Page 73 of Cowboy Under Siege

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They reached the office, and he had to pry his attention off the pages so he could walk into the building. Several guys waited there for him, including Jace. His brother’s gaze cut over Jaren.

“You look like hell.”

Judd spoke up. “He’s just been drugged and the woman he loves was kidnapped. Cut him some fucking slack.”

Without a word, Jaren yanked out a chair and set his fingers to a keyboard. In seconds he had Matt Dom’s name typed in a search. He pulled up a photo taken for his ID at Trinny’s family shipping firm.

“Run that through the system,” he barked to Jace.

“On it.” His brother was already doing a deep dive at Corrine’s desktop.

Ross braced a hand on the desk next to Jaren in order to lean in close and examine the photo. Dom was lean, with brown hair and no distinguishing features that Jaren could see. He looked like any average man in the world.

Suddenly Ross straightened. “I think I’ve seen him before.”

Jaren jerked his head around. “Where?”

“Here in Stone Pass. I dropped some gear off at the airstrip for Lexis before he departed for Colorado.”

Jaren ripped his fingers off the keys and jammed them into his hair. “You saw him at theairstrip? That means he was coming or going.”

“Or hanging out watching our moves,” Judd said from a few feet away.

“Jace, we need all the footage from the airstrip and surrounding areas. Did you tap into the lodge’s cameras yet?”

“Looking now.” Images popped up onto the big screen in the corner of the room for all to see. In another corner of the screen, their facial recognition program was running through possible arrest records matching Matt Dom.

“Got him. He flew in two days ago.” Jace’s words sent a chill through Jaren.

“On one of the local flights?” he roughed out.

“Private plane.”

“That timing coincides with me taking the gear to Lexis,” Ross said in the slow way that told them all he was turning the pieces around and around in his mind to fit them together.

“And the cameras at the Modeens?” he asked.

“Looks like they didn’t pick up anything.” Jace sent him a look. In that exchange, Jaren felt as if his brother saw far too much written on his face.

He didn’t give a damn who knew how he felt about Trinny either.

Judd was on the phone with air traffic control. He put it on speaker and Jaren had to force his brain to connect to what was being said.

When he heard the private plane had departed an hour before, he launched out of his seat and stormed to the door. “Get me on a flight—now!”

“Done.” Ross dug into a drawer and came out with a new Wynton Ranch T-shirt and two clips of ammo for Jaren’s weapon off the shelf. “Take these. Judd, you roll as backup.”

“I got his six, boss.” Judd stepped up to Jaren and gripped his shoulder hard. In that moment, he realized exactly what kind of support his brother offered. It wasn’t only a teammate backing him up right now. It was the brotherly bond Jaren could always rely on.

Jace’s fingers connected with the keys again. Mad clacking filled the room. “That flight’s on its way to New York. Your plane will be waiting for you, and your pilot has received our orders. Oh, fuck…” Jace’s curse snapped their heads around.

Jace spun his chair to them, face reddening.

“What is it?” Judd asked.

“Another workplace just popped up on Dom. He worked with Bryan White for a short time before they both quit.”

Bryan White… Another man who called himself The Broker. A man who threatened Jace’s own significant other.
