Page 56 of Cowboy Under Siege

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Hell, he could still feel his fingers pumping inside her and her hot, tight walls squeezing down on him. He curled his fingers to hold in the feel of her.

He handed her the bag, and she peered inside. “Sandwiches? When did you make sandwiches?”

“I didn’t. I texted Ari.”

“Ari doesn’t strike me as the type of woman to make sandwiches.”

“She’s not. But she’s good at delegating.”

They shared a grin that wasmorethan sharing this moment or some turkey on wheat bread. It was sharing a world.

They settled a short distance off the path to eat their meal. The horses grazed and the mountain provided the perfect atmosphere. He didn’t feel the need to talk, and she didn’t either.

Once they’d finished their meal and stowed away the wrappers in the saddlebag, he turned to her and pulled her into his arms. Their simple embrace was loaded with all the emotions he couldn’t make sense of. But he wasn’t about to ignore them. When he got time alone, he would analyze them further.

The trip down the mountain didn’t take nearly as long as it did ascending. When they went into the lodge, she sat down for all of three minutes before jumping up and beginning to pace.

Jaren eyed her. She obviously felt trapped here, and after her fifth trip through the living room, he stood.

Rash decision or not, he was going to bend the rules—again.

“Come on,” he said.

She stopped in her tracks, arms folded across her chest. “Where?”

“Just come with me.”

He put her in the truck and they rode back to the Wynton Ranch. There, parked in front of the office, he spotted Judd’s Harley.

He left the keys to Corrine’s truck he’d been driving in the ignition for his brother to use later once he realized Jaren stole his bike.

When he grabbed the helmet hanging off one handlebar and passed it to Trinny, her eyes widened.

“We’re taking the bike?” she asked.

“Shh. Tighten the strap of the helmet and get on behind me.” He swung his leg over the seat and wrapped his fingers around the grips, his body already humming long before he fired up the engine.

“Wrap your arms around me.”

Once she did, he started the engine and took off for the main highway.

Trinny let out a whoop of delight, and he couldn’t help but grin at the freedom, the feel of the wind on his face and her arms wrapped around him.

He wasn’t stupid, though. Taking her out alone on the open road meant someone could see them. He couldn’t take that risk. But a group of guys he and his brothers often rode with were meeting up. He could guess where they’d be right now and by way of back roads, join their ranks.

Safety in numbers.

They both needed this. She found the sense of belonging she craved with the rodeo. Motorcycles were a part ofhimthat he wanted her to experience.


If Trinny loved riding horses, she loved being on the back of a bike just as much. The world flew by in an up-close-and-personal way that made her feel even more in touch with the universe.

When they first joined the pack of motorcyclists, she wasn’t sure if it was a good idea, but flying down the highway in the middle of the group, nobody questioned who the girl on the back of Jaren’s bike was—they simply accepted her as one of them.

She could see now why Jaren brought her. He was giving her a gift…and sharing a piece of himself. And that touched her to the pit of her soul.

When they stopped along a scenic mountain route with a lookout over a lush green valley, he kept her close to his side. She must have been standing at the railing staring at the view for a good five minutes, lost deep in thought. Then slowly, she grew aware of Jaren beside her. Each time he lifted a bottle of water to his lips, the cloth of his shirt stretched over his hard biceps. Her insides fluttered with the same need she’d been feeling for hours on the back of that bike.
