he assessed her even as he brought his phone to his ear. “It’s me. Got some trouble. Require backup and transport.”

Corrine’s voice projected into his ear. “Jesus Christ, Jaren. Did you have anything to do with that explosion at the shopping center?”

“You got it. Send Lexis to handle the cops. They’re pulling into the parking lot now.”

At his words, Trinny whipped her head to look. Seeing the fear tearing across her pretty features caused his heart to flex. He pulled her closer against his chest, cupping her head to him.
